
21st Century US Economic Wellbeing

Long-term US Economic Wellbeing Up

US Personal Wellbeing

Poverty Isn't poverty Anymore

Income Distribution Getting Capitalistic

Political Stability

Return to 2024 Election Information 7/30/24

Thought for the Week

21st Century US Economic Wellbeing

US Leading Economic Recovery


Economic Lead Increasing


Long-term US Economic Wellbeing is Up

Capitalism is Responsible for Total Wealth 
is responsible for wealth distribution


We Earn More


Consumption per-person up from $10,000 - $40,000

See How Competitive Adjustments have Kept US Prosparity
Changing US Economic Normality 1946 -2015

US Leads the West

Government Spends Less on War


We Leave More to Our Children




Post WW2 Trends Show Big Time Investments,


but More Needed.




Top 5 Parma Benifit Managers
made $7 billion over 5 years


US Leads the West In Guns Killing Children



1950-1980 Liberal: Brown decession led Integration, Social Programs and , with Roe Wade

1981-2016 Conservative, Globalization and Tax Cuts-especially for business and rich

1988-2024 Low interest rates lead to High Business Profit, massive Stock Market Gains.

1950 to 2020 Globalization leads to income inequality as the top 1% do very well and
the lower 25% receive a small income gains and a large wellbeing boost from
Medicare and Medicaid, SS, Tax Credits and SNAP assistance.

2020-2030 wmay be a time of anxiety until some significant event forces change




Personal Wellbeing

We Consume More of Production

Spend Less on Necessities

Most everything is less expensive


Even Health Insurance





Poverty isn't poverty Anymore

Measured Properly, Poverty Drops from
13.3% to 3.5%




Western Democracies Work Less


Have Safer Children


Been Working on Safer Children for Some time



Income Distribution Getting Capitalistic

Low income proportion getting smaller
High income proportion getting lots larger

Middle whites moving mostly up,
Middle Black losing some up matched by those moving down.



Fewer Low and Middle Earners,
Higher Earners Now 50%

Fewer Low Earners, More Higher Earners
Middle Earners Still 45%



Family Net Worth


Political Stability Impotent
with Walter's comments


One big reason US will dominate the future.
Total GDP is needed for international power.
GDP/person is needed for social stability
US way ahead of competitors in both.
Will be for a  long time.


Paranoid Index Up Again