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Panorama of American History Don't Know Much About History by K. Davis 10p Everything You Need To Know About American History But Never Learned American Nations Distinct identities and values slowly became more united. Generations and The Fourth Turning 2p by W. Strauss and N. Howeh Biographies Edited by Walter American: Authors, Presidents, Colonial Politics Leaders, World Political Economy Leaders
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The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality by Columbia Katharina Pistor
Austerity - History of a Dangerous Idea 67min.
Author Interview
56 min.
The Great Deformation
68 min.
David Stockman
Author Interview
57 min.
T. Piketty 21 min.
Globalization and Its Discontents by
Joseph Stiglitz, 62 min.
Steve Kr\eene
The New Economics-a-manifesto
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The Effect of Income Tax Rates on the Economy
Why People Continue To Believe Stupid Economic Ideas?
Democratic Capitalism
vs. Capitalistic Democracy
7 Deadly Innocent Frauds of Economic Policy from Mosler
Rights and Wrongs of the Dismal Science
Economic Cycles Studies
Where Have All the Good Jobs Gone?
Economic Normality 1945-2015 p 2
Post WW2 Competitive Adjustment
Great Recession 3 p &
1 p
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Adam Smith
Austrian Tradition in Economics
Business Book Summaries
on Political Economy
CBO's Budget And Economic Outlook 2017- 2027
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
Democratic Capitalism vs. Capitalistic Democracy
Economic Report of the President 2017
Economic Report of the President Collection
Legal System, Outline of U.S.
Liberalism, Constitutionalism and Democracy
Libertarianism Encyclopedia
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Macroeconomic Trouble
Political Economy Controversies,
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Monetary Policy and Economic Research Boston
Forefront Winter 2016–2017 Cleveland
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GDP Now Richman
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Regional Economist Q2 St. Louis
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The FRED BLOG St. Louis
Fed Views: October 12, 2017 San Francisco
The Full Employment Mandate of the Federal Reserve
Economic Question
Short-term Economic
Trump Keeping Economy In
Good Shape?
Will Trump Tax Cuts
Is Back, Is There Going To Be Trouble?
Stock Market Too High?
U.S. Headed for Recession?
Economic Questions
Will Inflation/Growth Tame the Deficit
2. Will Debt End Capitalism?
Jobs Loss to AI Growth
Dollar Privilege Continuation
Disposition of Illegal Immigrants
Is Income Inequality Affecting Growth?
Macro Textbook Chapter 3: Thinking Like an Economist
How to Think Like an Economist
(If, That Is, You Wish to...)
Optional Teaching Topic: How to Think Like an Economist... (Provided,
That Is, You Wish to...) (Recommended Readings
Thanks W. Antoniotti antonw@ix.netcom.co
The Law of Returns Under Competitive Conditions,
Piero Sraffa. Sraffa makes an early case against marginalist theories of the
firm based on their observed behavior, particularly their use of spare capacity
and absence of increasing marginal costs.
Economic Philosophy, Joan Robinson.
Gives an overview of economic thought, showing how it is almost always
impossibly intertwined with ideology.
IS/LM: an explanation, John Hicks. The
creator of IS/LM critiques IS/LM, based largely on the confusion surrounding
Keynes’ use of ‘uncertainty’.
Modern critiques
What Is Neoclassical Economics?, Yanis
Varoufakis and Christian Arsnberger. The article that was set for our first
reading group, this tries to define neoclassical economics rigorously.
What is this ‘school’ called neoclassical economics?,
Tony Lawson. Does the same as the above article, but adopts a slightly
different, broader definition to Varoufakis and Arsnperger.
Neoclassical Economics: A Most Peculiar Failure,
Yanis Varoufakis. Notes the surprising resilience of the neoclassical paradigm
given its remarkable failure in the recent crisis.
Debunking Economics, Steve Keen. Takes
aim at numerous neoclassical theories for internal inconsistency, and presents
an alternative model of the macroeconomy, suitable for modeling financial
The Skeptical Economist: Revealing the Ethics Inside Economics,
Jonathan Aldred. Throws doubt on a lot of the ‘value-free’, market-based ideas
implied by economics and economists.
Georgism/Land Economics
Progress and Poverty, Henry George.
Regarded by himself and his followers as the ultimate solution, this book
outlines the role land plays in extracting economic rent, making the economy
less productive and producing poverty.
The Use of Knowledge in Society,
Friedrich Hayek. Hayek defends a market economy over planning on the basis of
imperfect knowledge and disequilibrium.
History of Thought
The Worldly Philosophers, Robert L
Heilbroner. The classic text for the history of thought, that should need no
introduction. Sketches out the development of economic thought from Adam Smith
through Karl Marx to neoclassical economists and Keynes.
Adam’s Fallacy: A Guide to Economic Theology, Duncan Foley. Has the same theme as above, but also traces the history of the idea that the economic sphere is a separate, ‘natural’ phenomenon with which we cannot interfere. An excellent introduction to the history of thought from a heterodox perspective.
Reclaiming Marx’s Capital: A Refutation of the Myth of
Inconsistency by Andrew Kliman. An excellent and
simple exposition of the labour theory of value. Mathematical, but mostly just
tables and arithmetic, and clears up the confusion. Aims to show that the labour
theory of value is a coherent, valid theory, though it makes no attempt to
discern whether it is correct.
The Failure of Capitalist Production: Underlying Causes of the
Great Recession. The same author as above tries to
make the empirical case for the labour theory of value based on the tendency of
the rate of profit to fall, and relates it to the 2008 financial crisis. Paste
this link into your browser to get 30% off this book! http://bit.ly/qcCMGr
hemed ‘post crash’ reading list.
Institutional Economics
How Markets Work: Demand, Supply and the ‘Real World’,
Robert Prasch. Builds up some alternative theories of demand-supply and makes
some interesting ethical/political observations along the way. Short, readable
and available from the University Library.
Institutional Economics: Surveying the ‘Old’ and the ‘New’, Geoff Hodgson takes a look at both ‘types’ of institutional economics, debating the relative pros and cons of each.
erso Books have also published a
Organisations and Markets, Herbert
Simon argues that organisations – firms, governments, unions and so forth – are
really the dominant way resources are allocated in society, and that economics
should shift away from its focus on markets to reflect this.
Debt: the First 5000 Years, David
Graeber. Graeber outlines what he calls the “myth of barter”, stated by many
economics textbooks, which argues that money arose because it helped people
exchange cows and chickens more easily. He shows that this is not borne out by
the historical record: historically, societies have engaged in ‘trade’ through
credit relations.
Austrian Economics
Keynes Betrayed: The General Theory, the Rate of Interest and
‘Keynesian’ Economics, Geoff Tily. Discusses the
difference between ‘Keynes’ as taught in classrooms and Keynes’ own theories.
Relevant to contemporary debates about monetary policy.
The Financial Crisis
One Saw This Coming“, Dirk J Bezemer. Notes the 11
economists who made sound predictions of when the financial crisis would happen
and how it would happen.
Whoops!, John Lanchester. The most readable introduction to the financial crisis, written by a journalist. Great if you can’t separate your AIGs from your CDOs.
ECONNED, Yves Smith. Probably the best
book on ‘what happened’ the financial crisis, and also links in the role of
economic theories.
The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions, Irving Fisher. Short outline of how an indebted economy can suffer from prolonged deflationary depressions, written by Fisher after his faith was shaken in the 1929 stock market crash. Relevant to the recent crisis.
Other Sciences on Economics
Economyths, David Orrell. An Applied
mathematician takes his toolkit to mainstream economics. Highly readable and a
great introduction to the dynamic thinking used in many natural sciences.
The New Evolutionary Economics, Jason
Pott. A biological/game theoretical/Schumpeterian perspective on firms,
complexity and expectations.
The Origin of Wealth, Eric Beinhocker.
Uses complexity science and ideas from various disciplines, most notably
biology, to model the economy as a network.
Worrying Trends in Econophysics, Keen
et. al. A group of heterodox economists criticise physicists’ attempts at
economics. Econophysicist Joseph McCauley also has a rebuttal.
Mainstream Economics
The Undercover Economist, Tim Harford.
The best introduction to economists’ ‘way of thinking’: readable, lucid, and
The Accidental Theorist, Paul Krugman.
A nice collection of short stories designed to elucidate certain theories
endorsed by mainstream economists.
Taking Economics Seriously, Dean Baker.
Defends the field of economics from some common criticisms, arguing that it has
tools suitable for event such as the crisis – if only economists would use them.
The Elusive Quest for Growth, William
Easterly. An empirical, mainstream survey of various development panaceas and
their discontents.
Kicking Away the Ladder, Ha-Joon Chang.
Dr Chang, who spoke in our first guest lecture, discusses the rich countries’
use of industrial policy during their development phase, and their subsequent
dismissal of the policy for currently poor countries.
Bad Samaritans, Ha-Joon Chang. The follow up to the above, this is more polemic and looks at the interests and institutions behind ‘free trade’ deals. Contains resposnes to critics of KAtL (such as Easterly above).
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