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File 10 does not have questions for homework. File 11 Questions for homework A. Classical economics offered Say's Law (supply creates its own demand) B. Keynes felt the economy would not self-adjust to full employment of
economic resources. 2. Explain the 2 basic theories which gave support to classical economics. (see figure 27) A. Say's Law 1. Supply creates enough factor income to clear the market 2. Saving is not a leakage because interest rates adjust to assure saving is
borrowed and Note: Leakage describes the loss of a variable required to maintain a process
or to B. Price-wage flexibility 1. During periods of slow economic activity, wage rates would fall and everyone
wanting 2. During periods of slow economic activity, all factor prices, not just wages,
would 3. Why did Keynes feel that classical economics did not adequately explain economic A. Investment was low because profit potential was low. In addition, interest
rates B. Wages do not decrease when economic conditions worsen because of the monopoly
power 4. Demonstrate how the classical and Keynesian models describing aggregate
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