Post Secondary |
Education-Historical Advise Confucius "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don't stop. E. Forster "Spoon feeding ... teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon." A. Kohn homework doesn't help young students. A. Greenspan education reform will take years. See Year-round calendar. Plato
"Do not train a child to learn by force of
harshness; T. Cowen treat best students special, others should be motivated. P. Drucker emphasize what learners do well. See Special Intelligence
Heckman “The highest rate of return
in early childhood development L. Thurow We get a small payoff from little bit more education. F. Pryor and D. Schaffer poor graduates got low level jobs. : Rising wage premium for higher education is over.C. Murray More investing in our best and brightest W Antoniotti academic education often not appropriate beyond basics. Please Visit Educating the Class of 2038 |
Step 2 Redesigned to Meet Parental Goals
Laboratories of democracy
Classroom Technology Holds Students Back
Editor's Note:
FED Rules and Money Did Not Increase Testing Results
Education Poll Results
Please share! |
Good News Education Increased Success
Bad News Throughout this [post Great Recession] expansion, aggregate real wage growth has been slower than expected given its historical relationship with traditional measures of slack. However, that has not been uniformly the case. Of particular note, real wage growth of male high school graduates and dropouts has been relatively strong over this expansion.
Much of the
disappointing real wage growth has been among
college-educated workers, especially
college-educated workers in their fifties
and sixties,
who have seen virtually no cyclical
improvement during this expansion.
New York City Faces
#3. Adopt Individualized Curriculum Base Primary Education on Determining a Student's Special Intelligence.
1) Special
Intelligence is
above average ability a person has in one or more areas of the multiple
intelligences which include Mathematical, Spatial, Bodily Movement,
Verbal, Interpersonal,
and Intrapersonal. Curriculum should maximize special intelligence.
A year-round school calendar of four twelve-week terms
with 4 plus 2 hour
days for Secondary Education will improve learning and
decrease cost.
Achievement in the First 2 Years
#4. Test Scores and
Education in a World of Multiple Intelligence
What Should Education Accomplish
Who is Responsible for Education in America
#5. Improve Federal Education Grants
thought of the states as Laboratories of Democracies.
Editor: Switching
to a block grant allotment of
funds is a good idea. that can not be managed. Inspired by Storm Before the Calm.
Federal Block Grants Could Help Solve American schools are facing a growing shortage of teachers
Does grade inflation and
everyone graduates
Post Secondary Recommendations Prelude:
Lawrence Summers, The Future of Work (2015)
10% are 30 days or more past due |
7 ways $1.6 trillion in student loan debt affects the U.S. economy
2. Loan Forgiveness Alternatives Summary of Forgiveness Isn’t Divine When It Comes to
Student Debt Democrats want a generous taxpayer-funded fix for the high student debt problem. President Trump is interested in developing a competing plan.
High earners bear an outsize
share of student debt, but
1. Give
every student borrower a
refundable tax credit.
Add to the
current payment reduction
Replace the Pell Grant program
with a savings account.
4. Simplification of the repayment
Combine repayment of multiple
loans into a single loan
Ms. Akers is a
senior fellow at the Manhattan
Institute and author of
3. Base Graduate School Loans
Consider Making
4. College Transparency
Too many students are ill-served by
Source “Mapping Out Common Ground on Accountability in Higher Education.” by L Erickson, F Hess
Increased Financial Aid and expected easy repayment plans |
I stopped reading
Economics of Investing in College For a few More Academic Education, Means Work and More Income |
Cost-Effective Poverty Investing |
GDP Grew,
Helping the Poor Grew More
Both Parties Help to The Poor
Tax Credits Have Highest Return
Work Requirements Hurting Very Poor Children Safety Net Investments in Children Report
![]() |
Quick Notes on Child Income Tax Credit
Fraud is a Problem The Bureau of Economic Analysis published a report in 2012 that does that for 2010. Placed side-by-side with the Census Bureau income figures that underlie its poverty stats, the differences are striking—particularly for the poorest and richest U.S. households Source
Still Earn
U.S. Median Income Families Live Well
Consider Creating a Poor People Standard of Living Report from the CBO. |
Consider the
Politics of
the "real"
Fake News
Source aei.org Please Share! |
Serious Problem #1
Jobs of the future are clustering in a handful of U.S. cities
Serious Problem #2 Fewer Young Rural Workers Work
![]() |
Editor's Note: CV-19 May Change This |
Workers paid to leave
![]() |
is Bailing Out Rural Areas
Business Keeps Minimum Wage Low
See Rural Population Loss And Strategies For Recovery
Study #1 American Enterprise
Bloomberg Opinion: Against Minimum Wage Increase
Here is AEI Data
Study #2 Wage and Employment Grew in NY
New York Fed economists Jason Bram, Faith Karahan and Brenda
Editor's Note:
Not the first
time an economist has reported
appears to be a legitimate answer
Associates |
More Support for
Recommendation 2.
Michael Lipsitz of Miami University and Evan Starr of the University of Maryland. |
Recommendation 3.
7.8 million
illegal aliens took US Jobs
in 2016
See Weakened labor movement leads to rising economic inequality By Heidi Shierholz
Recommendation 5
Solving the "Real'
Problem is a Challenge |
Many of the nation's current pathologies
are centered in the majority-white
population of rural America, heavily hit by the
Opioid crisis and facing falling populations, job
losses and rising suicide rates, Axios' Stef Kight
The big picture: Political and economic power is shifting to the cities, and 20% of the population — 46 million people — is being left behind in the middle of America.
Let’s say you were born, grew
As an adult, you’re more likely
suffer from
obesity, mental health issues,
As you get older,
What's next: Technological advancements such as 5G and automated vehicles won't directly make life harder for rural America, but instead will fuel inequality by making life that much easier for urban America.
Recommendation 6 Few knowledgeable people no vested interest in government training
expenditures Companies know what is best and
Laboratories of Democracy
approach where
Laboratories of Democracy
approach where |
The Politics of Socialism | |
Political Basics |
21st Century Party Politics 1/11/24 |
1. Democratic Socialism is an economic system modified by Democracy Principles with state ownership of key industries with wellbeing emphasised. It is followed in Great Britain and most of Western Europe. GB has just a bit more capitalism because of the Thatcher influence. Ronal Reagan followed.
3. Democratic Capitalism of the US has a little socialism and is a mixed economy modified by Democracy Principles with an emphasis on business/individual opportunity with measurable concerns for individual wellbeing. Government Departments report to the President, managed by Civil Service Administrators under the influence of, and often captured by, interest groups.
4. Capitalistic Democracy Government Departments are profit centers supervised by the General Accounting and Comptroller of the Currency.
Recommendation: Describe U.S. Capitalism as a Mixed Economy Receipt for Successful Capitalism: Take the basic Ingratiates of Capitalism, add a little socialism to negate creative destruction while properly consider the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Result: A Century Plus of Baking Success: Business Regulation by TR, Socials Security by FDR, Medicare, Medicaid, Safety Net by LBJ, Medicare Part D by GWB, with Obamacare as a Work in Process. |
![]() |
Democratic Capitalism
Regulation and
control Treasury and the Federal Reserve are manned by capitalists who used big money from Wall Street to get their appointments. These people believe Wall Street is the heart of capitalism and protect it, and when finished with their government service, return to wall street. |
Consider Capitalistic Democracy
Regulation and
control IRS is an incentive based profit center which throws a party for its biggest clients, the rich who pay a lot of taxes. |
Government Investment
IRS is managed as a typical
government agency begging money form congress.
Government Investment
Treasury and the Federal
are manned by equally apportioned bankers, company finance people,
academics, and career civil servants.
Capital gains are divided into long, Intermediate, short
term with tax rates inversely related to time.
gaming the regulation process
Should We Adjust the Ingredients of Our Mixed Economy by
1. Make Safety Net More Accountable, |
Editor's Take: The Constitution was Designed to put checks and Balances on Majority Rule. As time passed, the fear of anarchy from majority rule has lessened. Making economic wellbeing "a right" created a second major federal responsibility. Conflict with securing natural rights developed.
Supreme Court, the final arbiter on
natural rights,
Should protecting natural rights be the ultimate goal? Editor's Questions: Would requiring cost effectiveness help? Would eliminating federal grants to states make U.S. more Federalists? Hoe can we make Supreme Court decisions more tolerable? Could Libertarians, Conservatives and Liberal Unit Around Cost Effectiveness? |
Government's Industrial
Policy 5G Military Industrial Technological Complexis required to defend America. American technology depends on a working collaborative partnership among industry, the academy and government. America’s private non-residential investment is about 14% of GDP and in line with its long-term average. But less money is being put into structures and equipment, more into Intellectual Property. In America IP now accounts for about one-third of non-residential investment, up from a fifth in the 1980s. The Pentagon increased Other Transactions Authority (OTA) AE contracts, creating more prototyping, research and development opportunities and an okay to innovate environment. Source: Raytheon senior solutions architect told Business Insider. From 2016-18 OTA prototyping up from $1.4 billion-$3.7 billion and awards up sing from 248- 618 from Source GAO businessinsider.com/
Recommendation: Cost Effectiveness replaces less spending, the
budget will take care of itself.
First Collaboration
Google Data Centers’ Much Water
Goal of Phoenix Water Conservation Campaign:
Problem #2:
Google, |
Is US Net Investment Drop Bad?
The Good:
Third Industrial Revolution Investments are less cost. Business RD Investment, US Has 5 of top 10
Business Invests
Source: EIB |
![]() |
American Capitalism Adjusted Early
U.S. Most Competitive
Is US More Socialist Then Advertised?
U.S. Funds Social Security Well
Social Security is Not a
Economic Growth Will Determined if Current Benefits |
Europe Wants More Taxes from American Companies
The Nature of Democratic
Modern Republican Theory Basics (1) popular self-governance by the political community (2) individual liberties protected from government and social interference (3) equality Complications All values matter but they are sometimes in conflict and emphasizing or choosing one over the others creates political anxiety.Adding to political system complications are changing social, economic, and technological modernity. Continuous unprecedented changes cause society unhappiness which limits political control or change. (4) communal or national preservation (5) economic and material modernization.
Why Republicans Appeal to the White Working Class Political appeal traces to Henry Clay and Andrew Jackson.
Clay Republicans saw an
integrated and interconnected economy.
Workers and owners share a fate.
Democrats saw workers/owners class divide
where owners enrich themselves at worker expense.
Democrats received an enormous working class boost
from the 1935 National Labor Relations Act
Democrats now appeal to
rights and environmentalism
with less to offer the white working class.
Democrats were helped by
African Americans voting
following the
1965 Voting Rights Act.
Abortion has universally increased voter constitution.
Free trade
was defended by
Post-war Republicans
because it helped America |
The current clash in Congress over whether to "...impeach.... has extended to more than two centuries
The Original Debate Massachusetts merchant Elbridge Gerry moved for “.
. New York’s Governor Morris scoffed at Gerry’s proposal George Mason riposted, “No point is of more importance than that of the right of impeachment. Shall any man be above Justice…
Benjamin Franklin: Impeachment "... would be the best way to provide... regular punishment of the Executive..." or for honorable acquittal. James Madison: required for defending the community against incapacity, negligence, or perfidy..." "He might lose his capacity... pervert his administration into a scheme... betray his trust to foreign powers." Charles Pinckney drawled impeachment would destroy his independence. Gerry shot up. “A good magistrate will not fear them. A bad one ought to be kept in fear of them,” Virginia Governor Edmund Randolph. Guilt ought to be punished to avoid power. Morris climaxed his argument with a stirring assertion: “This Magistrate is not the king! The people are the king!” six states voted "ay"--Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. two voted no S. Carolina/Georgia Requirement: treason with at least two witnesses needed to convict.
Eight states voted yes, two voted no.
Section 4 of Article II: “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Upon final approval; Patrick "Henry stared at the old man in disbelief: “O, Sir!” he replied softly. “We should have fine times indeed, if, to punish tyrants, it were only sufficient to assemble the people. Did you ever read of any revolution in any nation, brought about by the punishment of those in power, inflicted by those who had no power at all?” Virginia’s convention ignored Henry’s objections but it left unanswered Henry’s question. After 230 years, the question still awaits an answer from Congress. Epilog |
1) Has America Lost Her
International Greatness. Her Economic Greatness |
2) Post WW2 Political Economy
Economics and Politics
21st Century Geopolitical Options
Geopolitics of 20th Century Wars
3. Is U.S. Capital
Investors on Hold
Silent Generation was Rewarded for Should be an Interesting Confrontation.
4. Huston "We Have a Problem"
Interesting Link Source 1 p.48. Source 2
![]() Note: Scale is a little off?
We propose a preliminary but
plausible story in which
cumulative disadvantage
over life, in the labor market, in
marriage and child outcomes, and in health, is triggered by
progressively worsening labor market opportunities at the
time of entry for whites with low levels of education. This account, which fits much of the data, has the profoundly negative implication that policies, even ones that successfully improve earnings and jobs, or redistribute income, will take many years to reverse the mortality and morbidity increase, and that those in midlife now are likely to do much worse in old age than those currently older than 65. This is in contrast to an account in which resources affect health contemporaneously, so that those in midlife now can expect to do better in old age as they receive Social Security and Medicare. None of this implies that there are no policy levers to be pulled; preventing the over-prescription of Opioid is an obvious target that would clearly be helpful.
5. Solving Technology Fear from GZERO Technology is changing faster than people or governments can keep up. The move to an information economy is rapidly displacing old industries. People subjected to a continual barrage of news and data feel anxious and alienated. They're suffering from "information overload." These ideas could easily be part of a stock description of life at the beginning of the 2020s. In fact, they were first popularized half a century ago, in 1970, when the author Alvin Toffler and his wife Heidi, later credited by Alvin as co-author, published their book, Future Shock. The Tofflers were trying to make sense of a world moving faster and faster, thanks to jet travel, mass media, the birth control pill, and the then-still-very-nascent computer revolution, leaving people and society struggling to cope. Some of these concerns may seem quaint or dated (check out the documentary film about the book, which opens with a Pan-Am jet and a middle-aged Orson Wells walking through an airport puffing a cigar), but many of the trends it identified are still relevant: today's policymakers, business leaders, and citizens face a new wave of technology-related angst. Artificial intelligence, automation, and viral disinformation are leaving people alienated, disrupting traditional institutions, and raising concerns about the future of democracy. What lessons can this 50-year-old book offer? Here are two ways to look at it - one positive, and one slightly more pessimistic: The world (and democracy) survived the "future shock" of the 1970s – it will do so again. While the Tofflers may have put their finger on an important trend, the world didn't fall apart after 1970. Future Shock also arguably put too much stock in the idea of accelerating change as the culprit behind the "malaise, mass neurosis, irrationality and free-floating violence" of its time and too little stock in society's ability to adapt to technological disruption.
People, governments and other important institutions adapted to the technological changes of a previous era, and they can do it again. In another 50 years, social scientists may look back on today's big sources of tech-driven angst and see either overblown worries or other factors besides technology as the main drivers of disruptive trends. In other words, don't underestimate the power of human beings to change. We've been doing it for a long time. Future Shock was before its time: It wasn't technological change itself that the Tofflers were worried about. It was the accelerating pace of change. The world we live in today is scarcely recognizable from 1970, and not just because you can no longer smoke in the airport. The information overload wrought by the internet and smartphone revolution will only increase as technologies like artificial intelligence and ultra-fast 5G networks lead to an exponential increase in the amount of data that people, governments, and criminals can access. As another futurist, the novelist William Gibson might say, the Future Shock is here, it just isn't evenly distributed. Readers, which of these interpretations do you think is correct? Let us know here.
Change Will Continue The 2010s saw collective transformation of how we work, live and learn. We begin the 2020s with 25 times as much digital data on the planet as when the past decade began. Change of this magnitude is never easy. It's why we live in both an era of opportunity and an age of anxiety. The indirect impacts of technology are moving some people and communities forward while leaving others behind. The populism and nationalism of our time have their roots in the enormous global and societal changes that technology has unleashed. And the rising economic power of large companies – perhaps especially those that are both tech platforms and content aggregators – has brought renewed focus to antitrust laws. This is the backdrop for the top ten technology issues of the 2020s. Read them here.
The years 1968, 1969, and 1970 had
many noticeable events:
Did these events permanently increase our impatience
with government? The question is probably too big, but the concept is interesting.
World Getting Better