Unit 47 problems with answers from http://www.textbooksfree.org/
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Unit 47 Statistics and Probability
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1) Calculate the mean, median, mode, and range for these numbers. 1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 7

A) mean _____

B) median _____

C) mode _____

D) range _____

2) Because the numbers in question 1 are balanced around the mean, the data may be referred to as __________________ .

3) Calculate the mean, median, mode, and range for these numbers. 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 9,11

A) mean _____

B) median _____

C) mode _____

D) range _____

4) If the probability of something happening is , the event is likely to happen:

A) less than the time B) always C) more than D) never Answer ____

5) A hat contains 5 red cards, 4 blue cards, and 1
green card. What is the probability of drawing a blue card?

What is the probability of drawing two red cards in a
row if the first red card drawn is put back in the hat? ____________

6) If you hit this dart board with one toss, what is the probability of hitting a 1?