Major Political Economy Events 1900 - 2019


Prelude to U.S. Hegemony
Social Change Begins in earnest 1900-
19th Century Ended
with Monarchs in control, liberal economic thought expanding.
1900-09  A severe recession brings the need for a government take-over of central banking
1910-19 FED becomes Lender of Last Resort, labor unrest results in gains, WW 1, 1st Red Scare
1920-29 Recession, then Wall Street dominate, Probation, 19 Amendment

1930-39 Great Depression, Keynes Wins, Communism affects Western Politics



U.S. Hegemony 1940-1985

1940-1985 High War/Baby Boomer Demand Caused Strong Economic Growth
1940-1945 WW 2     
1945-1985 Cold War Berlin Wall, Hungarian Revolt/Suez Canal/Bay of Pigs, Watergate,
1950-1953 Korean War
1955-1975 Vietnam War/Civil Rights
1970-1985 The Great Inflation
1986 2000 Cold War Ends,
Continuous Economic Growth With Low Inflation

Transition To and from Globalization 1985-2022

2001-2020 Anxiety of 9/11 Wars, Great Recession, Populism Leads to Trump
2020-     Covid Speeds up Transition to a Redefined US Hegemony

Hover Institute 100 year video

One Hundred Years of War, Revolution, and Peace video

Historians Niall Ferguson and Victor Davis Hanson discuss the seminal events of the last century—
the two World Wars, the Great Depression, the rise and fall of Soviet communism, and the advent
of modernism and globalization—and how Hoover Institution scholars, informed by the lessons of history,
have interpreted these tragedies and challenges.

Labor and Capital Market Policy: From Ideas to Actions over One Hundred Years video

how ideas about the roles of government and private enterprise have changed,
how good ideas stressing economic freedom can be advanced into action, and
the influence of globalization on the ability of governments to apply good ideas
to capital flows and immigration