Human Anatomy Video Lectures

Updated 2/10/17       Please Share  

Integrative Biology 131:
General Human Anatomy.
Professor Marian Diamond of UCBerkeley  

Additional Learning Materials

22: Neurohistology
23: Axon
24: Structural Classification of Neurons
25: Derivatives of the Neural Tube
26: Cranial Nerves

27: Sensory and Motor . . .

28: Motor Pathways and. . ..
29: Forebrain and the Eye
30: Cerebral Cortical Cells

31: Review



Additional Learning Materials

Human Anatomy from wikipedia
has good graphics

Help With Anatomy
Lone Star CC Biology Page
has good interactive tutoring

Human Anatomy On-line -
Basic anatomical detail, schematic views
of the human body.

Instant Anatomy - Diagrams, tips, and mnemonics for remembering important aspects of anatomy, with lists of questions that bring out the relevance and test understanding of basic principles.

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