Political Economy in 2018
the Age of Trump

U.S. Economy

Geopolitical Issues

Political Junkie Sites

Historyof Political Economy

 Updated 6/25/18 Please Share

U.S. Economy

1A WARNING!!! Trump to Face Imploding Economy in 2017
David Stockman  author, former businessman and U.S. politician who served as a Republican U.S.

1B) Trump Will be Good for the Economy, Bad for Wall Street 5/23/16
David Rosen is a respected Wall Street Canadian economist
who like most pendants is correct about half the time.
He predicts Trump may win with Sander's supports. 4:27


Geopolitical Issues

2A) It’s Going to Get Worse: More Financial Crises Coming 5/25/16
from Neil Howe author of Generations and The Fourth Turning.
Problem, his life's work revolves around predicting the current crisis.8:03

2B) 3 Big Risks To The Global Economy This Year 5/27/16
from Anatole Kaletsky well-known British financial journalist. 5:59

2C) Potential risk of a recession?  10/13/17

3A) Trump Reflects a Global Political Shift  2/3/16
from George Friedman  an internationally geopolitical forecaster
and strategist on international affairs
thinks the most authentic candidate will win. 6:57

3B) How The Trump Administration Is Running The U.S. Department of Agriculture 11/9/17
M. Lewis on C. Rose

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