Exploring the Internet

Job Categories

Vocation Central

In the News

Job Finding Sites

Career Enhancement Sites

Blogs, Books, Magazines

Related Sites

Career Path Options

Education and Income

Career Basics Handbook

Executive Summary

 7/11/24  Please link to and Share 

Career Exploration

Pay Scale Com has useful career information.

bloomberg 2022-10-12/salaries

Middle Class Careers in Growth and Decline

City Town Info has career, school and location info.

Index College Major Quiz lets you explore which major match your personality?

Occupational Outlook Handbook from the US Department of Labor has information on jobs, working conditions, the training and education needed, earnings, and expected job prospects in a wide range.



Vocational Central

Vocational Information Career Center
has help in these areas.

Careers      Skills      Schools   

Job Market      For Educators

Google Career Certificates


Information by Job Category

Accounting Career Guide

Fab Five of Student Jobs

accounting, consulting, finance, marketing, non-profit


theblueline.com/ police and fire

Most Sought After Careers
College Graduates

Careers for HS Graduates

Job Finding Sites

True Careers information by major and state.

I-Resign.com has "... writing a kiss-off

Allstarjobs  Employment Agencies, Job Banks,
Newspaper Classifieds, Resume Services
Career Resources.

l resign Letter,



In the News

Talent + Effort = Success

Internship Important to New Job

The Underemployed College Graduate

Does Your College Major Matter
 to Career Success?

Getting a Government Job/



Career Enhancement Sites

6 Essential Characteristics of Successful People

Study Hacks Blog Decoding Patterns of Success

The Ladders leads to the top.

Career Plan Video is quick

Careerkey.org/index  "for students&people seeking a career change."

Become a Project Manager Without a Degree

Blogs, Books, and Magazines are mid career oriented
Penelope Trunk Careers
Advice at the intersection of work and life
Career Hub
free career advise from experts

Options After Graduation

Certificates Volunteer


 "...we find no evidence of improved earnings post-enrollment for students in any of the top ten for-profit fields..."   NBER

5 Proud Alternatives To Going To College

How to Build a Successful Life Without a Four-Year Degree

Google Career Certificates

Northern Virginia Community College has an Extended Learning Institute  


Most Sought After Entry Level Jobs         Return to Index



 Career Game Plan