Who Is Responsible for Education in America

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  1st) The Student In a capitalist, democratic republican, responsibility begins with the individual.
  2nd) Parents Their responsibility begins at conception, a time when both parents must be healthy.
It continues while the child is brought to term, a time when the mother must be physically and
emotionally healthy. While responsibility continues throughout the child's life, during the first
few years the child must be raised in a caring, stimulating environment.
  3rd) Society Everyone has a never ending responsibility for both the academic and social
well-being of our children, even if it is irrelevant one's own endeavors.
  4th) Teachers, School Administrators and School Boards are fourth not because they are not
important. Rather, it recognizes that others have earlier important responsibilities.
These groups are combined because one can't succeed without the other.
See Local Community Prioritizes Goals
  5th) State Policy Makers This group is last so others on the list can't avoid their responsibility.
6th)  Federal Government Provide funds and information needed by others to implement process



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No amount of money can change this.

The next time you judge our educational system,
keep this fact in mind.

Average mathematical students not only do not do well in algebra,
it causes a them to turn off math.

Students with poor memories do not do well in
 foreign languages, biology, history...

 All the investment in the world will not change this.

But algebra ability is required by less than 10% of the occupations.

Memory improvement should be available early.

Being good with people is much more useful.

Source Education Libraries