U.S. Terror/Anxiety Episodes Since 1900
Return to Terrorist Internet Library Updated 2/19/19   Please link to ,use as textbook, and share.

Periods Post WW1 Red Scare of 1919 Post WW2 Cold War Red Scare Turmoil 1960 to 1975 Post 9/11 War on Terror

Early Labor Gains The 1909 Uprising of 20,000 strike lowered work hours to 48 plus overtime, a 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Fire killed 146 mostly young women and resulted in 8 safety laws, the Ludlow Massacre of 1914 killed 75 and little gain but mine safety improved.

Pro Labor Laws of the 1930's protected worker's union rights, prohibited employers from interfering with legal union activities, required employees be 17, required a minimum wage and overtime over 40 hours per week but not on over an 8 hours day without OT.

Civil Rights Movement Intensifies in 1950's as separate but equal ends, Rosa Park would not go to the back of the bus, and Federal Troops enforce Arkansas integration1959 Landrum Griffin Act goes after union corruption.

U.S. and Brittan help over throw Iran's 1951 Democratic Government to control Iran's oil.
Carter administration angers conservative Iranian Muslims leading to a 1979-81 hostage crisis. US continuing Support of Israel, Iranian sanctions, and US military in Saudi Arabia

Economy Post WW1 recession, then better economy.
Worker gains were often reversed especially after
failure of the 1919 Steel Strike.
Post WW2 Recession and
then strong recovery
Long Prosperity Ends
with 1972-83 Stagflation
caused by 2 oil embargos
Dotcom bubble burst  recession ends quickly then Great Recession awakens US to the Stagnate Middle Income.
Causes Communist International declares world dominance, US Labor Movement joined world-wide populist attempts to increase  wages, improved working conditions and  limit  immigration. Russia has Atomic Bomb, Hydrogen Bomb
US Communist Cells proliferate
Communism succeeds in China
Korean War resulted when communist aided
 N. Korea invades S. Korea.
Many Riots for Black Equality and from Anti-Vietnam College Campuses.

Iran Oil Policy by Western Governments
Policy Mistakes by Bush2 and Clinton
User Generated Content from social media creates Interne Herding

Specific Events Seattle General Strike required troops to
maintain order during a 5-day city paralysis.
Boston Police Strike had State Guard limit
damage during two nights of violence.
Steel Strike government supported Steel Industry.
Race Riots killed 165+.
Anarchist Bombings terrorized two cities.
Relevant Videos
1946 Churchill's Iron Curtain speech
1948 Berlin Blockade pits US and USSR
1950 McCarthyism hits  many as Communist
1950 Failed assassination by two foreign nationals 1951 MacArthur fired for nuclear weapons talk
1954 Army-McCarthy hearings ends scare
1961 Berlin Wall Built
1962 Church Bombing 4 children die
1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
1963-JK, MLK, RK assassinated
1965 Malcolm X Assassinated
1965 Watts Riot 34 rioters killed
1970 Kent State 4 students killed

1951 Iranian Coup sponsored by U.S.
2000 Millennium Change apprehension
2001 9/11 largest recent Terror attack
2003  US Iraq begins a long malaise
2007 The Great Recession
2010 Synthetic Life means a Brave New World

Media Response Print and Video Coverage was pro-business, against both labor unions and Communists Anarchist. Government Creates Fear with Media
Media Aided McCarthyism and then Buried It
Coverage Differed for Race vs. War
As Compared to Ferguson
Online Media create user based content
Coverage terrorism, foreign policy replaced drugs, crime and tech/space
Political Response 1918 Sedition Act to protect wartime morale by deporting putatively undesirable foreigners.
Palmer Raids had U.S. Attorney General targeting  left-leaning Communist labor agitating immigrants by arresting 10,000, jailing 3,500 and deporting 556 resident aliens.  "Criminal Syndicalism" state laws outlawing advocacy of violence in effecting and securing social change. Source
1947 Truman Doctrine  to contain Communism.
1947 Taft Hartley Act anti-union regulations
1948 Selective Service Act military draft
1950 McCarran Internal Security Act limits communists
1952 Immigration and Nationality Act limited inflow


1964 Civil Rights Act
1964 N. Mandela gets life
1965 Vietnam Protest Increase
1966 Black Panther Party forms
1971 Twenty sixth Amendment
Agnew, Nixon resign


2001 TSA takes over Air Port security
Homeland Security merged 22 agencies
2003 Immigration  doubled deportations

Winning Oligarchs 1) Business protected profit from labor
2) Relegion feared atheism of Communism
3) Right Leaning Politicians

 Law Justice Department, FBI
5) Media circulation means power/money
1-5 business, religion, right leaning politicians, JD/FBI
6) Military Industrial Complex

7) Media add radio
1-7 business, religion, right leaning politicians, JD/FBI, MIC, media
8) Workers were not protected from
foreign competition to maintain profit

9) Media
add TV

1-7 business, religion, right leaning politicians, JD, FBI, MIC, media
10) Surveillance State takes power and $
11) Neo-conservatism activist foreign policy
12) Social Media to be determined

Class Project Teacher Sponsored Opened Ended Class Contest. Teachers manage their students as they complete new sections of this page or the same for Turning Points in American History 3 four or five. Videos encouraged.

$1000 Plus Scholarships. Teacher, Principle or Superintendent Should Contact W. Antoniotti at antonw@ix,netcom.com Submit student designed  projects to textbooksfree .org for Internet publication.

Note to Teachers This one-page Summary can be expanded in any direction desirable. Student results will be added to Quick Notes History. Students might relate to what the do well. History students could finish an era.
Computer students might use freeware of many types. Journalist students could look into media coverage of an era. Video projects with YouTube or phones seem unlimited.

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