Background   Participants   The War

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Book Summaries

Prelude The Picot Agreement1 of 1916 after the Ottoman's defeat in WW1
split much of the Easter Mediterranean between Britain, France and Russia.
Then the U.S. helped Great Brittan keep control of Iranian oil
Eventually the
Palestine Liberation Organization and the Six Day War created some of today's issues. 
Add the War on Terror to the unintended consequences of peace treaties following WW 1


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The War

Middle East Facts

Middle East History in Maps

Maps Explain Middle East  

Muslim Religion, Politics 
and Society

Islamic Fundamentalism

Militant Hamas vs.
Moderate Fatah

20th Iranian Century

20th Century Iraq

20th Century Palestine

Sunnis and Shiites at War 

a world-wide network

Palestine of Hamas

in Lebanon

of Afghanistan

Islamic State 
an Extremely Radical Sunnis Muslims

Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt 
is a
Pan-Islamic Social Movement 


Isreal-Palestine Conflict pdf

Israel vs. Palestinian Conflict video

How Longest War in US History Unfolded 

11 Minute History of the Middle East Conflict

Timeline: The Iraq War 
Council on Foreign Relations

We Need to Talk About Islam
from Documentary Films

Brief Sunni-Shiite Conflict History

War on Terror from Wiki is extensive

Wars That Americans Want to Forget
Afghanistan and Iraq

Related Sites

Terrorist Internet Library

U.S. Terror Episodes Since 1900

Terrorism Against the West 1975-2015

Why Do They Hate Us?


A Concise History of Christianity

US, 20th Century Military History

Military Decisions by US Presidents

Gun Violence Affects Police

The Art of War

Greater Israel Project K O'Keefe

More from Kenneth O'Keefe


Tracking Global Terrorism 2018

Sisi vs. ISIS: Dictatorship vs. Mob Rule  
Why Egypt Might Survive the Arab Spring 3/25/15 

The Arab Spring Four Years Later 5/1/15

Power Struggles in Middle-East Exploit Islam's Ancient Sectarian Rift  7/5/14

The Fall and Rise of the Islamic State 2008

Wolfowitz Doctrine 1992

50  Years: Legacies of the 1967 War 6 short videos


Podcast: The 1967 War podcast


War Book Review

The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army
Book  Reviews
 from the New York Times,
Crooks and Liars, and The Economist
How jihad went freelance

 is a review of three recent books. Al-Qaeda
evolved from a single group to an amorphous movement
. Does that make  it less dangerous or more so? Jan 31st
2008 of The Economics
Editor's Note:
Anwar Sada's Assassination
shortly after recognizing Israel is just one reason
 why peace in the Middle East is centuries away.

Book Summaries

American Dynasty
Aristocracy, Fortune, Politics of Deceit
 in the House of Bush
by K Phillips

Second Chance 
Three Presidents and the Crisis of America Superpower 
by Z Brzezinsk

Presidential Courage
Brave Leaders and
How They Changed America 1789-1989 
by M Beschloss


1Britain was allocated control of areas roughly comprising the coastal strip between the sea and River Jordan, Jordan, southern Iraq, and a small area including the ports of Haifa and Acre, to allow access to the Mediterranean.[6] France was allocated control of south-eastern Turkey, northern Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.[6] Russia was to get Istanbul, the Turkish Straits and the  Ottoman Armenian vilayets.[6] The controlling powers were left free to decide on state boundaries within these areas