Terrorism Internet Library
1. Our War On Terror
US Terrorism Since 1900
3. Against the West 1970-2017
4. Graphic Diary

5. Related Sites


1. Our War On Islamic Terror:
Who Are We Fighting

Prelude The Picot Agreement1 of 1916 after the Ottoman's defeat in WW1
split much of the Easter Mediterranean between Britain, France and Russia.
Then the U.S. helped Great Brittan keep control of Iranian oil

The Palestine Liberation Organization and Six Day War
created some of today's issues. 
War on Terror is another unintended consequences
 of peace treaties following WW 1.

Middle East Amidst US-Iran Tensions 32 min
1/7/20 from
Geopolitical Futures

Terrorism now describes any mass killing.
Some believe far-right terror is replacing Islamic Terror
 as the Who We Are Fighting.

See  Left-Right Populism and Terrorism from the Right

Who Are We Fighting Taxonomy



The War

Related Sites

Book Summaries

Israel vs. Palestinian Conflict

Middle East Facts

Middle East History in Maps

Maps Explain Middle East  

Muslim Religion, Politics 
and Society

Islamic Fundamentalism

Militant Hamas vs.
Moderate Fatah

20th Iranian Century

20th Century Iraq

20th Century Palestine

A Concise History of Christianity

Sunnis and 
Shiites at War

a world-wide network

Palestine of Hamas

in Lebanon

of Afghanistan

Islamic State an Extremely
Radical Sunnis Muslims

Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt is a Pan-Islamic Social Movement 

Israel-Palestine Conflict pdf

How Longest War in US History Unfolded 

11 Minute History of
the Middle East Conflict

Timeline: The Iraq War 
Council on Foreign Relations

We Need to Talk About Islam
from Documentary Films

History of the Ottoman Empire
1299 - 1922 92 min

Brief Sunni-Shiite Conflict History

War on Terror from Wiki is extensive

Wars That Americans Want to Forget
Afghanistan and Iraq


U.S. Terror Episodes Since 1900

Terrorism Against the West 1975-2015

Why Do They Hate Us?

A Concise History of Christianity

US, 20th Century Military History

Military Decisions by US Presidents

Gun Violence Affects Police

The Art of War

Greater Israel Project K O'Keefe

More from Kenneth O'Keefe



American Dynasty
Aristocracy, Fortune, Politics of Deceit  in the House of Bush
by K Phillips

Second Chance 
Three Presidents and the Crisis of America Superpower 
by Z Brzezinsk

Presidential Courage
Brave Leaders and How They Changed America  1789-1989 
by M Beschloss

50  Years: Legacies of the 1967 War
 6 short videos


Podcast: The 1967 War podcast

3. Terrorism Against the West 1970-2017
Is U.S. Overspending to Stop Terrorism?
25 Years of Right Wing Terrorism


What the US Should Achieve in Afghanistan 6 min video

Videos: Conservative Brookings Institution

50 Years: Legacies of the 1967 War 6 short videos

50-years-Legacies-of-the-1967 many short written reports

Podcast: The 1967 War 57 min podcast


Prelude: Ian Bremmer: Cyber Terrorism Is Coming and That Worries Me a Lot


min video  min video  min video

Obama Almost Got Us Out

Trump is Trying 1/8/20 US-Iran Tensions Increase



 Attacks Recently Increased     

Travel Causes Most U.S. Foreign Deaths      

Others Affected More        

But Still U.S. Worries a Lot   

Russia Worries More   

Other Areas Need Attention    

Other Opinions    


4. Graphic Diary


Source: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/violence-disrupting-global-economy/

Click here for Historical Infographic Post Listing


Attacks Recently Increased?

Image result for Terrorism Graphs

Note: Decision theory states that outliners should be ignored.
Unless the recent increase in terror continue, there may be other ways to increase
U.S. Wellbeing.


See Have We Become Too Paranoid About Mass Shootings?

America's deadliest modern mass shootings

  1. Route 91 Harvest music festival, Las Vegas, October 2, 2017: 58 killed, 527 injured.
  2. Pulse, Orlando, Fla., June 2016: 49 killed and more than 50 injured.
  3. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va., April 2007: 32 killed and 17 injured on campus.
  4. Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Conn., December 2012: 26 killed.
  5. First Baptist Church, Sutherland Springs, Texas, November 2017: 26 killed.
  6. Luby's Cafeteria, Killeen, Texas, October 1991: 23 killed.
  7. McDonald's, San Ysidro, Calif., July 1984: 21 killed.
  8. Wal-Mart, El Paso, Texas, August 3, 2019: At least 20 killed, 26 injured.
  9. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, Fla., February 2018: 17 killed.
  10. University of Texas Tower, Austin, Texas, August 1966: 16 killed around campus.
  11. Inland Regional Center, San Bernardino, Calif., December 2015: 14 killed.
  12. Edmond post office, Edmond, Okla., August 1986: 14 killed.
  13. Fort Hood, Fort Hood, Texas, November 2009: 13 killed.
  14. Columbine High School, Littleton, Colo., April 1999: 13 killed.
  15. Binghamton Civic Association, Binghamton, N.Y., April 2009: 13 killed.
  16. New Jersey neighborhood and local shops, Camden, N.J. September 1949: 13 killed.
  17. Schoolhouse Lane neighborhood and Heather Highlands Mobile Home Village, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., September 1982: 13 killed.
  18. Wah Mee club in the Louisa hotel, Seattle, Wash., February 1983: 13 killed.
  19. Century 16 movie theater, Aurora, Colo., July 2012: 12 killed, 58 wounded.
  20. Navy Yard, Washington, D.C., September 2013: 12 killed, 8 wounded.
  21. The Borderline Bar & Grill, Thousand Oaks, Calif., November 2018: 12 killed, several wounded.
  22. Virginia Beach Municipal Center, Virginia Beach, Va., May 31, 2019: 12 killed.

designate-the-muslin-brotherhood-as-terrorists 5/2/19

US Active Sanctions


Travel Causes Most U.S. Foreign Deaths

Others Affected More


But Still U.S. Worries a Lot


Russia Worries More

The ISIS corps stem from well beyond the Middle East. Russia is no stranger to terrorism either; more than 3,500 people have died in 800+ attacks in the country since 1970. The latest took place just last week when a bomb exploded in the St. Petersburg subway, killing 14 people. No group has yet claimed responsibility, but Russian state media has suggested links to ISIS or other international terror franchises. The assailant has been identified by Russian authorities as Akbarzhon Dzhalilov, a 22-year-old Russian national born in Kyrgyzstan.


Other Opinions


Are we overspending on stopping terrorism? (Opinion) - CNN.com

Global Crises, Global Solutions: Costs and Benefits

U.S. spends over $16 billion annually on counter-terrorism | Pew


5 ISIS-linked terrorism suspects planning attacks in Moscow ... - RT.com



9/11 Attack vs. Pearl Harbor Attack

History Relates to Terrorism

Algerian War for Independence from France
Had Many Atrocities
as both the Algerian National Liberation
 and Colonial France contributed 1954 to 1962

Readings and Other Stuff

UN  Details Its Failure to Stop 1995 Bosnian Massacre
Finally Clinton overruled larger Western Europe's large
Democracies and the massacre ended.

Attacks are Down


Book  Reviews from the New York Times,
Crooks and Liars, and The Economist

How jihad went freelance

 is a review of three recent books. Al-Qaeda has
evolved from a single group to an amorphous movement
. Does that make  it less dangerous or more so? Jan 31st
2008 of The Economics

Readings  Tracking Global Terrorism 2018

Sisi vs. ISIS: Dictatorship vs. Mob Rule
Why Egypt Might Survive Arab Spring 3/25/15 

The Arab Spring Four Years Later 5/1/15

Power Struggles in Middle-East Exploit Islam's Ancient Sectarian Rift  7/5/14

The Fall and Rise of the Islamic State 2008

Wolfowitz Doctrine 1992

Editor's Note:
Anwar Sada's Assassination

shortly after recognizing Israel
 is just one reason why peace in the Middle East
 is centuries away.

Travels with Walter, an Educator's Life
explores the genius behind these Free Internet Libraries.



I have seen conflicting data indicating a definition of mass shooting problem.
This data seems low. So this could be Fake News




See mass-shootings-mother-jones-full-data/



White Nationalism, Born In The USA, Is Now A Global Terror Threat

from The Conversation

Data seems low



 min video  min video

Korea, Afghanistan and the Never Ending War Trap



Related Sites
5 Graphs Terror Against the West
Thirty Years of Mass Shootings
"The Israeli Palestinian Conflict: 10 Myths Preventing Peace" 5 min Video
The Israel- Palestine Conflict Essays
The Art of War
Gun Violence Affects Police
U.S. Wars
Muslim Heritage.

Return to Current Political Economy Issues  
Updated 10/15/21   Please link to and share!