Statistics for the Social Sciences New York University Open Eduation  by Elizabeth Bauer  

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Descriptive Statistics
Intro to Psych Statistics
Frequency Tables, Graphs, and Distributions
Measures of Central Tendency and Variability Part 1
Measures of Central Tendency and Variability Part 2
Applying Probability to Statistics

Standardized Scores and Normal Distribution Part 1

Standardized Scores and Normal Distribution Part 2

Nonparametric Statistics

Determine Appropriate Application
Choosing Appropriate Statistics Test 

Statistics Application Tools



Inferential Statistics

Intro to Hypothesis Testing; One Group Z - Test

Interval Test and the T - Distribution
T - Test for Two Independent Sample Means
Statistical Power and Effect Size Part 1
Statistical Power and Effect Size Part 2
Linear Correlation
Linear Regression Part 1
Linear Regression Part 2
Matched T-Test

Analysis of Variance

One-Way Independent ANOVA

Multiple Comparisons
Repeated Measures ANOVA Part 1
Repeated Measures ANOVA Part 2
Linear Contrasts

Research Paper Support Videos

1. Research Paper Overview

How To Write A Research Paper Fast 5 min

How to Write a Great Research Paper 34 min

How to Write a Great Research Paper from MS  58

2. Internet Tools
15 Writing Apps to Help You Write Papers and Essays Faster 3.5 min

Finding Online Sources Research Papers 10 Min

Citations Using Word 12 min

Basic MLA Research Paper 15 min

3. Writing Support
Research Paper Structure 2 min
Creating an Outline 3.5 in
 Introductionection 7.5 min

Discussion Section 8 min
Writing a Conclusion 4.5 min