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Behavioral Sci Stat Lectures videos

Child's Potential, Fulfilling videos

Course Lectures and Books

 COVID 19 Thought Experiment


Federal Statistical Agencies

MCAT Review: Sociology

Sites   General     Theory

Reference Materials

Social Thought, History of

Psychology 101
Psychology: Crash Course 41 videos
Psychology, Intelligence

Statistics Lectures
Software Tutorials

Teaching Social Science

Time, The Secret Powers of animated

Visual Learners



Course Lectures and Books

Crash Course Sociology Preview

Sociology Source blog provides teachers
 with a syllabus, lecture notes

Quick Notes Statistics Course MicrosoftTMExcel

Quick Notes Statistics Course Using SPSS

Statistics for health, life and social sciences

Introduction to Sociology
Communication Theory

Communication Theory
Free Nonbusiness Textbooks
has a sociology section.

Society, Interesting Thoughts

Statistics Course Using SPSS
books, homework, and tests.

Statistics Using MicrosoftTM
books, homework, and tests.
not related to
Walter (

Internet Theory Sites
Social Theory Page by J Spickard,
Professor of Sociology, U of Redland

Sociology Lesson Plans from Lesson Planet

Internet General Sites
A Tale of Two Tales
Addiction Group-Alcohol
Treatment      Resources    
Criminal Sociology

Rehabilitation Guide
Sociology Central
Sociology Links
Virtual Library for Sociology

Understanding the World Today from sociology

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See Questionnaire Design








Associations and Centers
American Sociological Association
Study and Prevention of Violence sitemap University of Colorado
Nathanson Centre for the Study of Organized Crime and Corruption

Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Canada
National Center for Children in Poverty


Reference Material
Civility in America

Sociology Timeline from 1600 from Ed Stephan

Sociology Links from Robert O. Keel of the University of Missouri-St. Louis, index Social Science Information System University of Amsterdam

Electronic Journal of Sociology

Masters in Social Work (MSW) Tweeters to Follow on Twitter

History of Social Thought
On Grand Strategy

A Concise History of Christian History  
16th Century English Economic Life
Why Jane Austen Never Married
Luther's American Legacy
US Freedom of Religion Began in 1636
The Growth of Religious Toleration

War on Terror

Overheads from Prof. Stephan
Sociology Timeline - not an overhead
but a useful
Prelude to Sociology
Augusta Comte
Herbert Spencer
Emile Durkheim
Karl Marx
Max Weber
Wilfred Pareto
Robert Ezra Park


Culture of Fear

Culture of Fear—Why B. Glassner's Book Matters

 (Macro) Sociology of Fear? pdf

The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is The 'Culture of Fear 'pdf

Dr. Barry Glassner  3 fear videos

Dr. Scott Atlas " should go back to school..."

The Shadow Pandemic: Violence against women during COVID-19






Political Correctness

Transgender BBC off line 5/10/24

Fragile Millennial' Epidemic  

What Being An "Alpha Male" Means BBC off line 5/10/24



Visual Learners

Schematics from Introduction to Sociology

Take a Fear Survey







Criminal Justice Internet Library

Terrorism Internet Library

War on Terror

Recent History of Crime in America

Gun Violence Affects Police



   COV19 Thought Experiment:
Should State Governors Close or Open Their Economies? 5/18/20

  Closing Economy Cost   Opening Economy Cost
3  Cohorts Possible Cost Other Factors Possible Cost
Grand Parents Virus, Death One grandparent has 3 preconditions Unchanged
4 Siblings 4 virus, unemployment, social distress,
lost elf esteem lost
, family abused, death very small
all between 22 and 40 with no preconditions virus more likely, death small
Grandchildren 8 virus, family abuse, social distress, education lost ages differ so affect/cost per child would differ would students spread virus

Mr. A welcomes comments and suggestions.      Send to     Please Share!


Many students are also using our
Statistics Lab Manual
which loads into a spreadsheet. It is really a
 Quick way to learn.

It is a stand alone but was designed to use with our free
Quick Notes Statistics textbooks.
The textbook had
free pdf downloads during December of 2019.
Hopefully, users did not have to buy a traditional high-price book.

Thanks! Walter
suggestions to



Are Our Poor Helped Enough?



Source: What You Should Know About Poverty