Retired Educator's Thoughts Economic/business experts
should get together and sponsor a contest to bring U.S. education into
the twenty-first century and I would contribute as I'm tires of seeing science community contests get all the prestige/publicity. e-mail the editor |
Leader Thoughts Investing in Education Please |
Editor/Author Thoughts from Walter
Everyone Should Understand |
Other Information Education Improvement Internet Library
from |
Editors Note: Years ago, when I read Charles
Murray's earlier book
Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life,
"The cost of educational egalitarianism is
doubtless high and may be difficult to justify in terms of economic efficiency
and short-term productivity.
"Much of our skill shortage can be resolved
with education reform. But that will take years." From
"Can we get to a higher sustained rate of economic growth,
and a material improvement in national living standards,
Created Unequal: The Crisis in American Pay "The
better-performing students will be treated much as chess prodigies are today"
Average is Over by
Tyler Cowen p. 198 Tyler is the * " is those college-educated workers with functional literacy little better than the average high school graduate..." "... who end up in these lower-level jobs."From Who's Not Working and Why? Employment, Cognitive Skills, Wages, and the Changing U.S. Labor Market.
economists Frederic L. Pryor of Swarthmore College
and Please contact us with your thoughts and suggestions.
"Education is a very lumpy investment where often there is little or no payoff from having a
little bit more."
The Future of Capitalism: How Today's Economic Forces Shape Tomorrow's World "When asked to make economic comments as if he were looking back on 1996 from 2096,
The Accidental Theorist and Other Dispatches from the Dismal Science "Delivering literacy--even on the high
level appropriate to a knowledge society-- The Department of Labor reported
on page 9 of the Fall of 2000 issue of Occupational Outlook Quarterly
that the 1) the outsourcing of college
graduate jobs to India, Ireland, etc. continues to grow From Walter Antoniotti, editor of this site.
"When making an investment, whether it be in education, capital equipment, or the stock market,
Education is like politics, if you really want
to know what is going on, follow the money. Testing exists because of teacher egos, big
profits for testing companies, politicians who realize it means votes, and the inability of parents to accept the
special intelligence of their children. For more
information visit Who Gets the Good Jobs and How Much They Pay
and Please
contact us with your thoughts and suggestions.
For those with SAT scores of about 1200 or higher, the academic experience should predominate. Below 1000, the social experience should prevail. If an economic return from investing in school is relevant, at some point, probably around an SAT score of 1000, the person should consider training rather than college. For more information visit Education in a World of Multiple Intelligence
Maximizing economic success requires investing in your special intelligence. A program similar to that depicted in the movie The School of Rock should be initiated in all schools.
Authors Note: This is not the first study
to reveal that computers do not enhance learning.
Alternative paths to college completion: Effect of attending a 2 Year School.
"Recent research indicates that college students who transfer from community
colleges are significantly less likely to complete a 4-year college degree than
students who begin at 4-year institutions.
Education is an admirable
thing, but is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth
knowing can be taught. "Delivering literacy--even on the high level appropriate to a knowledge society--will be an
easier task than giving students 1Kevin J. Clancy, chairman and CEO of Copernicus, a global marketing consulting research firm 1 Making more sense of MCAS scores, by Kevin J. Clancy, Boston Globe, April 24, 2000, page A19 Support This Site by Shopping at
The testing required by "no child left behind" is causing some students to
concentrate on test subjects at the expense of vocational subjects. No child left behind should be changed to a
job for every child.
If this were done, data of contained in
Education should change from an answer based system to an Activity Based, Real World, Question Based Academic Curriculum. Example: Unlike fractions,
mixed numbers, and mathematics vocabulary such as real numbers are not
relevant to real world mathematics For more information visit A Critique of Standardized Tests andNot All College Majors Are Created Equal.
Academics are scholarly. To them, pure knowledge is of prime importance, especially in their area
of expertise.
Educators enjoy students and the classroom environment.
Textbook content is controlled by academics who are influenced by
their prejudice toward the purely academic and Concepts Everyone Should Understand 1.
Most physical and personal characteristics of people are normally distributed. Concepts the Majority Can Not Understand thinking on the margin Why College Tuition is Not Going Up Rapidly Suppose a college needs to spend an additional 6% next
Interestingly, academically poor students who a college doesn't Lately, colleges have been using this nonexistent funny
money as
Is the bookkeeping, paper
transaction used to create non-existent,
Wealthy students going to colleges where they are in the bottom half
academically pay more, The Follow the Money at Funny Money to see how two colleges, one using much more funny money than the other compete for students. Franklin Pierce College has < much higher tuition than Marietta College, but subtracting the funny money makes tuition actual paid by the students,about the same. But average tuition is higher because of the 10 years it took both colleges to build the funny money portion of tuition. Almost all college do this.
Sometime around the turn of the century, colleges began
loaning funny money rather than giving it as a grant. This created he
possibility of it being paid back. |
Maybe we humans took a turn from the path of our natural evolution. Maybe it is only now that we are coming to see this alternate route. As I see it, we living beings started out on a journey of evolving toward a more and more refined energy. Along the way, it seems to me that we turned off this path when we ate the apple from the tree of knowledge. Instead of letting our natural evolution take its course, we developed language and other symbolic abstractions and pursued this path of desire to be in control. All knowledge is for control. That is not a bad thing, it is just what it is. But, in the turning away from our natural evolution, we have lost something waiting for us, but unknowable to us. Let me back up for a minute. As I grew up, I was always aware of observing the world around me from kind of a third person position. I struggled in school since I sensed that all this knowledge was mostly pretty useless. I still did ok, but as my counselors always said, “he does not fully apply himself”. Yes, I held back and somehow preserved my awareness. I did not identify or attach to the path of knowledge. I believe that it was this sense of separation that led me to having some very powerful experiences that let me see more fully the folly of living in knowledge. I have noticed that almost all of the writers about this kind of stuff report the same kind of similar separation in growing up. So maybe it comes built into some of us, I don’t know. |
Awareness evolves and knowledge accumulates. We can not control the evolution of our awareness any more than we control how tall we grow. Knowledge holds out the hope of more and control by more and more accumulation until we get to the point of knowing so much that we get to a place of frustration, anger, fear, or other emotion because the control never comes. Meanwhile, on a parallel path is the evolving of our awareness, if you have given it some of your energy. That is why we meditate. The quieting of the knowledge filled chatter in our brain, allows some of our human energy to be used to grow our awareness. Again, to meditate to “get” more awareness is false meditation based on the knowledge path. Awareness comes on its own terms. There is no clearer evidence for this than what I saw in my dog Phoebe. Her awareness around what I was up to often astounded me. I wrote before about the many times I tried to trick her into going to the barn to get bathed. She always knew. Her awareness was evolved to a place my knowledge could not comprehend. Castaneda, in his various books, speaks to this other reality also, but to get there you must stop the internal chatter. Quieting the knowledge mind lets the awareness mind move forward. A couple final points. Your knowledge mind will always try to capture and control the awareness path. This defeats the purpose, and letting go of control is the hardest thing we knowledge based people can do. Secondly, it is an interesting practice to read the Bible, Zen, or any books on consciousness and see if you can read it as “not knowledge”. See if you can read the sayings of Jesus and hear it as not a set of words to live by, but a pointing to getting out of your knowledge and into your awareness. Tom Lane 7/11/06 About the Author of Interesting Thoughts Concerning Education Please contact me with your thoughts and suggestions. |
agree with the idea of a longer school year but disagree with having a longer
school day. The
present high school system
has five fifty-minute academic classes per day for 180 days which yields
(50 minutes)(5 days)(180 days) = 45,000 minutes per year. Twelve
years of public free education was a good number for many years and now
that pre-school and kindergarten is required, elementary and high school
should be ten years. School
facilities would be used
much more efficiently. In affect, school utilization would double. School
districts with below standard facilities could close poor schools. We Should Educate for Careers. Visit Change Education for an innovative view. |
by Walter Antoniotti, creator of the Free Internet Libraries, author of the free Quick Notes Learning System books series, and President of 21st Century Learning Products. |
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