Relegious Toleration Process Began During The Colonial Period
To many North American Immigrants, religion was central to their entire belief system. Some sought religious freedom for their religion and an end to their persecution. In 1620, Plymouth's Pilgrims who had faced no religious persecution in the Netherlands left, as they feared their youth would be led astray. Massachusetts Bay Puritans banished dissenters to their own colonial Congregationalist denomination, banished other denominations and executed those who violated such banishment.. Catholic Maryland was a haven but soon had a Protestant majority and a virtual civil war between the two. See Turning Points in American History: The Colonial Period. The Religious toleration process began with Puritan dissenter Roger Williams. He founded Rhode Island where he established separation of church and state and opposed forced worship. Dutch New Amsterdam allowed the first Jewish community. It was passed by a Protestant legislature. Soon Pennsylvania's most tolerant Quakers joined assisted the process. The English 1640's Civil Wars, which establishment of a Puritan dictatorship, illustrated the problems of religious and political conflict.
Religious Toleration Act protected Catholics from Protestant antagonism. The Act allowed freedom
of worship for Maryland's
Trinitarian Christians,
but sentenced
to death anyone
who denied the divinity of Jesus.
It was revoked in 1654 by
Why Do We Believe the Myth concerning freedom of religion. Anachronistic
confuse colonial practice with the 1791 First Amendment to
the Constitution which banned any state established religion, established federal legal
religious toleration. It did not represent events that occurred 150
years of history and banned only Congress from establishing a state
State churches continued into the 19th century. It took the 1868
Fourteenth Amendment in 1868 and 20th century Supreme Court decisions to
complete the legal part of the process. Projection of events from
1791–1833 onto the 1600s is more anachronistic. Projecting our
contemporary values onto the past is more anachronistic. Because
Roger Williams called for tolerance and the separation of church and
state to protect his true church from the corruption of the state is one
isolated event.
Turning Points in American History: 1973_Finally Brings Fast Track
Civil Rights Plenty of religious
prejudice existed during all of U.S. history. Deep anti-Catholicism
reached a peak in 1850 with the Anti-Catholicism reemerged in the early 1920 with the Ku Klux Klan. It played a role in the 1928 presidential election defeat of Catholic Al Smith. The Real Emergence of Religious Toleration
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