U.S. Political Economy Internet Library

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U.S. Economic History
 US Economic Normality 1945-2015     page 2
Great Recession 1p or 3 p
Most Severe US Recessions 2p 
History of US Banking
Recent Decades Ranked by Problems 2p
20th Century Decade Evaluation 10p
5 Decades Problems 1p is Under Construction

U.S. Terror Episodes Since 1900

Interesting Stuff

Quick History of Modern Western Civilization
Quick Notes NFL & Golf History
Generations and The Fourth Turning  
William Strauss and Neil Howe read an 2 page summary
How the West Was Lost Fifty Years of Economic Folly--and the Stark Choices Ahead by Dambisa Moyo 1 page review and  8 Minute Video and 43 Minute Video
The Predator State Video Part 1     Part 2
Thoughts Concerning Society
More Thoughts Concerning Society

Capitalistic Democracy
Generations and The Fourth Turning
The Big Secret Behind U.S. Federal Deb
Who Will Solve These Health Care Problems
Causes and Solutions to Health Care Problems

U.S. Education Vs. Germany and Britain

GDP Per Capita by State


Quick Notes One-Page
U.S. Political History
Use pdf for color printing.

Election Issues
federal debt, health care, education & economic

20th Century Decade Evaluation

Political Eras One 1788 to 1892   pdf
Political Eras Two 1896 to 2016   pdf

Presidential Elections One 1778-1824   pdf
Presidential Elections Two 1828-1852      
   Presidential Elections Three 1856-1892       

Presidential Elections Four 1896-1928   pdf
Presidential Elections Five 1932-72      pdf  
Presidential Elections Six 1976-2012    

Political Junkie Sites
Hardball with Chris Mathews
intelligence squared us
Political Junkie from NPR
Voter’s Spending Guides

Public Square
11 Useful Apps for Political Junkies

Election Issues 2016
Fun Stuff
Voter-Matchmaking for Politics
Left/Right Quiz

Political Economy Book Reviews

Presidential Courage Brave Leaders and
How They Changed America 1789-1989 by Michael Beschloss 8p

Turning Points in American History  
cove 400 years Five 2-page parts

Thomas Jefferson The Art of Power 2012 J. Meacham 8p

American Dynasty Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush, by Kevin Phillips, 6p See Welcome the Hackocracy, a look at Bush 2's appointments that made a difference.

Second Chance Three Presidents and the Crisis of America Superpower by Zbigniew Brzezinski, 6p summary,

Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century "Why We' re in a New Gilded Age" by Thomas Piketty 2014

War and Politics

Guns, Germs, and Steel -  the fates of human societies '...attempts to explain why Eurasian civilizations, as a whole, have survived and conquered others, while attempting to refute the belief that Eurasian hegemony is due to any form of Eurasian intellectual, moral, or inherent genetic superiority." 

Strange Rebels: 1979 and the Birth of the 21st Century. By Christian Caryl. Basic; 400 pages
argues that 1979 belongs to the select club of real turning-points: "years in which one era ended and another was born. 1917 proved to be a bloody dead end and 1848 proved to be, in A.J.P. Taylor’s phrase, “a turning-point in history when history failed to turn”. But others, such as 1789 (when France’s ancient régime collapsed) and 1517 (when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses on the door), resound down the ages." Editors note: Was the liberalism of the 20th century coming to an end?

Free Trade Doesn't  Work by Ian Fletcher, adjunct fellow at the United States Business and Industry Council, and CPA' In his effective 267 pages of text, Ian Fletcher dissects and often demolishes fundamental teachings about the benefits and risks of trade and replaces them with evidence based updates.  He then recommends a practical alternative based on clear objectives.

Nemesis by Chalmers Johnson from Stephen Lendman of counter currents "Our democracy and way of life are now threatened because of our single-minded pursuit of empire with a well-entrenched militarism driving it that's become so powerful and pervasive it's now an uncontrollable state within the state."


The Limits of Power Video The End of American Exceptionalism, Bill Moyers sits down with history and international relations expert and former US Army Colonel Andrew J. Bacevich who identifies three major problems facing our democracy: the crises of economy, government and militarism, and calls for a redefinition of the American way of life. The Limits of Power Democracy Now interviews Andrew Bacevich, a conservative historian who spent twenty-three years serving in the US Army.  

How You Can Kill Al-Qaeda in Three Easy Steps review from  Boing Boing  
I just got done reading Howard Clark's new book "How You Can Kill Al-Qaeda (in Three Easy Steps). He's an ex-Marine and former Homeland Security adviser who says the way to win the war on terrorism is to help empower the mainstream Muslim community, who in recent years has been overshadowed in the public spotlight by fringe Al-Qaeda extremists. The whole idea of fighting terrorism with ideas and not weapons is definitely nothing new, but Clark's populist tone and foreign policy street cred was a refreshing perspective to have in the discussion. "Click on the link below in the next 30 minutes and I'll throw in this egg slicer absolutely free! Here's how to order!" Book's official site...  
One Nation Under Contract: The Outsourcing of American Power and the Future of Foreign Policy
In this CSPAN2 book interview,  Allison Stanger talks of her book which looks at the increasing use of private contractors by the U.S. government and argues that with proper oversight contractors can be valuable tools for carrying out our foreign policy.  Includes audience Q&A. 

Don't Know Much About History 
Everything You Need To Know About  American History But Never Learned, by Kenneth C. Davis 6p

The Shifts and Shock What We Learned from the Financial Crisis by Martin Wolf 9/11/14

Seven Bad Ideas How Mainstream Economists Have Damaged America and the World by Jeff Madrick Reviewed by Peter Richardson 2014

Hoodwinked  An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded--and What We Need to Do to Remake Them, by  John Perkins

Education and Income Inequality, chapter 21 The Age of Turbulence, Adventures in a New World, by Alan Greenspan 

"Nickel and Dimed" On (Not) Getting By in America is a book written by Barbara Ehrenreich. Written from the perspective of the undercover journalist, ...

23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism is critical and a good source of the twenty-three items 

Videos by Ha-Joon Chang
    Part I     Part II     Part III   

The Center Holds Obama and His Enemies
is "the thrilling story of one of the most momentous contests in American history, the Battle Royale between Obama and his enemies from the 2010 midterms through the 2013 inauguration." Video by Jonathan Alter, 2013

"This Time Is Different" is a history of financial collapse from 1300 to the present.

"The Shock Doctrine: The evil of “Disaster Capitalism, a book report video was posted to the Crooks and Liars  blog on December 1, 2007

2016 Election Issues
Executive Summary

Country Economic Issues
Solving the Deficit Problem won't be easy.  
Can We Afford Entitlements
Existing? Additional?  
Solving the Lack of Good Jobs affects many
Income Inequality Analysis, Affect on Growth, Cures
Income Stagnates
is a serious complicated issue
Individual Economic Issues
Economic Wellbeing concerns everyone.
Economic Future of Children requires attention.
Are Child & Youth Protected bothers many.

Avoiding Income Stagnation requires individual investigation
International Issues
Lost International Greatness  

Lost Economic Greatness
Free Trade Solution or Problem
Political Issues
Our Democratic Federalist Republic?
 Should Tea Party Share Its Tea? 
Is Politics About the Money? 
Why is Poverty Controversial?