Quick Notes Course Materials
Quick Lecture Notes, Many Problems, Complete Solutions


1. Accounting   2. Business   3. Economics   4. Pre-Algebra Mathematics

6. Statistics   6. History     7. Education   8. U.S. Political Economy

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1. Accounting

Financial Accounting For Owners, Managers, and Administrators
48 pages, no debits and credits

Financial Accounting
 250 page debit and credit textbook with Lab Sets and solutions


One-Page Accounting
is fast with links for a more complete explanation.

Quick Notes Accounting Reviews
has fast and not-so-fast reviews

Financial Accounting Practice Sets
for those needing additional work.

Accounting Test Review Notes
 is a 48 page, seven tests reviews of Accounting I and II.

Financial Accounting Tests with Answers
help you prepare for tests.

Accounting Cycle A Debit and Credit Approach 
Parts I and II of Our Financial Accounting Programmed textbook.

4. Pre-Algebra Math

Test-Prep Mathematics
reviews basic high school mathematics with 49
one-page learning units plus section reviews and tests.

Quick Notes Mathematics Review
 basic high school mathematics with nine 2-page reviews.

Quick Notes Pre-Algebra Reviews
has fast and not-so-fast reviews


5. Statistics


Quick Notes Statistics Reviews fast and not-so-fast reviews

Excel Statistics Lab Manual

6. History

War on Terror


Economic History 1900 to 2017

Building America's Democratic Federalist
Capitalist Republic

1619 to 1973

20th Century Decade Evaluation

7. Education

Proposed Education Manifesto

Free Textbook Collections
Provided by Quick Notes


High School


Arts and Science

MBA Prerequisites

Searchable Libraries

Free Learning Materials





2. Business

Basic Business

Career Options for Graduates

Career Information Library


Excel 2016 Analytics


Free Business Libraries




Personal Advancement
Project Management

Research Method
Research Paper

Video Lectures

Time Value of Money

Good Free Business Calculators

3. Economics

Economics Interactive Class Notes

Quick Notes Economics Course Materials
 is a unique collection. 

US Economic History 1900-2017

U.S. Political Economy

U.S. Government and Politics

Quick Notes Economic Reviews

has fast and not-so-fast reviews

Economics Test Review Notes

One Page Economic Issues

U.S. Government and Politics

Political Economy Debate Data  Two

.Economic Issues

Solving the Deficit Problem 

Can We Afford Entitlements

Solving the Lack of Good Jobs

Income Inequality

Middle Income Stagnates

Taxing the Rich

Individual Issues
Economics of College

Can Education Reduce Income Stagnation  

Economic Wellbeing

Economic Future of Our Children

Are Child & Youth Protected

Prime Age Males 25-54 Work Less

International Issues
Lost International Greatness

Lost Economic Greatness

World Changed and Good Jobs Disappeared

Free Trade Solution or Problem

The Problem of Terrorism

Recent Terror Information

Political Issues
Our Democratic Federalist Republic? 

 Should Tea Party Share Its Debt Tea?   

Is Politics About the Money? 

Why is Poverty Controversial?

Is the Country in Trouble?

Exorbitant Dollar Privilege


 8. U.S. Political Economy

1. The Basics
Our Democratic Federalist Capitalist Republic
Building Our Democratic Federalist Republic
U.S. Political Economy
Political Economy Readings
Some States Wealthier Than Others
Thomas Jefferson Leader of the Opposition

Capitalistic Democracy

 2. Quick Notes Book Summaries 
Presidential Courage
Brave Leaders and How
They Changed America 1789-1989, 
by Michael Beschloss

Don't Know Much About History
 Everything You Need To Know
About American History But Never Learned
by Kenneth C. Davis

Lies My Teacher Told Me
: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong Brian by Keeler W. Loewen  

Turning Points in American History
based on a Great Course Audio

Presidential Politics Party Politics and
Presidential Elections  from 1788 to 2012

Thomas Jefferson The Art of Power, 2012,
by Jon Meacham

Second Chance
Three Presidents and the Crisis of America Superpower by Zbigniew Brzezinski

American Dynasty
Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics
of Deceit in the House of Bush, by K. Phillips


3. U.S. Elections

Political Eras
1788 to 1892  
1896 to 2016 

US Presidential Elections



2016 Election Issues
Executive Summary
Solving the Deficit Problem Won't be easy.  
Can We Afford Entitlements Existing? Additional?

Solving the Lack of Good Jobs Affects many
Income Inequality Analysis, Growth, Cures
Income Stagnates is a serious complicated issue


Sundry Studies

A Concise History of Christianity

A Very Brief U.S. History
Political Eras and Important Events

20th Century Decade Evaluation
Interaction of Politics and Economics

20th Century U.S. Decade Ranking
Which Decade Was Best, Worst?

Generations and The Fourth Turning
William Strauss and Neil Howe

4. Presidential Courage
Brave Leaders and How They Changed America 1789-1989  By Michael Beschloss  

G. Washington
created Executive Privilege

J. Adams avoided a Quasi-War with France which cost him reelection.

A. Jackson took on eastern bankers because
 he felt it had excessive power over farmers.

A. Lincoln required freeing the slaves
as a condition of saving the Union.

T. Roosevelt took on monopoly RR trusts
to protect, farms and consumers from high prices.

FDR's unpopular planning for war
but still managed a third term and
 then a fourth term.

HT quickly recognize new sate of Israel
in the face of pressure from all sides.

JFK continued to push school integration
despite potential political pressures.

RR hastened the end of the Cold War
with massive deficit spending.


US Constitutional History

Magna Carte to Trump's SC Battle

Constitutional History of the US
From Jamestown to Selma, Alabama

Coding Law and the Financial Crisis

Conservatism vs. Progressivism