Professor A's Choosing a Major Guidance

Who is Professor A?

1) Do I have to choose a major right away?
    Answer: Probably not. Many schools will ask you to declare a major after a year or two.

2) Department A of State U has accepted my application and Department B which offers my preferred major has rejected my application. 
   I really like State U. What should I do? 
Most students change majors or end up working in a career field unrelated to their major. This said, attend Department A of State U, 
   work hard to maximize your cumulative grade point average, and apply for a change of major to Department B.  

3) Does my major really count?
    Answer: You should major in something you like to do, rather than something you like to study. 
                  You may like to study psychology, but do you want to get a master's degree and be a school psychologist.
                  For more information visit
Not All College Majors Are Created Equal.

4) Do minors  Count?
    Answer? Yes especially if your major is not in high demand. Choose a high demand minor.
                      The vast majority of job openings will be in health care, education, business, and STEM areas.
                      Science, Technology engineering and Mathematics pay the most.

4) Are there steps I should follow in choosing a major?
     Answer: Research Majors That Interest You
Investigate Careers and See What Majors Lead to Them

Employment Data on College Majors 
Business Insider 2014

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