Will Stagnate
Income Continue?
Only 5.9% Growth Over 50 years
Median Income Grew
by Only 5.9% over 50 years Politicians and Media Like This Quick But Low Growth Estimate. Using the CPI to deflate current earnings under estimates wage growth. Since 1965 Fringe Benefits and Household Composition Have Affected Income growth. Measuring Middle Class Wellbeing Requires Adjustments for Appropriate Inflation Measure, Fringe Benefits and Household Type. See U.S. Economic Normality 1945-2015 and Economic Wellbeing
BUT Proper Statistics Paints a Different Picture
Source What’s Up with Wage Growth? from the FED
Our Wealth Creation Lead Over Japan/Germany Increased
Note how US and Germany Adjusted Wages and Benefits to
Benefit Growth. |
Demise of American Dream Exaggerated RDemid American Dream Demise Exaggerated
Rumors of American Dream Demise Exaggerated
Brooking Institute Disagrees
Questions to be
Answered Would a European level safety net
risk less production, Should thought be given
to cost effectiveness where government uses the most production: education, military, social security/health care? Should we adopt the