Middle Income Jobs Are Disappearing Low Value Added Jobs = Low Wages Acquiring Higher Value Added Skills is Expensive
Historical Analysis |
Middle Income Jobs Are Disappearing This job polarization has decreased the career opportunities for High School graduates. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports 545,000 jobs have been added in the past two years in what it curiously calls “food services and drinking places.” It was about 30% of the net increase in employment (1.84 million) between July 2010 and July 2012." |
Low Value Adding Jobs = Low Wages
Acquiring Higher Value Added Skills is Expensive Degrees Takes Significant Investment
Mandatory Work Programs Are Costly,
Traditional Government Support Helps Little
Opportunity-Boosting Job Preparedness
Gilded Age
1865-1910 Industrial Revolution Gains
Went to the Wealthy.
A Flat World of Free
Trade For instance: US
manufacturing output rises as
employment falls, And automation is a key
contributor to job market polarization.
Employment Driven Location Movement is Low Occupational churn
— the rate at which workers move to different occupations |
Finland to end basic income trial after two years What really happened when Swedes tried six-hour days?
World Changed and Good Jobs Disappeared
Action Step 1 Lowering Cost
Top Coding Boot Camps
vs. College
Apprenticeship Programs Help
Occupations that Need More Education for Entry are Projected to Grow FasterOther available formats: (XLSX)