One-page Political Economy Crib Notes

Prelude: Political Systems     Capitalism

U.S. Economic History Provides a Basic Foundation
Geopolitical Reversal Coming?
Excess Spending
Importance of Fake News
Follow the Money

More Perspective: Trump

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U.S. Economic
History Provides
 a Basic Foundation
Economic Growth 1p      Decades Ranked by Problems 2p

Most Severe US Recessions 2p     20th Century Decade Evaluation 1p

Demise of the American Dream 1p




Geopolitics Liberal Democracy in Peril   

Russia, China Rivals or Adversaries?     Lost International Greatness   

Lost Economic Greatness     Demise of the American Dream

Reversal Began
 When Soviet Union Dissolved

Editorials: Excess Spending

1. Terror Episodes Since 1900    2. Cost of Wars

3. Economics of Investing in College

4. Is Financial Aid Welfare?    5. Everyone is on Welfare

Should we allow physical protection, one of many ways to protect and live better, to completely dominate our lives?




Economic Wellbeing   

Economic Future of Our Children     Are Child & Youth Protected

Economic Growth    Lack of Good Jobs needs answers

 American Unions An Answer?    Capitalistic Democracy More Answers?

Its Better than you Think

Importance of
Fake News

Understanding Fake News      Warning 1: Politics-Trump      Fake News Library

Learn Why Political Economy
 Fake News is a Problem

A Little Extra

Follow the Money

U.S. Banking History    Exorbitant Dollar Privilege    Positive Dollar Privilege Prediction

Current Political
Economy Issues 

Historical Perspectives 

U.S. History   Modern Western Civilization   On Grand Strategy
the processes, complexities in devising grand strategies

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
 and Tomorrow


Why Trump Won  
A Chronology of Our Latest President   beginning with the election. 

Follow the Money  


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