One-Page Class Handouts
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2-Page Pre Algebra Reviews


  One-Page Career Stuff

Violence Problems

Free Textbooks




U.S. Political Economy

U.S. Economic History

Economic Issues

Economic Questions

Political Book Summaries

War On Terror

U.S. Government and Politics

Personal Stuff


2-Page Pre-Algebra Reviews

Pre-Algebra Worksheets


1 Quick Steps For Passing A Mathematics Test

2 Whole Numbers

3 Fractions

 4 Decimals, Ratio, Rates, Proportions, Percentages

 5 Exponents, Square Roots, Algebra, Geometry

 6 Formula Review 

 7 Using Formulas to Solve Problems 

8 Multi-step Word Problem

 9 Graphs, Signed Numbers, Statistics,
Probability, Measurement


from Statistics a free programmed text
with complete solutions

Quick Notes Statistics Reviews for those in a hurry

A Taxonomy of Statistics   
A Taxonomy of Parametric Statistics

Formula Reviews

Descriptive Statistics  

Probability, The Basis for Inferential Statistics

Inferential Statistics

Executive Summary of Inferential Statistics

Correlation and Regression

Practice Problems

Basic Practice Problems

Spreadsheet Problems
1. Descriptive Statistics    Answers
2. Probability    Answers 

Categorizing Statistics Problems

helps with formula selection.

3. Hypothesis Testing    Answers

Statistics Tests With Answers

Calculator Problems for
1. Descriptive Statistics
 2. Probability
 3. Hypothesis Testing
4. Correlation/Regression


Career Stuff

Career Options

Career Information

Choosing a College and Major

Geekability for Success

Financial Improvement


Gkeability is important for career success.

Free Textbooks


High School


Arts and Science

MBA Prerequisites

Searchable Libraries

Free Learning Materials


Accounting For Owners, Managers, Administrators
One-Page Accounting

Quick Notes Accounting Reviews
is for those in a hurry.
Basics Definitions
Accounting Principles

Understanding Debits and Credits
Debits and Credits Cheat Sheet
Understanding Journal Entries
The Present & Future Value of Money
Accounting Class Notes
Financial Accounting Practice Sets
Financial Accounting Practice Sets With Answers
Financial Accounting Tests With Answers


Free Accounting Books and Reviews
Financial Accounting

Managerial Accounting
Financial Accounting Practice Sets
Accounting Test Review Notes
Financial Accounting Tests with Answers


Financial Accounting programmed textbooks
Quick Notes Accounting Reviews for those in a hurry
One-Page Accounting covers the basics

Accounting For Owners, Managers, Administrators
Economics Class Notes & Links textbooks

Test-Prep Mathematics programmed textbooks
Pre Algebra Mathematics Reviews for those in a hurry

Statistics  programmed textbooks
Quick Notes Statistics Reviews
for those in a hurry


Leaders Educational Observations Throughout History from Confucius to Larry Summers

Leaders Educational Advise 
 from W.
Churchill and C. Murray to A. Greenspan

Mark Cuban' Educational Guidance
Ignored by Bush and Obama

Education Plan Step One
 Community Choose and Prioritize Possible Goals

World Changed and Good Jobs Disappeared

Individualized Curriculums

Proposed Education Manifesto

U.S. Political Economy


Distinguished Historical Observations
Applied to 21st Century America

Why Trump Won

The Basics


A Democratic Federalist Capitalist Republic

Building A Democratic Federalist
Capitalistic Republic

1. The Early Colonial Period

2. Determining Political Power and "We the People"

3. Increasing We" of "We the People"

4. Thomas Jefferson Opposition

5. Constitutional History of Our
Democratic Federalist Capitalist Republic

6. Thomas Jefferson Leader of the Opposition

Capitalistic Democracy Profitable Government

Meet author/editor
Walter Antoniotti


U.S. Economic History

Preface: World Changed and Good Jobs Disappeared

Economic Issues
Great Recession 1p or 3 p
The Cost of 20th Century Wars 1p
U.S. Terror Episodes Since 1900 1p
Most Severe US Recessions
History of US Banking 1p
Taxing the Rich 1p
Recent Decades Ranked by Problems 2p
20th Century Decade Evaluation 10p
Capitalism Not to Blame for Middle-Class Plight 1p
5 Decades Problems 1p

Economic Normality Changes 1945-2015
Rising Income
Foreign Competition Began 1970's Wage Stagnation
1980's Financial Deregulation, Slow Wage Growth
U.S. Financial Bailouts and Economic Recovery
Poverty Stuck at 15% Since 1984
Profit Growth Beats Wage Growth in New Century
Wellbeing Continuing Growing

Other Basic Stuff
Constitutional History Dem. Fed. Rep.

Building America's Constitution
U.S. Political Economy Internet Library
Political Economy Readings

Capitalistic Democracy

Has Capitalism Failed?
Political Economy Debate Data

Criticism of Modern Capitalism
Wage Growth Analysis
Does Income Inequality Affect Growth
Elizabeth Warren’s Blames Oligopoly Power
Criticism of Modern Capitalism
Wage Growth Analysis
Taxing the Rich
Political Economy Videos
One Page Economic Issue

US Economic Normality 1945-2015 p1 p 2
Bailouts, Safety Net, Profit vs. Labor, Wellbeing

Economic Issues

Post WW2 Economic Normality   Part 2

Individual Issues
Economics of College

Economic Wellbeing

Economic Future of Our Children

Are Child & Youth Protected

Prime Age Males 25-54 Work Less

Can Education Reduce Income Stagnation  

Country Issues
Solving the Deficit Problem
Can We Afford Entitlements

Solving the Lack of Good Jobs
Income Inequality
Middle Income Stagnates

Taxing the Rich
Crime In America

Political Issues
Our Democratic Federalist Republic?     
Should Tea Party Share Its Debt Tea?
Is Politics About the Money? 

Why is Poverty Controversial?

Is the Country in Trouble?

International Issues
Lost International Greatness

Lost Economic Greatness

Free Trade Solution or Problem

The Problem of Terrorism

Recent Terror Information

War On Terror

U.S. Terror Episodes Since 1900

Terrorism Against the West 1975-2015

Conservative Brookings
 Institution Videos

50 Years: Legacies of the 1967 War
6 short videos
many short written reports
Podcast: The 1967 War 57 min podcast

Middle East History
The Basics
A Concise History of Christianity
40 Maps Explain the Middle East

Middle East Facts
The Middle East: the way it is and why
Middle East Conflict in 11 minute video

Iran 20th Century
Iraq 20th Century Iraq
Islamic Fundamentalist
Sunnis/Shiites at War 
War on Terror Cost for Europe

Modern Players
Concise History of Islamic State
Militant Hamas Vs. Moderate Fatah
Afghanistan/Iraq Wars to Forget

Terrorism Against the West 1975-2015
Why Do They Hate Us?

Here's How the Longest War in US History Has Unfolded
Greater Israel Project from Ken O'keefe
More from Kenneth O'Keefe

US Violence Problems
Gun Violence Affects Police
Crime and Drugs in America
Stop Coddling the Confederacy

Our Free Internet Textbook U.S. Government and Politics

One-Page U.S. Political History

20th Century US History
One-page U.S. History
Military Decisions by US Presidents
Quick History of Modern Western Civilization
Quick Notes NFL & Golf History
Generations and The Fourth Turning
How the West Was Lost
Fifty Years of Economic Folly

and the Stark Choices Ahead by D. Moyo

Controversial Political Science Book Summaries
Pros and Cons of US History
from Frank Li a conservative pro Chinese American

Two Political Eras
Political Eras One 1788 to 1892   pdf
Political Eras Two 1896 to 2016   pdf

Many Elections
Presidential Elections 1778-1824
Presidential Elections 1828-1852
Presidential Elections 1856-1892

Presidential Elections 1896-1928

Presidential Elections 1932-72
Presidential Elections 1976-2012    

Rigged election . . . Sowed-Doubt and Nearly Led to Violence

Personal Stuff

Health and Lifestyle
Healthy Dieting  

Personal Finance  
Students Personal Finance




Meet author/editor Walter Antoniotti

Political Book Summaries

1. Presidential Courage
Brave Leaders and How They Changed America 1789-1989  

By Michael Beschloss  

G. Washington created Executive Privilege
couldn't stop political party animosity growth 

J. Adams avoided a Quasi-War with France
which cost him reelection.

A. Jackson took on eastern bankers
of perceived excessive power over farmers.

A. Lincoln required freeing the slaves
as a condition of saving the Union.

T. Roosevelt took on monopoly RR trusts
to protect, farms, consumers from high prices.

FDR took unpopular stance of planning for war
but still managed a third, fourth terms.

HT quickly recognize the new sate of Israel
in the face of pressure from all sides.

JFK continued to push school integration
despite potential political pressures.

RR hastened the end of the Cold War
with massive deficit spending.

2. Turning Points in American History

cove 400 years Five 2-page parts

3. Thomas Jefferson The Art of Power
2012 J. Meacham 8p

4. Second Chance Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower
by Zbigniew Brzezinski 6p

5. Don't Know Much About History Everything You Need To Know About American History
But Never Learned, by Kenneth C. Davis 6p

6. Lies My Teacher Told Me
Note: "Lies" refers to omissions
 author Loewen feels
negatively accept our nation.

7. American Dynasty:
Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit
in the House of Bush by K. Phillips

Other Stuff

National Constitution Center
Political Economy Videos

Internet Readings List
Income Inequality Affects Growth

Taxing the Rich
Some States Wealthier Than Others
Economics of Trans-Pacific Partnership

The Power Elite

Current Political Economy Controversies
8 Minute Video and 43 Minute Video


Welcome the Hackocracy
 a look at Bush 2's appointments that made a difference.

It’s Time to Found a New Republic
 by DARON ACEMOGLU and SIMON JOHNSON of the  Foreign Policy Group

 US Complains About Russian Election Interference While Interfering In Votes Around The World Researches Political Statements

Suggestions to



Economic Questions

Do Economists Lie

For Trump

1. Will Economies Growth Increase? 

2. Tax Cuts Success?  

3. Inflation's Back, Trouble Ahead?  

4. Stocks Too High?  

5. Recession Coming?


1. Will Inflation/Growth Tame Deficits? 

2. Will Debt End Capitalism? 

3. Job Loss to AI 

4. Dollar Privilege Continuation 

5. Disposition-Illegal Immigrants

6. Is Income Inequality Affecting Growth?

7. Will Stagnate Income Continue?

8. Russia/China U.S. Adversaries  

9. Understanding China






Multiple Intelligence  

Virtual Learning  

Historical Advise   

Current Leaders Advice   

Ten Commandments  

Class Handouts

Education, Investing in

Choosing a College/Major   

Majors Not Created Equal   

Economics of College Education

Academic Education/Training Help a Talented Minority

Education, Special Topics  
Who is Responsible  

What Should Education Accomplish

Grade Importance

Learning English Videos

Learning Skills Development

Teacher Stuff    

Reflections of a Lifelong Teacher

Community Prioritizes Goals

Educating Class of 2034

Distinguished Historical Observations Applied to 21st Century America

Geekability is Important for Success