Two U.S. Presidents Ignore Guidance from Mark Cuban
and Other Leaders

Mark Cuban believes you should do what you enjoy and try careers until you find the best fit.

Mark also believes better software is eliminating many high paying jobs and now that software is writing software, the theft is accelerating. President Obama listen intently as Cuban pointed out how computers were taking more and more programming, accounting, finance and other premium white collar high paying skilled jobs. Trump showed little interest.  Sources: Cuban Interview with Bloomberg's Cory Johnson 22 min. video, Cuban's Oxford Video 65 min video See The Coming Meltdown in College Education

Return to Career Guidance for Graduates

  Both Presidents had one thing in common. They needed a politically acceptable solution to the perceived voter well-being decline. One thought more highly educated and better trained workers would attract better jobs. The other thought bringing manufacturing back to the US was the solution. Politicians require problems be defined in such a solvable way and Mark offered problem cause had no long-term solution. Other Leaders  have questioned more spending on education and training as a good job creator. Same for import restrictions.

Researcher Richard Freeman's 1970s Rand Corporation study The Over Education American set the stage with an over-supply was causing low wages argument. Was Freeman's  data indicating a decreasing return from investing in an engineering college education correct? Follow-up studies show the measured declining return of engineering education investment may have been overstated.

Economist Paul Krugman questioned the 1996 "downsizing panic" that panicked America  because "...the rate at which Americans were losing jobs in the nineties was not especially high by historical standards." Nevertheless, for the first time white-collar, college-educated workers were being fired in large numbers, even while skilled machinists and other blue-collar workers were in high demand. The age of
ever-increasing wage premium paid for higher education were over "...but somehow nobody notice.
Leaders Educational Advise

In 2007, economist Alan Greenspan believed solving the skills shortage with education reform "...will take years."  The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World published in 2007 by Penguin Group, pages 406 and 407 Source: Return on Education Investment

  In 2008, libertarian political scientist Charles Murray states "HALF OF THE CHILDREN ARE BELOW AVERAGE, TOO MANY PEOPLE ARE GOING TO COLLEGE, AMERICA'S FUTURE DEPENDS ON HOW WE EDUCATE THE ACADEMICALLY GIFTED, ABILITIES VARY" Source: Interesting Thoughts Concerning Education  
See Economics of College Education


  Journalist Sean McElwee's  2013 study revealed "...for every one of those [marginal ability people who succeed] there are significantly more people that lose because they are not capable of attaining basic competency with the material, graduating, and (especially) obtaining work commensurate with the education." Source: A Statistician's Response to Heredity and Education
The Missing Men


  During the 2015 Future of Work panel discussion Lawrence Summers stated "...the idea that you can just have better training and then there are all these jobs, all these places where there are shortages and we just need the trained people is fundamentally an evasion."  "The core problem is that there aren't enough jobs.  If you help some people, you could help them get the jobs, but then someone else won't get the jobs." Source: Few Good Jobs

Suggestions to Walter at antonw@ix.netcom/com