#2 Will Trump Tax Cuts Work?


1. Real Growth Increase to 4%     

2. Maintain Inflation at 2%    

3. Measurable Wage Improvement?  

4. Lower Debt % of GDP

5. Return to Reasonable Deficit

See Current Economic Questions

Fiscal Policy at Work


Real Growth Increased to 4%

 Inflation is Below 2%


Relative Debt Little Changed


Return to Reasonable Deficit Doubtful

Other Stuff

Tax Bill in 10 Years
Maybe this will Activate the Sanders base


Trump Estimated Income Tax Saving before Payroll Taxes and Other Deductions

Fast Food Cook

Average salary:

2017 tax: $1,059

2018 tax: $857

Percent tax cut:

Machine Feeders

Average salary:

2017 tax 2,547

2018 tax: $2,028

Percent tax cut:


Average salary: $40,860

2017 tax: $4,014

2018 tax: $3,273

Percent tax cut: 18.5%


Average salary: $50,520

2017 tax: $5,214

2018 tax: $4,432

Percent tax cut:

Sheet metal

Average salary: $51,080

2017 tax: $5,322

2018 tax: $4,537

Percent tax cut:

$202/year  or $3.89 -per week- $529  per year or  $10.17 $741/ year or $14.25 $782 per year or $15.04 per week $785 per year or $15.10

Editor's Note: Media US salary is about $60,000

Data Source businessinsider.com

Very Early Data

us government posts 147 billion deficit in may


Tariff on Canada Fake News

U.S. goods and services trade with Canada totaled an estimated $673.9 billion in 2017.
Exports were $341.2 billion; imports were $332.8 billion.
The U.S. goods and services trade surplus with Canada was $8.4 billion in 2017.

Source U.S.-Canada Trade Facts (Office of the United States Trade Representative)


Latest Economic News From 2017