Healthy Dieting

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Healthy Eating 101 15 min video
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Weight Loss Steps


#1 Learn High Calorie Foods (HCF)

#2 Find Substitutes for HCF

# 3 Follow Safe Practices

#4 Online Help Makes Dieting Easier

# 5 Seventeen 17 Dieting Secrets

# 6 Smoking Thoughts

PDF Version


#1 Learn High Calorie Foods (HCF)

Why Count Calories
Food Tracking Helps
Tracking-smart phones methods

Calories Requirements Calculator
measures calorie intake needed to stay even. 

Where to cut.
Calories Counter
Nutrition & Calorie Counter

#2 Find substitutes for HCF
Preview 6 simple ways to lose a little weight 1 min video
Product Substitution Calorie Counter
will help you change from high to low calorie products.
This chart is the academic version of my Willie  Sutton's "Fast Food" Substitution Diet.
provides low calorie substitute information for those that visit fast food store Burger King,
MacDonald's, and Hardees

Related Article
Soda Drinkers Consume More Calories

7 Most Unhealthy Processed Foods to Avoid

What Sugar Does to Your Brain

20 Foods That Help Yu Lose Weight/ video

# 3 Follow Safe Practices

Live by the 80/20 Rule 80% Healthy, 20% that are empty but taste good from Weight Loss Tips You Can Incorporate That Work

What Science Says About Popular Diet Plans

Medline Plus: Weight Loss and Dieting from the National Institute of Health.

Dieting from Wikipedia is encyclopedic 

Is Dieting OK for Kids? from Kids Health

Howstuffworks "How Dieting Works" explores many popular diet plans.

Feeling Euphoric On A Low-carb Diet? The Effect On Your Brain Is Similar To An Illicit Drug

Related Article
US News Ranks Diet Plans
America's Healthy Restaurants Chains
Unhealthy Restaurants Chains

These are the 10 Best Everyday Exercises for Burning Calories

#4 Help Makes Dieting Easier

Mayo Clinic Free Diet Plan

Diet Tips for Teenagers 3:29 Video 

FitDay - Free Diet Journal customizing calorie counts to individual habits with a free diary.

Nutridiary : Free Diet Diary allows recording foods eaten and guides user to better choices.

Free Diet Plans at Spark People-- user input data helps with eating and fitness goals but they will try to sell you something.

Free Internet Apps Can Help
fat secret use app to plan menu, select foods, count calories for their menus
lose it app uses personality traits to help plan diet
charity miles motivates by donates to your chosen charity for each pound lost.


What I Learned Dieting

1) The less I eat something I really like, the less I crave it,

2) The more I eat something that is so, so the more I like it. High calorie examples:
    potato & taco Chips come to mind. Low calorie examples": Green beans an 2% cottage cheese.

3) Research shows that spending eight weeks before you diet working on weight maintenance skills
     like portion size and calorie intake results in less weight regained when the diet is over.
     like bananas but at 200 calories I eat a pear, apple or 1/2 a banana
. Good luck! Walter

1) Almond milk is low in calories and taste great.

2) I find sugar free yogurt as good as ice cream.

3) DiGiorno's Margareta Pizza has Less calories.

4) Mangos are a great substitute for sugar disserts.


healthy eating habits that work_2016

4 Steps to Curing Obesity


Editor's Note: On Smoking: After 190 tries I went to a hypnotist who kept say if I didn't quit in 6 month cigs would taste awful. I forgot but in 6 month they did taste awful over Thanksgiving. I said I would buy cigs after New Years. I had 2 cartons on Jan 1 and sure enough I quit. It was 38 years ago.

Margareta from DiGiorno's will save Pizza Lovers Calories

17 Dieting Secrets

Source Dieting%20Secrets%20To%20Get%20The%20Body%20You%20Desire

healthy eating habits that work_2016

Source diet-tips-and-habits-to-lose-weight has more information

Food diagram | Health and Nutrition