Free Arts and Sciences Textbooks
Designed for iPhone's and Classrooms`

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Education Strategy     Gender Identity   Civility in America


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Classics Novela

Titles         Authors


1- Page Academic Studies
1- Page Economics
1- Page Political Economy

1- Page Relegion
4-Step Education Plan
100 Best Online Dictionaries
100 Best  Online Courses

A Tales, of Two Tales
Academic Libraries

American Nation


Algebra, Pre
Practice Problems
Practice Problems 2



AP, SAT Test Pre

Amish Way of Life



Audio Books

Career Basics

Executive Summary


Career Path Options

Education and Income

Career Basics Handbook 

Biographies Internet Library

American Authors

American Presidents
Modern Political Analysis
Political Economy Leaders
U.S. Colonial Political Leaders

Biology, Health, Nursing
Book Summaries


Christianity, Concise History

Civility in America


Class Handouts, one-page

College Witting and Composition

Computers, Prog,. Software

Conservatism vs. Progressivism

Constitutional History-US




Choosing a College
Choosing A Major


Concise History

Media Hysteria?

COVID-19 Thought Experiment

Curriculum, Education

Democracies, How They Die

Documentary Films

Documents in Law, History, Diplomacy


Education Plan


Education Strategy

Step 1

Education 1 of 4 Community,
Parents, and Students
Choose and Prioritize

Step 2 Meeting Parental Goals

Step 3 Adopt Individualized Curriculum

Step 4 Determining Accountability

See Post Secondary Recommendations

Education Student Stuff
No Degree  
Education Affects Income



Goal Every Child Employable

Local Community Prioritize Goals

Education Manifesto

Leaders Educational Advice.htm   
Advice Begins Education Reform With

Improvement Guidelines and
Plan: Completed for 2037 Graduates

Brief History of American Education

See  Learning   E-Learning

Excel for Teachers and Administrators 
Excel Statistics
Excel Research Project

Finance Libraries



Foreign Languages
Learning English Videos

Grand Strategy

Totalitarianism in America

Gender Identity


Health Analysis: America
Health Careers: Nursing
Healthy Dieting
Learning Materials
Health Literacy

Healthy Skin

A Very Brief U.S. History

Economics Thought
History Internet Library
Modern Economic Civilization

History/Political Economy

American Nation Summary
6 Political Eras 1788-2016

Presidents: Elections
Book Summaries
Constitutional History
Conservatism vs. Progressivism
A Concise History of Immigration

Directory of Open Access Journals

Yale's Historical Documents


science clarifietextbooks

Library Collections

Libraries, Free Internet 



Test-Prep Mathematics
Practice Problems    2

Nine 2-page reviews

Pre Algebra Mathematics Course

Algebra, Elementary


Algebra, Linear

Algebra Linear 2

Algebra, Refresher

Calculus, Visual

Calculus MIT

Calculus, Advances Harvard

Calculus Lecture Notes

Trig Course

Daves Short Calculus Text,


Computer Scientists Mathematics

Differential Equations for Engineers

Discrete Mathematics from Wikibooks

Discrete Mathematics/Set theory

H S Mathematics Extensions

Introduction to Matlab

Math, Interactive 

Mathematics Books Online

Mathematics, Free Book Center

Mathematics Internet Library

Mathematical Tools for Physics

Probability and Statistics Class Notes

Set Theory

SPSS, TI-84, MiniTab, SAS, Excel Tutorials

Trigonometry, College

Trigonometry CK-12  - Second Edition

Trigonometry Concepts CK-12 Lectures

Textbooks Online Mathematics


Open Access Stuff
Directory of Open Access Journals
science clarified
Open Access Materials
Open Access Journals


Top Titles

Crime and Punishment Dostoevsky

David Copperfield C Dickens

Down & Out in Paris & London Orwell

Dracula Stoker

Erewhon Butler

For the Term of His Natural Life Clarke

Frankenstein Shelley

Great Expectations Dickens

Grimms Fairy Tales Grimm

Gulliver's Travels Swift

Heart of Darkness Conrad

Jane Eyre Bronte

Kidnapped Stevenson

Lady Chatterly’s Lover Lawrence

Little WomenAlcott

Madame Bovary Flaubert

Middlemarch Eliot

Moby Dick Melville

Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard Conrad

Notes from the Underground Dostoevsky

Of Human Bondage Maugham

Oliver Twist Dickens

Paradise Lost Milton

Pollyanna Porter

Pride and Prejudice Austen

Robinson Crusoe Defoe

Sense and Sensibility Austen

Sons and Lovers Lawrence

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Twain

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Twain

The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky

The Great Gatsby

The Hound of the Baskervilles Doyle

The Idiot Dostoevsky

The Iliad Homer

The Island of Doctor Moreau Wells

The Jungle Book Kipling

The Last of the Mohicans Cooper

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Irving

The Odyssey Homer

The Adventures of Robin Hood Pyle

The Metamorphosis Kafka

The Picture of Dorian Gray Wilde

The Prince Machiavelli

The Scarlet Pimpernel Orczy

The Three Musketeers Duma

The Trial by Franz Kafka

The War of the Worlds Wells

Treasure Island Stevenson

Ulysses JoycePart

Guttenberg's Top 100

Top Authors
Dickens, Charles

Twain, Mark   

Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir   

Austen, Jane




Wilde, Oscar   

Thomson, Arthur     Jacob,

Baum    Wells, H. G.    Stevenson, R

Maspero,    Aesop    Burton, Sir

Doré, Gustave   

Poe, Edgar Allan

Dumas père, A    Joyce, James

Tolstoy, Leo, graf     Hugo, Victor

Grimm, Jacob    Grimm, Wilhelm

Conrad, Joseph      Burroughs, Edgar Rice    Vatsyayana

Lang, Andrew    Goethe, Johann Wolfgang   

Bhide, Shivaram    Indrajit, Bhagavanlal

Nietzsche, Friedrich   

Dante Alighieri

Homer    Sunzi 6th cent. B.C.

Litchfield, Frederick     Sayce, A. H.     Rackham, Arthur     

McClure, M. L.     Stoker, Bram )     Chesterton, G. K.

Dostoyevsky,  Fyodor     Hubbard, Elbert

Eliot, George     Beard, Charles A.   Beard, Mary Ritter
Plato  Wodehouse, P. G.    Balzac, Honoré de   
Defoe, D

Philosophy and Relegion
Philosophy, Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy religion to read or buy

Consciousness Studies (Assayer review)

Documentary Films, Religion

Ethical Studies Introduction to

Intellectual Currents of the Twentieth Century

lslam, Judaism, and the
Political Role of Religions in the Middle East

Logic and Proofs

Logic, Introduction

Logic, Formal from Wikibooks

Logic, Aormal, forall x: An Introduction to Formal Logic 

Manifesto, The Metaconstitutional  from Global Text Project

Marxists Internet Library

Philosophical Inquiry, Reading for:
A Brief Introduction to Philosophical Thinking,

Philosophy, An Introduction College Open Textbooks

Philosophy, Introduction Wiki

Philosophy, Historical Introduction to Wikiversity

Philosophy, Historical Introduction to Wikiversity

Age of Einstein, Yale University.
Atmospheres, Stellar U. of Victoria
Conservation Laws
: college physics using algebra
covering conservation of energy,
momentum, angular momentum, Calculus optional

Electricity and Magnetism also using algebra, covers Electricity and the Atom,
The Nucleus, Circuits, Fields of Force, and Electromagnetism
Electrodynamics, Classical Uppsala School of Engineering
Electricity and Magnetism U. of Victoria
Fields, SUNY
Groups, Invariants & Particles, Introduction, Yale University

Mechanics, Classical
Mechanics, Celestial, U. of Victoria
Mechanics, Fluid, Basics of
Mechanics, Fundamentals of Compressible Flow
Mechanics, Advanced Classical
at Wikiversity
Nature, Simple requires calculus
Newtonian Physics
is for use in a typical one year survey course.

Optics using algebra
Ray Model of Light, Images by Reflection, Images &
Quantitatively, Refraction and Wave Optics

Geometric Optics, Geometric U. of Victoria

Photometry Max Fairbairn's Planetary Photometry

Physical Electronics:
solid state device including field
effect and bipolar transistors

Physics 231
optics and light.

Physics, Calculus Based

Physics I - Calculus Based

Physics Book, The People's C Santa Cruz

Physics, Conceptual

Physics, Discover

Physics, Environmental
Physics Flexbook, 21st Century: A Compilation of

Contemporary and Emerging Technologies

Physics of Nuclear Medicine, Basic

Physics Textbook for grades 10-12 for South Africa students

Physics, Mathematical Tools for
covers methods used in Physics.

Physics: Motion The adventures of

Physics Study Guide from Wikibooks

Quantum World, This from Wikibooks

Relativity, General, Fullerton College

Special Relativity from Wikibooks

Simple Nature Physics for Engineering and Physical Science

Students An Introduction...   calculus-based

String Field Theory, Introduction to

Superspace: One Thousand and One Lessons in

Supersymmetry, SUNY, McGill, U. of Maryland

Heat and Thermodynamics, U. of Victoria

Vibrations and Waves using algebra
 Vibrations, Resonance, Free Waves, Bounded Waves

Free Book Center has many upper level free physics e-books.

Political Ideologies in the United States from Wikipedia

US Political Economy
History 20th Century+
Decades Evaluated
Decades Ranked
Political Cycles Ranked

Generational Events
Century Highlights
Current Issues

5. Populism in the 21st Century

6. History of U.S. Political Economy

7. Money and Politics

Political Globalism

Liberal Democracies in Peril?

Geopolitics of 20th Century Wars

Post WW 2 International Economic Adjustments

1. Global Economic Growth and the Rise of Populism
2. U.S. Russia, China, Rivals, Adversaries, Enemies
3. Understanding China

21st Century Geopolitical Options

Thanks to Experts:
 M Blyth,
A Tooze, F Fukuyama ,S LeVine, S Gandesha

 M Sandel, _Zeihan

k5. GZERO Worldwide Threat Assessment
6. On Grand Strategy
Fourth Turning


8. Lost Hegemony?
International Greatness         Economic Greatness   

Populisms and Their Global Challenges:
the threat and potential solutions
for the rise of global populism
Anna Grzymala-Busse, Didi Kuo, Francis Fukuyama
 and Michael McFaul

Preface: Western Civilization Economic History

Political Eras 1788-2016

Political Cycles 1896-2019

Trump's New Political Era?

6 Political Eras 1788-2016


Current Issues


Book Summaries



Political Science Library

Political Systems

Conservatism vs. Progressivism

Great American Intellects:
 Gore Vidal and Noam Chomsky

President's Election/Contributions

1788-1824    1828-1852   

1856-1892     1896-1928   

 1932-1972    1976-2012 

Great Recession: Historical Perspective

Psychology Index

1. Psychology, General

1. Psychology, General

Blended Learning in K-12
Classics in the History of Psychology
Cognitive Science from Stanford University
Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience  
Cultural-Historical Psychology from Wiki

Dreams, The Interpretation of Sigmund Freud
1900- Semantic Scholar

EBOOKEE has a nice collection of Psychology e-book
Emotions, Feelings and Thoughts, The Psychology of  
Excel, Statistics Course Using books, homework, tests.
Groups and Teamwork The Open University
Individual Differences, The Making of Learning Space

Learning Theories from Wiki
Lucid Dreaming
from Wikibooks

Mental Health, Challenging Ideas The Open University
Mental Health Practice The Open University

Personality Books Archadia University
Psychiatric Disorders Handbook from Merk

Psychology, A Student Friendly Approach *
Psychology, Introduction to from Wikibooks
Psychology Encyclopedia
Jacksonville S. U.
Religious Experience, The Variety of
by William James
Psychology Books from Many Books
Social Psychology from Wikibooks
Statistics: Concepts, Models, and Apps. Intro.

More Psychology ebooks

2. Psychology, Applied
Social psychology
Individual differences

Clinical psychology & psychotherapy
Educational psychology
Industrial & organizational psychology
Transpersonal psychology
Other specialist fields of psychology
World psychology
Professional items
ADHD) (4 Items)
Anxiety Disorders (8 Items)

Autism (1 Item)
Bipolar Disorder (5 Items) 
Borderline Personality Disorder (1 Item)

Depression (10 Items)

Eating Disorders (1 Item)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (2 Items)

(OCD) and (3 Items)

Panic Disorder (2 Items)

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (7 Items)

Schizophrenia (2 Items)

Social Phobia (2 Items)

3. Psychology, Foundations of
Philosophy & psychology
Psychometric assessment
Statistics & mathematics
Cognitive & experimental psychology
Comparative psychology
Biological psychology
Language & communication
Developmental psychology

4. Psychology, Using Software
Psychology Using Statistics Software 
Psychology Statisyics is designed for Minitab.
Statistics: Concepts, Models, and Apps. Intro.
 uses SPSS.

SPSS, TI-84, MiniTab, SAS, StataQuest,
and Excel Video Tutorials

SPSS, Quick Notes Statistics Course Using
free books, homework, and tests.


Rare Book Room


US Recessions Chronology

Most Severe US Recessions

The Great Recession 3 p

Great Recession: Historical Perspective

The Business Cycle

Post WW 2 US Economic Adjustments

Post WW2 International Economic Adjustment

Western Civilization Economic History


A Concise History of Judaism Christianity    

Biblical Photos & Demographics    

Free Books Videos    

Luther's American Legacy    

World Religions

Luther's American Legacy

        The Israel- Palestine Conflict Essays     

Sundry   Justice a free internet course

Religion eBooks

Religion, Philosophy of

Bernard Shaw's: A Faith That Fits the Fact

Sociology of Religion, The by Max Weber

Walden by H.D. Thoreau

Yoga, Religion and Philosophy:

Religions of the World

Concise History of Christianity
A Concise History of Hinduism
Concise History of Islam

Concise History of Judaism
 Luther's American Legacy
Growth of Religious Toleration
Freedom of Religion Began in 1636

US Relegious Freedom 1636


Research Paper

Research Methods

Science in the Trump Eras

Communication Theory 
from Wikibooks

Crime, The Meaning of from Open Learn
Evidence, Reading


Globalised World, Living in a from Open Learn
Leisure Class, The Theory of the by Thorstein Veblen
Minority Studies: A Brief Sociological Text from Conexions

Relationships from Wikibooks
Social Work Practice, Introducing from Open Learn

Social in Social Scienc
e, The Open Learn
Social Problems: Who Sociology, Introduction to Wikibooks
Sociology Internet Library
materials for students, teachers, professionals.
Sociology, Intro to
Utah Valley University has a collection.

Sociology of the Family Utah Valley University
Sociology, Introduction to
from Wikibooks

Sociological Inquiry, Principles of :
Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

SPSS, TI-84, MiniTab, SAS, StataQuest, and Excel Video Tutorials

Statistics Course Using SP
SS, Quick Notes
 books, homework, and tests.
Statistics Course Using MicrosoftTM
books, homework, and tests.
akes Them? 
Society, Interesting Thoughts Concerning
21st Century Learning Products

Spanish from Wikibooks
Spanish I from  Wikiuniversity
(L140) En Rumbo: a fresh start in Spanish
The Open University
(L194) Portales: Beginners' Spanish
The Open University
(L204) Viento en popa: moving on in Spanish
The Open University
(L314) A buen puerto: Fast Forward in Spanish
The Open University

Spanish Topic Videos
Spanish 1.1 Greeting and Introductions
Spanish 1.2 Personal Descriptions

Spanish 1.3 Food, Definite, and Indefinite articles
Food, Definite and Indefinite articles
Spanish 1,4 Food Vocabulary and Conjugation
 of regular ER verbs

Spanish 1.5 Conjugation of regular AR and  IR verb
Spanish 1.6 Likes, Dislikes, and Days of the Week



Statistics Undergraduate Material

Free Statistics Books

Statistics  Quick Print Version    pdf version 

Statistics Problems    On Grand Strategy

Using Statistics Software
Excel, Quick Notes Statistics Course Using MicrosoftTM Software Books, homework, tests
SPSS, Quick Notes Statistics Course Using
books, homework, tests
TI-84, Quick Notes Statistics Course Using
books, homework, tests
Psychological Statistics is designed for Minitab.

Statistics:  Concepts, Models, and Applications
is for those using SPSS.

Other Statistics Textbooks
Quick Notes Statistics programmed text
with many problems and computer solutions.
A New View of Statistics uses sports for examples.
Causal and Statistical Reasoning from Connections
Statistics Tutors
may help and they pay for this site.
Hyper Stat Online: An Introductory Statistics Book
 is a concise, well written narrative.

Probability, Introduction to requires calculus
Quantitative Information Analysis III
Statistics, Concepts and Applications of
Statistics Notes
Statistics, Online
: An Interactive Multimedia
 Course of Study

Stat Notes: Online Textbook 
Statistics Study Guide, Pink Monkey
Statistical Thought Introduction to from Orange Grove
Downloadable Book


Statistics Videos
SPSS, TI-84, MiniTab, SAS, StataQuest,
 and Excel Video Tutorials

Statistics Video Lectures Using Excel

Graduate Statistics Material from Dr. Arsham

Business Statistics
relates statistics to decision making.
Business Forecasting
is concise and + links to related business subjects.
Statistics Tutors
can help with difficult problems. 
Leadership Decision Making 

SPSS, TI-84, MiniTab, SAS, StataQuest,
and Excel Video Tutorials

Student Success Center

Strategy, On Grand



The Law Coding and the Financial Crisis

Tax Changes for a Post COVID America

Taxing The Rich

Blended Learning in K-12
Education for an Information Age
 for K-12 teacher, it is to help you incorporate
the computer into your K-12 curriculum.
Education Internet Library

has materials for students majoring in education.
Education Libraries
cover many interesting topics concerning education.
How People Learn, Brain, Mind, Experience, and School

Free Internet Libraries  cover many academic disciplines

Teacher Education Course Materials, Master of Arts in (International)

Video/Audio Lecture Libraries

Television Production from Cyber College



25 Years of Right Wing Terrorism pdf

War on Terror

Terror Episodes Since 1900    

Terrorism Against the West 1975-2015

War Presidents   

Gun Violence Affects Police

U.S. Wars Explained

Textbooks Free Business
Textbooks, Free Homeschooling
Textbooks, Free High School


Technical Writing 
Teacher's Reflection


TI-84 Instructions

Wellbeing: The Good and the Bad
Western Civilization began increasing wellbeing
1. Work   
2. Health   3. Poverty   4. Education

5. Taxes   6. Debt    7. Government 

8. Civility   9. The Bottom Line

See The World is Getting Better video


Video Lectures
Virtual Learning

Wage Stagnation Causes

Wage Stagnation Causes
Wage Stagnation Solutions

War on Terror

What Know About