Research Paper

A. Two Paper Types
1. Writing a Research Paper- No Data Collected
2. Writing a Research Paper Using Data
3. Topic Materials

B. Video Support
1. Research Paper Overviews 3 videos
2. Internet Tools 4 videos
3. Writing Support

C. Statistics Software Tutorials

D. Academic Discipline Support
1. Business Research
2. Marketing Research

3. Social Science Research
4. Government Research

E. Practice
     1. Research Project     
Statistics Lab Manual

Many students are also using our Free Statistics Lab Manual
which loads into most spreadsheets. It is really a Quick way to learn.
It was designed to use with our free Quick Notes Statistics textbooks.
This textbook had 90,000 free pdf
 downloads during December of 2019.
 Hopefully, users did not have to buy a traditional high-price book.
Thanks! Walter  suggestions to 


1. Writing a Research Paper- No Data Collected

The Basics
100 Best Online Dictionaries
A+ Research & Writing for high school and college students

Term Papers Online-99 has many resources
MLA In-Text Citations: The Basics 
Citation machine for help citing resources in papers
Resources for Methods in Evaluation and Social Research
Market Research Articles is a college class basic research reading list.
Check for Plagiarism

2. Writing a Research Paper Using Data

The Basics
A+ Research & Writing
for high school and college students

vizala provides free data that can be loaded into Excel for analysis
Citation machine for help citing resources in papers
Resources for Methods in Evaluation and Social Research
Term Papers Online-99 has many resources

Overview of a Research Project
Citation machine for help citing resources in papers
The Data Stories Library
has data sets and stories as examples for research projects.
Reading, Writing, and Researching for History
from Bowdoin College

Data may be collected by Questioner
Survey Monkey: Free online survey software & questionnaire too
Principles of Questionnaire Construction
is concise
Questionnaires & Surveys Tutorial is extensive
Research Randomizer  

Data Sources
Term Papers Online-99
Finding Information on the Internet is a comprehensive tutorial from UC Berkeley
vizala provides free data that can be loaded into Excel for analysis

from around the world.
is a service of the Department of Commerce.
Data Tools from the United States Census Bureau has a number of sources.
Historical Census Browser
from the university of Virginia
One- Page Academic Studies with links for more information
One-Page Economic Issues with links for more information
Check for Plagiarism

Data Must be Analyzed
Quick Notes Statistics Reviews
Statistics, Tests and Measurement, 4 Videos Each lasts about 15 minutes and provide a subjective overview. 
"Selecting Statistics", by Bill Trochim, Cornell, is based on the number of variables you are studying.
Overview of Statistical Procedure 
provides a review of available tests for your the variables.
Statistical Decision Tree is based on the number of variables you are studying.
MicrosoftTM Excel Directions
is an example of a Research Project

Analysis Must be Communicated

MLA In-Text Citations: The Basics
A+ Research & Writing for high school and college student

3. Topic Materials
1- Page Academic Studies
Academic Subjects Libraries
American History
Specialty Collection

B. Research Paper Support Videos

1. Research Paper Overview

How To Write A Research Paper Fast 5 min

How to Write a Great Research Paper 34 min

How to Write a Great Research Paper from MS  58 min

2. Internet Tools

15 Writing Apps to Help You Write Papers and Essays Faster 3.5 min

Finding Online Sources Research Papers 10 Min

Citations Using Word 12 min

Basic MLA Research Paper 15 min

3. Writing Support

Structure of a research paper 2 min

Creating an Outline 3.5 in

What should be in my research paper introduction? 7.5 min

Discussion Section in Research Paper 8 min

Writing a Conclusion 4.5 min


C. Statistics Software

Review Statistics Video Lectures
Statistics Lab Manual loads into software

Excel Statistics Video
Excel Research Project

Minitab Statistics Video Lectures
Minitab Help #1
Minitab tutorial (pdf format)
Minitab tutorial (word format)

SPSS Statistics Video Lectures
SPSS On-Line Training Workshop

StataQUEST Help 

TI-84 Statistics Video Lectures

Many students are also using our Free Statistics Lab Manual which loads into most spreadsheets. It is really a Quick way to learn. It is a stand alone but was designed to use with our free Quick Notes Statistics textbooks. The textbook had 90,000 free pdf  downloads during December of 2019. Hopefully, users did not have to buy a traditional high-price book. Thanks! Walter suggestions to


4. Writing resources:

Developing your topic:

Regression model questions:

Tips on managing papers:

  • Throughout thesis-ing you’ll encounter lots of papers. It’s easy to skim dozens of papers one week and then completely forget which one said what the next week. So, to help you out with managing papers, I strongly suggest you use some existing tools to help you out.
  • Want to typeset but not sure where to start?
    • I made a basic structure of a thesis project in Overleaf for you all. Here it is!1
    • Want to build off this template for your own thesis? You can make an Overleaf account and then copy this project and build off this underlying structure for your own thesis. (Instructions on how to copy a project here.)

Using beamer:

  • Want to try out using Beamer for presenting? Well, here are some Beamer presentations about Beamer presentations (meta):
  • Want to leave Beamer for xaringan? Check out links here under “Using xaringan for slides”

Making theory diagrams:

  • Want to make diagrams for theory concepts?
    • I’ve heard good things about these two tools: & TikZit
    • Threads with additional suggestions: here and here. (After asking around, it sounds like lots of people just ad hoc make these sorts of diagrams with PowerPoint or even Google Drawings.)
    • TikZ examples here from Grant McDermott


D. Academic Discipline Support

1. Business Research
Business Research Methods
Business Research Lab

Marketing Research
Marketing Research and Information Systems is a comprehensive textbook.
Marketing Research
Research Room Menu  has a step-by step research room. 
Market provides product information on about everything.

Market Research Articles
is a college class reading list.
Principles of Forecasting is comprehensive.

Social Science Research

Resources for Methods in Behavioral Research

Behavioral Research
Behavioral Sciences Statistics videos

Methods in Evaluation and Social Research

Research Methods Knowledge Base textbook for social science research methods. 
Social Research Methods
Social Research Methods 
U of Edinburgh
The web Center for Social Science Research
Researching Criminal Justice
Research Methods Knowledge Base: a social science research textbook
Research on motivational salience

Reading, Writing, and Researching for History from Bowdoin College
Web Center for Social Science Research

4. Government Research

Government Research

More on the template: The project includes a .tex file (the main text of the paper), a .bst file (that’s just there for bibliography style–no need to edit that or worry about it ever), a .png file (an example of an image you can insert into your thesis), and a .bib file (the bibtex bibliography file). The thesis is the .tex file, but it calls on all the other files. It calls on the .bst and .bib files to make and format the bibliography and (author-year) citations using AER guidelines. It also calls on the .png image to insert that image into the text. Most commands you need to know to typeset a thesis (make sections, add footnotes, cite papers, add equations, add tables/figures) are shown in the template. The .bib file is where you should put the information for articles you’re reading that you’ll want to cite. You’ll create a name for the reference in the bib file (e.g., the first one in the example .bib file is named tir11) and then you can call that specific reference at any point in the .tex file using various cite commands. The bibtex framework will save you so much time when it comes to making a proper set of citations/bibliography.