Fake News
Political Economy Fake News

Communication from media, economist, politicians and professionals providing Inadequate, bias information
oncerned with personal ideology rather than appropriate information and theories.

1. Wages Stagnation     2. Inflation       3. National Debt is a Catastrophe   

2024 Election Warnings Political Correctness   Storm Before the Calm   Trump's New Political Era?   Party Politics Problems    Presidential Power

Preface: Are the Economics and National Media Professionals
  Responsible to Educate on Important Economic Questions?


 1. Is Wages Stagnation Fake News?
Misused Economic Variables Create Bias

Paul Krugman recently blamed economic journals
for the inability for economists to community truth.


See 5 min video
Problems With Long-Term Economic Measurements




1. Kevin Hassett, chair of the Council of Economic Advisers
believes if you deflated average hourly earnings by the PCE rather than the CPI,
 earnings look a lot better over the last year.

A. Deflating average hourly earnings (AHE) by the
personal consumption expenditures (PCE)
rather than the consumer price index (CPI)
provides a more appropriate view.

B. Employment Cost Index (ECRI) Shows
Benefits Feeling the Pinch

Problems With Economic Measurements Over Time. 5 min video

2. Unintended Consequences

Quintiles 2 and 3 React Poorly to Lowest Quintile 1  Having Big Gains

Top Quintile Did OK Except for the Very Top.
Need More Data to Judge Effect on Top 1%.

Many economists are interested in selling their opinion to Think Tanks,
politicians recently blamed economic journals for the inability for economists to community truth.
Publishing and Promotion in Economics: The Tyranny of the Top Five

Good News on Two Fronts

1. A few weeks back, economist Robert Samulson wrote about a new study
from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO)  that convinced him, though rising slowly,
over long periods, that income increases are significant. Average inflation-adjusted household incomes
for the middle fifth rose from $56,400 in 2000 to $64,700 in 2015, a 15% gain.
An Urban Institute complementary report by economist Stephen J. Rose 
reaches a similar conclusion. Source

2. Some Economist are Acting Responsibly. Are you listening:

Presidents Are Not Ammine





Few in Media Understand the Basic Economics of Political Issues
See Distributing Income and Economic Wellbeing

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