Fake News Internet Library

Unintended Fake News
When Professionals Provide
Inadequate, Bias Information.
Media, Politicians, Think-tanks

Political Economy
Boston Sports
 COVID-19 Hysteria!

Intended Fake News
A Modern Name for
Yellow Journalism, Propaganda

Validity of Information
Look for a date, author, data source,
logical relationships supporting facts,
internet domain, writing style...

Return to Active Fake News Warning 5/20/21

Unintended Fake News Warnings
See Unintended Fake News Explored

# 1 Claiming Trumpisms are Lies
Trump Just Doesn't Understand

“Fifty Times Last Original Number NO WAY!” Trump's
He c
laimed Actual Unemployment was "42%"
Visit this Warning and Learns Why

# 2 U.S. Education Failures Continue

Test Scores Stagnates
We are Falling as some countries score higher
Education is the Answer

Visit this Warning and Learns How/Why

Political Economy
Quantitative Misrepresentations from
Some Media, Economist, Politicians

#5 Low Retirement Savings Plague Seniors

#6 National Debt is a Catastrophe

#7 Income Stagnation Continues

Boston Sports
Incorrectly, Fake News Reports

#10 Belichick's Failed at Cleveland With a 36–44 Record

#9 Curse of the Bambino

#11 Bill's Famous 4th and 2 Indianapolis Decision on the 29 yard line

#12  Is COVID-19 Media Caused Hysteria!

See: Media Negativity 4 min video

5. Real News Becoming Fake News

Solved Issues are No Longer News
Russian Election Meddling Known
Solution Analysis is Now News
Trump's Connection Speculation Fake News

Intended Fake News- Yellow  Journalism


History of US Fake News

Engagement with “Fake News” on Facebook is Declining
The National Bureau of Economic Resources measured the diffusion of fake news stories on Facebook and Twitter between 1/15 and 7/18.
False content rose steadily on both Facebook and Twitter through the end of 2016 but dropped by  measurably from Facebook but not for twitter.

Validity of Information

Look for a date, author, data source, logical facts, internet domain, writing style...

Quick History
In the Late 19th Century The New York Times
began century long era of Unbiased News with the slogan
"All The News That's Fit To Print".

The era bottomed in 1969 when the
fairness doctrine
for broadcast media was eliminated.
Talk Radio and
Identity Politics Flourished.

Increased political contributions resulting from
Citizens United v. FEC affected money available
for alternative new sources with both intended and
unintended Fake News getting their share.

How Biased is Your News

Propaganda and social control

in the 21st Century:

 an interview with the editors of

The Propaganda Model Today


Killing Journalism: How Greed, Laziness (and Donald Trump)
Are Destroying News and How We Can Save


 Thanks! Walter Antoniotti

Suggestions to antonw@ix.netcom.com

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