Everyone is On Welfare
Are You Getting Your Fair Share?
Check one to qualify as a welfare recipient. 

Please Share 3/30/19      


Preface: No one paid more taxes in 2019 
We Overspent by $1,000,000,000,000
or about $3,000 per person


Social Security
1. You are associated with Social Security (pay or receive) and have/had a family. _____
Single people pay the same as those with a family and receive no social security family
2. You receive Social Security and didn't earn enough income to pay up to the maximum income
    PER YEAR for 35 years.  It's$127,200 for 2017.     _____
The system is progressive. Low earners receive a larger investment payback
     (retirement income) than those paying up to the maximum income.

3. You married to add to your social security check.
       Why? I could use help on how this works! e-mail antonw@ix.netcom.com

Company Benefits
4. You receive/received health care and retirement  benefits from an employer that
    were not taxable income.   _____

    Why? Determining what is taxable income is arbitrary.

5. Y
ou have a bachelor's degree or less and work for the Federal Government.  ______
Federal employees with a HS degree or less earn 36% more in wages and fringe benefits
    than their private contemporaries doing comparable work. Those with a bachelor's degree earn
    15% more. Professional degree holders earn 18% less. Source

6. You work/worked for a nonprofit organization receiving tax concessions: educational,
     religious, charitable. fraternal, trade associations, labor organizations ...     ____
     Why? Organization can afford to pay you more in salary/benefits.
     While working foe a private college I had plenty with the maximum reaching a $10000 expense
     account, a $6,500 car account, 100% health/dental, and a 10% non matching contribution to
     retirement. Plus they matched SS and Medicare payments. All not taxable income. _____

7. As an employee of a college your family receives free tuition that is nontaxable income
    Why? One place I worked had an employee send two children to Syracuse where they received
    $160,000 at today's rates as a discount/ None was taxed.
    A teacher received a free law degree and another a free MBA. No tax.
    Editor's Note: My second BS cost nothing and paid zero tuition and it was not taxable income.
    Editors Note: Health benefits are not taxable income thus avoiding WW2 wage/price controls.
    Editor's Note: I exclude things like corporate welfare and ...

Societal Benefits
8. You purchased for value from a nonprofit organization: educational, religious, charitable.
     Fraternal, trade associations, labor organizations ...     ______
     Why? Organization's product is considered valuable and they are excused from contributing
     to society's general well-being.
     Editor's Note: Federal aid reduced the cost of the degrees I earned from three private colleges.

9. You/your family are not covered by health insurance      ______
You have the security of knowing society will pay when sickness occurs. Just go to the hospital.

10. Take/took interest paid on a home as a tax deduction.     _____
       Why? This tax deductions is arbitrary.
       Editor's Note: The 1913 deduction was to help business and the rich as average people,
       mainly farmers who could afford a home paid cash, had no mortgage, no deduction.

11. You have/had many children and don't pay a lot of property taxes.     _____
State and local taxes are base on property values not number of children and
      those with few or no children don't need many of the benefits provided.
       Editor's Note: I paid a lot of property taxes in NH and had no children, was not connected
       to town water or sewer and was last to receive snow removal.

12. You receive Medicare, SNAP, SSI, TANF and many other major federal, state, and
       local safety net program benefits.

       Why? Society has decided these are necessary regardless of contributions to the system.
       Commentary: Maybe, just maybe, we as a nation are getting a little spoiled, maybe even
       greedy when judging how our government gets involved with our lives.

Some People Look at Others and See Welfare.
Some People Look at Themselves and See a Taxpayer.