Proposed Education Manifesto
Executive Summary
Full Version    
Updated 03/4/24       Please use to educate and share! 

1. Opinions Matter

A. Historical Observations
from Confucius
 to Churchill

Student Treatment  
"It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you don't stop." Confucius

Academic Rigor
"Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing, but the shape  of the spoon."
E. Forster
Desired Result
The most important thing about education is appetite. Winston Churchill

B. Leaders Advise
from Ten
Current Experts

P. Drucker "Students Should Have Studied What They Do Well"
A. Kohn "There isn’t even a positive correlation between...
homework and any measure of achievement.

J. Heckman “The highest rate of return in early childhood development
comes from investing...early...."

2 Author's Education Truths

Education's Ten Commandments

A student's Special Intelligence, what they do best, should be determined and central to their educational efforts.
Equal does not mean the same.
 Unique treatment using Individualized Curriculums is essential.
Reading enjoyment is primary for success so students determine what they read and level.1

  World Changed,
Good Jobs Disappeared

Public Education
Must Follow

Job Polarization has decreased opportunities for academically educated average High School graduates.
This means Few High-Paying Jobs for those in the middle!
Our best and brightest students are in a struggle with the world's best and brightest.
This means career success requires more work  from academically oriented students.

4 Implementation
Educating the
Class of 2035

has many benefits

Base primary grades on determining what a student does well,  their Special Intelligence.
Base secondary grades on four twelve-week year-round  four hour double sessions terms.
Provides time so students can take overloads, participate in school activities, do community work, sleep late ...
Teachers use off sessions for compensation overloads or sabbaticals banking, student activity management ...
Community benefits include lower building costs, assistance from active young adults like babysitting.

5. Determine Education Plan
Step One

Local Community
Choose and Prioritize
Possible Goals
based on Appropriate
Axiom and Postulates


1. Improve HS Graduation Rate
2. Maximize Use of Free Internet Learning Materials
3. Publicly Accountable Charter Schools judged by
the cost/benefits analysis to the community.

4. Maximize College Acceptance
5. Track Students by Ability
6. Community or State Determines Curriculum Content
7. A Student's Curriculum Based on What They Do Well

8. Guided by Bloom's Taxonomy
9. Choose between Pedagogy or Andragogy classroom theories

1Students go to their reading AI computer and read Jack and Jill went and then they choose an option like ball game, dance, rodeo, movie... Once students begin the computer takes over and adjusts the reading level and direction for each student based on what they want to read, how fast they read with how well they read based on some

end of assignment easy questions. This is not an IQ test. There is no hurry as the only complete failure is those that can't read well enough to begin the process which indicates the need for special personal attention. A 7th grade reading level at H.S. graduation

is OK if desire means continued reading. The key is when hey decide they want more they are prepared. Thanks!  
author/editor Walter Antoniotti
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Source Why Isn't The- U.S. Job Market More Dynamic



See World Change and Good Jobs Disappeared