US Education Thanks! Walter at |
Index 1st Floor
2nd Floor 3rd Floor Economics Key Studies Curriculum Education Investing |
Tracking Helps High-Ability
Cognitive Bias |
A Good IdeaPersonalized Learning"What Does a Typical Day Look Like?"Each day in San Jose, Calif., about 15,000 elementary students use a popular software program called Dreambox Learning. Math class starts with 20 minutes of whole-class instruction. Then students are split into small groups. For the next 40 minutes, they cycle between time with a teacher, time working collaboratively with peers, and independent work on Dreambox. Jessie Woolley-Wilson, the company's CEO, says that if schools are using her product, they're doing personalized learning. That's because the software is "intelligently adaptive"—it helps students who are behind catch up and lets students who are ahead move forward. If the software notices that a student is using an inefficient procedure to solve a particular problem, it might cut in with a targeted lesson son." Editor's Notes: Great for reading. This will help the employment of better math students most. Gap between. Gap in career opportunities will widen. between top and bottom will widen. Key will be finding meaning career help for all students! " But that's dramatically different from life inside the country's 65 Big Picture Learning high schools. There, personalization is about tapping into students' passions through real-world internships. Relationships are cultivated through small advisory groups that stick together for four years. Tests are replaced with "public displays of learning" tied to students' own interests." This will help students help improve their special intelligence? |
Economics of College Education Education Less Valuable Than Believed Colleges Are Engines of Upward Mobility Economics of Education video
Why College Tuition Some Thoughts Concerning Education |
Seven Concerns!
Special Report: Literacy For The Workplace |
#1 Student Loans
#2 Need
maximize the minimum
maximize the maximum
minimize the maximum regret
#4 Education
Does Not
# 5 Politicians
and Parents
# 6
Local Community .2. Maximize Use of Free Internet Learning Materials. 3. Charter Schools Using cost/benefits analysis. 4. Maximize College Acceptance. 5. Track Students by Ability. 6. Community or State Determines Curriculum Content. 7. A Student's Curriculum Based on What They Do Well. 8. Guided by Bloom's Taxonomy. 9. Choose between Pedagogy or Andragogy. |
Key Studies and Ideas
In 1962, President John F. Kennedy Executive Order 10988 led to state laws permitting the unionization of public employees. | ||
In 1969, the U.S. Supreme Court, in Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, ruled that the Constitution forbids local schools from suspending students who bring political protest inside the schools. In his dissent, Justice Black wrote:, "I repeat that if the time has come when pupils of state-supported schools, kindergartens, grammar schools, or high schools, can defy and flout orders of school officials to keep their minds on their own schoolwork, it is the beginning of a new revolutionary era of permissiveness in this country fostered by the judiciary."[9] | ||
We now have "The Language Police," education historian Diane Ravitch's meticulous but horrifying narrative of how the major textbook publishers, the testing companies and state education departments have reduced what public-school kids learn to politically correct, politically laughable pabulum and swill. | ||
In 1975 Goss v. Lopez, the Court ruled in the case of a suspended student, a hearing was required. In dissent Justice Powell wrote In 1975 Goss v. Lopez, the Court ruled in the case of a suspended student, a hearing was required. In dissent Justice Powell wrote "One who does not comprehend the meaning and necessity for discipline is handicapped not merely in his education but throughout his subsequent life." | ||
In the years since, courts and legislatures gave the neighborhood school yet another big legal obligation: Mainstream and educate severely disabled kids. |
1. Should Education Studies Affect Curriculum? High-Dosage Tutoring and Reading Achievement: Evidence from New York City by Roland G. Fryer, Jr, Meghan Howard Noveck - #23792 (CH ED LS) Abstract of abstract reading tutoring has little affect on test results Abstract: This study examines the impact on student achievement of high-dosage reading tutoring for middle school students in New York City Public Schools, using a school-level randomized field experiment. Across three years, schools offered at least 130 hours of 4-on-1 tutoring based on a guided reading model, which consisted of 1-on-1 read aloud, independent reading, vocabulary review, and group discussion. We show that, at the mean, tutoring has a positive and significant effect on school attendance, a positive, but insignificant, effect on English Language Arts (ELA) state test scores and no effect on math state test scores. There is important heterogeneity by race. For black students, our treatment increased attendance by 2.0 percentage points (control mean 92.4 percent) and ELA scores by 0.09 standard deviations per year - two times larger than the effect of the Promise Academy Middle School in the Harlem Children's Zone and KIPP Charter Middle Schools on reading achievement. For Hispanic students, the treatment effect is 0.8 percentage points on attendance (control mean 92.0 percent) and 0.01 standard deviations per year on ELA scores. We argue that the difference between the effectiveness of tutoring for black and Hispanic students is best explained by the average tutor characteristics at the schools they attend. |
12. The Effects of Graduation Requirements on Risky Health Behaviors of High School Students by Zhuang Hao, Benjamin W. Cowan - #23803 (CH ED HE) Abstract of Abstract high math standards have negative affects Abstract: Previous studies have shown that years of formal schooling attained affects health behaviors, but little is known about how the stringency of academic programs affects such behaviors, especially among youth. Using national survey data from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBS), we study the effects of mathematics and science high-school graduation requirements (HSGR) on high school students' risky health behaviors--specifically on drinking, smoking, and marijuana use. We find that an increase in mathematics and science HSGR has significant negative impacts on alcohol consumption among high-school students, especially males and non-white students. The effects of math and science HSGR on smoking and marijuana use are also negative but generally less precisely estimated. Our results suggest that curriculum design may have potential as a policy tool to curb youth drinking. email&utm_source=ntw |
2. Personality, IQ, and Lifetime Earnings | |
"This paper estimates the effects of personality traits and IQ on
lifetime earnings of the men and women of the Terman study, a
high-IQ U.S. sample. Age-by-age earnings profiles allow a study of when personality
traits affect earnings most, and for
whom the
effects are strongest. I document a concave life-cycle pattern in
the payoffs to personality traits, with the largest effects between
the ages of 40 and 60. An interaction of traits with education
reveals that personality matters most for highly educated men.
The payoffs to personality traits display a concave life-cycle pattern, with the largest effects between the ages of 40 and 60. The largest effects on earnings are found for Conscientiousness, Extraversion, and Agreeableness (negative). An interaction of traits with education reveals that personality matters most for highly educated men. The overall effect of Conscientiousness operates partly through education, which also has significant returns." |
Mike Bloomberg identifying and closed schools failing their kids. New Mayor de Blasio took a collaborative approach to turn around 94 lowest-performing schools with substantial additional resources. More social services, administrative attention and collaboration were hallmarks of Renewal. Four years and $773 million later, a failed impact ended the program.
4. The Growing Skill Divide in the U.S. Labor Market
5. Recent Job Growth
...stark contrast between the skill requirements in the two occupational groups growing the fastest. The cognitive nonroutine group requires complex decision-making, independent working conditions and less physical effort, while the manual nonroutine group still requires quite a bit of physical effort and does not involve a high level of cognitive tasks." See Public Policy Affects Income Inequality Federal Job Training Fails Again
The ticking screen time bomb | "The key is relationships": Personalized learning at Learn4Life charter schools | NEA embraces the woke agenda — but votes down “student learning” |
For over a decade prior to 2012, homeschooling numbers were surging, doubling between 1999 and 2012. Two, homeschooling is growing more racially diverse. While whites are still a majority of homeschoolers (59 percent), they make up 10 percentage points less of the total than in 2012 (69 percent), a difference that is large, but not statistically significant. Three, it’s possible that homeschooling is becoming less religiously motivated. There was a 13 point drop (from 64 percent to 51 percent) in parents who home school because they find it important “to provide religious instruction.” The percent of parents who home school because it was important to “provide moral instruction” dropped from 77 percent to 67 percent. Should the numbers hold up, they could portend a version of homeschooling that’s considerably smaller, less white, and less religious. Those would all be a sea change from the homeschooling we’ve known for the past twenty years. Time will tell if that actually happens. |
See Solving the Lack Of Good Jobs
More Education is Not the Answer
Charter School Growth and Replication 1/30/13.
1. The performance of charter schools as a whole varies widely... 2. Similarly, the impact of charter middle schools on student achievement is a mixed bag based on various factors. In other words, you can’t say charter middle schools are better or worse than traditional public schools. It all depends. One study examined student performance in 36 charter middle schools across 15 states, and found that charter schools were “neither more nor less successful than traditional public schools in improving student achievement, behavior, and school progress"... 3. The first three years of charter schools predict academic performance, financial viability and sustainability. In other words, it’s pretty much do or die for new charter schools. ... 4. The overall performance of charter schools has increased between 2009 and 2013. This increase was driven in part by the presence of more high-performing charters and the closure of low-performing charter schools. Students who attend charter high schools are more likely to graduate than students who attend traditional public high schools. They are also more likely go to college and earn a higher income."...
Since the
Great Inflation of the 1970s, monopolies in the
education, medical and energy sectors have
restricted supply,
Public education controls 92 percent of K-12 and 78
percent of higher education. Government increased demand and prices all areas of medicine with the passage of Medicare and Medicaid. This analysis is adapted report published by Americans Against Monopolies
Poor kids pay little for a great educational opportunity. from education tax reduces inequality incentive work I really do not agree with the author that paying full price lowers the incentive of upper middle class workers to earn the necessary money to do what is best for their kids. If anything, Tiger Moms have increased since the better college started over charging those at the top to maximize revenue to, among other things, bring in the best and brightest of those from lower income families. It concerns me that the parents are in effect, sponsoring the competition their kids will face for the fewer and fewer good jobs. Of course in the good old days money brought the degree and the good job! |
College Enrollment Skids for 8th Year in a Row in 2019,But Student Loans Skyrocket. What Gives?by Wolf Richter • • 204 Comments
Where the heck are the men?Women by far outnumbered men in total enrollment in the fall semester of 2019 with 10.63 million women enrolled and just 7.61 million men, meaning that overall there are now 40% more women in college than men:
Over the past three years, enrollment has declined for both men and women, but faster for men (-5.2%) than for women (-1.4%). Since 2011, enrollment has declined by 13% for men and by 9.4% for women.
Charter School Growth and Replication 1/30/13.
1. The performance of charter schools as a whole varies widely... 2. Similarly, the impact of charter middle schools on student achievement is a mixed bag based on various factors. In other words, you can’t say charter middle schools are better or worse than traditional public schools. It all depends. One study examined student performance in 36 charter middle schools across 15 states, and found that charter schools were “neither more nor less successful than traditional public schools in improving student achievement, behavior, and school progress"... 3. The first three years of charter schools predict academic performance, financial viability and sustainability. In other words, it’s pretty much do or die for new charter schools. ... 4. The overall performance of charter schools has increased between 2009 and 2013. This increase was driven in part by the presence of more high-performing charters and the closure of low-performing charter schools. Students who attend charter high schools are more likely to graduate than students who attend traditional public high schools. They are also more likely go to college and earn a higher income."...
Parents and politicians foster a very negative educational
atmosphere by requiring a highly academic education for most students
when many students have a nonacademic special intelligence. Teaching is also more difficult because fewer and fewer good U.S. jobs exist in our very competitive “Flat World.” [].
Some schools are doing a good job with individualized curriculum Our memory-based l testing system should change to a 21st Century Technology-based, Activity-driven, Question Oriented System. [ Tech-based%20education.htm]
Debt is a Problem
Education American Apprenticeships on the Rise Apprenticeship programs are more prevalent and successful in other countries than in America. In the United Kingdom, the apprenticeship system was nearly nonexistent about two decades ago. However, since 1997 the UK has increased apprenticeship starts almost fourfold, from approximately 75,000 apprenticeship starts to a little over 290,000 starts during the 2015-2016 term.The UK has also changed the composition of apprenticeships. Apprenticeships used to be designed around blue-collar jobs such as construction or manufacturing. More recently, the UK has been encouraging the growth of apprenticeships from intermediate- level apprenticeships to advanced- and higher-level apprenticeships in “non-traditional” industries, such as information technology or management. Funding for the apprenticeship programs in England are now paid for through an “Apprenticeship Levy” that is raised on employers. Companies with an annual payroll over approximately $4 million must pay 0.5% of the payroll bill, but they then receive this levy in the form of an annual allowance for apprenticeships. Unused funds do not carry over to the next tax year. For companies paying less than $4 million in payroll, the costs of the programs are split with the government. Also, Neese argues that federal tax credits would be more effective than state tax credits because everyone has a federal tax liability. The federal tax credit would encourage apprenticeship programs by reducing the cost to companies through lower taxes. In South Carolina, businesses can receive a $1,000 tax credit for each registered apprentice per year for up to four years.A
Apprenticeships in the United States are often thought as a Plan B to college, but they do not have to be. High schools do not advertise apprenticeships as viable alternatives to college. This is often because states base their high school ratings on the number of graduates that go to college afterwards. If ranking systems were changed, high schools would likely be more willing to promote other paths into the workforce. |
Discovering the proper formula for expanding apprenticeship programs in the United States will take time and experimentation to perfect. Fortunately, the United States benefits from being able to learn from trials in different states. The goal of reaching 5 million apprenticeships in the United States is lofty, but as the South Carolina example suggests, some employers and employees are ready to embrace the apprenticeship pathway. Apprenticeship programs in South Carolina have been particularly effective. Brad Neese, Associate Vice President and Director at Apprenticeship Carolina, and his company have found great success connecting youths to registered apprenticeship programs in the state. In the past decade, the South Carolinian apprenticeship programs have grown substantially. Neese said that when he began working for Apprenticeship Carolina he only hoped to get four companies to join that year. Instead, he got four companies in one day. Since 2007, South Carolina has increased the number of apprenticeship programs from 90 to 918 and the number of active apprentices from 777 to 14,475. The extensive growth illustrates that a demand exists from both employers and employees for apprenticeship programs. The South Carolina experience could be an example to other states. Neese believes South Carolina’s success can extend to all of the country through state-specific programs and federal tax credits. Because all states have different economic conditions in terms of popular industries, labor force participation, etc., Neese does not believe that a uniform apprenticeship program will match the needs of individual states. |
Four Hard Questions That Will Dictate the Future of Career and Technical Education |
Mark Cuban Bloomberg Interview:
"Johnson: So
essentially what you're making the case for is
education and job training for grown ups. |
Mark Cuban Takes on Obama and Trump
The Coming Meltdown in College Education & "The President [Obama] has introduced programs that try to reward schools that don't raise tuition and costs." Mark Cuban feels this will not work. "Right now there is a never ending supply of buyers." who borrow heavily and then cannot flip "there college loans for that“ great job you are going to get when you graduate."
believes "BRANDED schools are popping up that will offer better
educations for far, far less and create better job opportunities." "Its
just a matter of time until we see the same meltdown [as in housing] in
traditional college education." "I include the Online For Profit Mills
that live off of the government delivering student loans as part of
traditional education."
"So until we get the meltdown in college education, don't expect much
improvement in the economy. Who gets elected won't make a dang bit of
difference." |
Economics of College Education Academic Education and Training Helps a Talented Minority
Colleges Replacing Loans With a Share of Income
Well, 2019 is about to go in the books. I thought 2018 was a strange year, for America and for education alike. Well, as the man said, “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” Part of me figures that this means we’re due for something different in 2020—but another part is muttering, “Yeah, that’s what you thought last year.” In any event, before we turn the page, let’s take a quick spin through the good, the bad, and the ugly of 2019. In that spirit, my remarkably talented RAs Hannah Warren and RJ Martin sat down with me to sift through the last year’s archives and tag the top 10 columns. We took into account web views, reader reaction, our personal preferences, and the secretive algorithm cooked up by the home office in Burbank, in order to bring you the very best of RHSU, circa 2019.
There were a few that didn’t make the final cut but that seemed to merit a mention. So I’ll give a quick nod to three that just missed the cut: Four Surprising Truths About U.S. Schooling (June 24, 2019), When Did Good Parenting Become a Problem? (March 25, 2019), and 4 Reasons I’m Wary of School Reform’s Pivot to ‘Practice’ (January 28, 2019). Now, without further ado, here are the top 10 RHSU columns of 2019:
10. SEL Is Easy to Love, Which Should Make Us Nervous, January 21, 2019: When reforms seem intuitive, it’s natural for supporters to focus on “scale” and “implementation” rather than consider what could possibly go wrong.
9. Rejecting Personal Responsibility Is No Way to Promote Educational Equity, September 9, 2019: Fearing to tell students they’re responsible for doing their part is to set them up for failure.
8. The Secret Source of Lost Learning and Educator Burnout, June 10, 2019: Teachers spend more than a third of their instructional time on tasks other than instruction. And that’s before we add in paperwork done outside the classroom.
7. How to Make the Case for School Choice, October 28, 2019: Choice advocates tend to argue that school choice “works,” the public school system is a failure, and moral authority is on their side. There’s a much stronger argument.
6. The Problem With Education Research Fixated on ‘What Works?’, April 22, 2019: Our relentless focus on “What works?” has rewarded programs designed to yield short-term bumps in test scores while distracting attention from more fundamental and complex efforts.
5. Talking Personalized, Data-Rich Equity With Education Guy Paul Banksley, June 17, 2019: Rick recently got another chance to interview Paul Banksley, the edu-visionary and founder of Tomorrows Are for Tomorrow. Here’s what he said.
4. The Wham-O Pudding Essay Contest Theory of Educational Innovation, July 15, 2019: I regularly receive invitations to participate in essay contests devoted to rethinking American education. These competitions, I fear, are the worst way to spur real change.
3. Five Signs Your Reform Has Become Another Education Fad, October 7, 2019: Eager vendors, early-adopting educators, and media adulation can be taken as evidence that a reform is going swimmingly—but these signs are frequently misread.
2. That’s Not Helpful, Rick, June 3, 2019: Once or twice a week, someone tells me that something I’d written “wasn’t helpful.” But what they usually have in mind is “shut up and get with the program.”
1. The Parable of the Teacher and the Experts, September 3, 2019: It’s the dawn of a new school year. As Rick sat down to write about it, he got a premonition of how this school year will once again go for so many.