Educating the Class of 2030 for Employability and Creativity
While Increasing Student Life Skills, Reducing Cost and Increasing Faculty Satisfaction

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e-mail comments to Walter Antoniotti 
Updated 12/02/17   Please  


Education Should  Maximize
 Individual Abilities of All Students

If not, children will not be properly preparing to maximize their future well-being. Politicians must reverse their college will save our children educational approach. It pleases many parents but can only help a few students and it ignores the many other special gifts possessed
by our children. 

Export power Germany graduates 97.3%. They are employable with high self-esteem. The US create too many unemployable graduates and a 20% dropout rate indicates many self-esteem issues. U.S. primary education should concentrate on reading and should determine what a student does well, their Special Intelligence. Secondary schools should design Individualize Curriculum  to enhance skills related to a student's special intelligence.  Creativity should be fostered by directing some student learning toward less academic often off-campus activities. A year-round shorter day school calendar would eliminate the 10% summer slide learning loss. Less academics per day would lower teacher and facility cost while at the same time creating scheduling opportunities that maximize teacher gratification.

“Crucially, Germany cut out the third-tier schools for weak academic performers. It's terrible for integration, it's terrible for results. The best Chinese schools, adds Sir Michael Barber, have also modified their obsession with high-fliers to ensure that they address the 'long tail' of underachievement—something that hampers Britain's performance, too.”    Many of Germany's graduates enter the “vocational education system that combines state-funded classroom sessions with practical training conducted by companies.” Apprentices receive a modest salary. ”The system has helped keep youth unemployment at 7.9 percent, the lowest rate in Europe."  See Adjusting to a Changed World Where Good Jobs are Disappear



Individualized Curriculums Should Enhance a Student's Competitiveness.

"Students should have studied what they do well but schools do not do this..." the LA Times  reported from a book by management science founding father Peter Drucker.  Instead they focus "... on a learner's weaknesses."  Skills associated with special intelligence must be maximized. There is little to be gained from marginally improvement of skills related to what someone does not do well.

Emphasizes a student's Special Intelligence should be done in accordance with Howard Gardner's model of Multiple Intelligence. Mathematical, spatial, bodily movement, musical, verbal, interpersonal and intrapersonal skill intelligence are all important. See Update at Educating the Class of 2034.

Core Intelligence skill level achievement should relate to a student's career options. According to education guru John Dewey; education should..." prepare him for the future life…” "it means to train him so that he will have the full and ready use of his capacities..." Trying to educate all students to some preconceived capacity of core intelligence skills too often fails and retards student skill growth in other important areas. Too many dropouts happen all to generate large and growing group of students making a poor economic college investment pushed by all aspects of society.. 
Leaders Educational Observations

Determining Special Intelligence and minimal Core Intelligence development is essential.  "Education is a very lumpy investment where often there is little or no payoff from having a little bit more."  according to Lester Thurow, former Dean of the MIT Sloan School of Management and author of The Future of Capitalism: How Today's Economic Forces Shape Tomorrow's World States.


Early Education Should be
an Enjoyable and Creative.

The rigorous ordeal of some Asian countries and U.S. tiger mothers has not worked. Their over emphasis of academics causes anxious unhappy students and produces inconsequential gains and has many unintended consequences. Top Germany students take a vigorous academically oriented  curriculum but a majority, 55.9% take a vocationally directed curriculum. They finish school at 1 PM and graduate at 15 with a basic qualification of practical skills.
Leaders Educational Advise

Eliminating the 10% summer learning slide with four twelve-week terms would help. Each day would consist of four structured academic classroom hours and two unstructured hours which would be directed toward individual needs for elementary school students. During high school a student's individualized curriculum based upon their special intelligence would determine the when, where, and what of structured unstructured time. Students could work, take more academic classes, volunteer, create groups to compete for academic prizes, attend career-focused academies, play sports and whatever else American ingenuity determines enhances education and creativity.

Teachers would work in a more college like envirnment. Teaching more than the required four structured classes would earn extra discounted pay or credits could be banked. Some teachers might prefer to use free time to manage extracurricular activities. Classes time would follow U.S. Universities with fifty-minute class periods. It allows the world's best colleges to save money, keep teachers happy and produce many well educated graduates.

Some students leaving after traditional classes would lower cost of academic instruction... Structured unstructured education would free classrooms allowing over-crowded systems to close older less efficient buildings. Teacher overloads would mean fewer full-time teachers. Some states would allow systems to morph into the German vocational model with students graduating in less than twelve years as they leave for vocational and military experiences or as a recent US trend indicates, begin their college or junior college experience. Some systems would invest the dollar savings in early childhood education or my favorite, prenatal care. It’s tough to teach unhealthy from birth children. See Benefits from Change, Education's Bottom Line, 5 Things People Want from Higher Education
ore Thinking Skills
 e-mail  thoughts to Walter Antoniotti at

Suggested Readings

Changing Education Paradigms
from Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts,
Manufactures and Commerce

The Long Shadow of Race, Class
and Privilege in Baltimore 1 of 5

by Karl L. Alexander is Chair and John Dewey Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Johns Hopkins University

Five Bad Education Assumptions
the Media Keeps Recycling

Were Number Umpteenth the Myth
of Lagging US Schools

Homework an Unnecessary Evil Surprising Findings from New Research

Stop Counting on Miracles to
Make Progress in education

 Want Better Grades
 Stop Yelling and Try This




Educating Toward a Student's Special Intelligence Leads to Year-Round Schooling, a Shorter School Day, Structured Learning Activities, Economic Efficiency, More Learning, Happier Students and Satisfied Teachers.  

How Germany Educated Toward Student-Employability and Self-Esteem
The World Changed Causing Many Good Jobs to Disappear     

Recent Educational Observations of Top
Education, Business, Economic and Political Leaders


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Individualized Curriculums
a way to improve education,
keep valuable teachers, and lower cost.

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Educating Class of 2030

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German Education System
Individualized Curriculums
Tech Based Education









Under Construction


Goals for Elementary school
1. Determine memory as those with poor memory will
    struggle with reading and non-math classes
2. Determine student's Special Intelligence,
the above average ability a person has in one or more areas
    of the multiple intelligences which include Mathematical, Spatial, Bodily Movement, Musical, Verbal,
    Interpersonal, and Intrapersonal. Curriculum should maximize special intelligence.
3. Foster Individualized Curriculums

4. Special Students those in the top 5% in any kind of intelligence should, if possible,
    spend a little more time in said area.