History of American 20th Century Education  
from Education History Timeline
Walter's Experiences

Improving US Education

1. Education Strategy

2. Community, Parents, and Students Choose and Prioritize Goals

3. Special Intelligence allows Individualized Curriculums

4. Tech-based education leads to US Meritocracy


19th Century  Begins Federal Involvement
Early 1900's H.S. and Vocational Education Get Governmental Attention

1940's and 50's College and Head Start Gets Governmental Attention

1960's and 70's Education Industrial Complex Creation Begins

1980's and 90'sHomeschooling Becomes Big Business

2000'sDissatisfaction With Education Results Leads to Governmental Action

2010'sColleges Begin Another Major Adjustment

1740-2018 Timeline

Teacher Stuff



Prologue Changing Paradigms video

19th Century Begins Federal Involvement



Cooperative extension services and federal funding
to grants universities

Agricultural and vocational education
provided federal funding
until 1997
when programs were unified to provide one-stop shopping



First public community college
First junior high school

Goal to improves HS graduation rates.


1910's First Montessori school
Cooperative Extension Services
from 1860

1920's First educationally oriented nursery schools 

1930's Limiting child labor in non-agricultural jobs
hopes to increase education levels



College and Head Start Gets Governmental Attention

1940's GI education benefits ended long-standing college only for the wealthy. 

1950's Federal funding increased for science, math and foreign language education
as Sputnik heighted the Cold War. 

Eventually, Transportation funding  for school children was provided by all states.
Editor's Note
: As late as the mid 1950's some elementary students living within
a 30 minute walk of school couldn't take the bus.




1960's Education Industrial Complex

Expanded College and Free CC Education
MBA popularized when former U.S. Air Force engineering oriented Whiz Kids needed business and management  education to properly reorganizing Ford Motor Company.  College enrollments expanded because of increased Baby Boomer demand  and hope for a Vietnam War education deferment.

Head Start eight-week summer programs provide low-income child assistance.

Unionization of public employees laws followed President John F. Kennedy 1962  Executive Order 10988




Political Suspension by local boards of students for bringing political protest inside their schools declared unconstitutional by the 1969 U.S. Supreme Court in Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District.  In his dissent, Justice Black wrote: "This case, wholly without constitutional reasons in my judgment, subjects all the public schools in the country to the whims and caprices of their loudest-mouthed, but maybe not their brightest, students." Now we know: He was right


Two years later, in Goss v. Lopez, the Court established and enumerated the due-process procedures to which a student suspended for less than 10 days is entitled. In dissent, Justice Powell wrote: "One who does not comprehend the meaning and necessity for discipline is handicapped not merely in his education but throughout his subsequent life."


In the years since, courts and legislatures gave the neighborhood school yet another big legal obligation: Mainstream and educate severely disabled students
We now have "The Language Police," education historian Diane Ravitch's meticulous but horrifying narrative of how the major textbook publishers, the testing companies and state education departments have reduced what public-school kids learn to politically correct, politically laughable pabulum and swill.

1970's Private colleges expanded marketing mix with evening programs, credit for life experience non-credit programs for business and foreign student enrollments. Cash was maximized with the help of enrollment consultants who design cost affective student program s, designed promotional materials to maximize college appearance and to developed a multi-tiered tuition pricing system. It increase tuition more than cash needs with less desirable students paying 100%. Their excess tuition provided grant funding for more desirable students. 

Tuition increase dramatically as  charged became a function of what a student could pay and borrow from government sponsored low interest deferred loan programs plus Pell Grants. 

                 Homeschooling Continuing Education 
Becomes Big Business

1980's Teach Your Own: A Hopeful Path for Education
grew homeschooling with states helping with 
          lowered education compliance standards. 

           Mastery Teaching fostered teaching improvement
           and made government paid summer workshops

           Sweeping reforms in public education and
           teacher training were initiated in response to
           A Nation at Risk.

           Consultants said computers could help so
           governments provide more computers and 
           teacher computer education was needed.

1990's  Charter schools in Minnesota's begins a new

             Common curriculum and statewide tests
             began in Massachusetts with a comprehensive
             Assessment System.            

             Universal preschool to all four year olds became
             available in Georgia.

          1997 Agricultural and vocational federal funding combined
             to provide one-stop shopping.





Dissatisfaction With Education Results Leads to More Governmental Action




2000's  No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) nationalized some state educational activates. Certain school voucher programs are ruled constitutional

Common Core State Standards Initiative begins.

Building American Skills Through CC hopes to retrain workers for jobs lost to trade  agreements.




2010's Colleges begin another major adjustment 
as the popular  press publicizes the poor economic returnee received by many college graduates and those attending private vocational schools. 

Student Loan Default Rate Isn't Good News

See Majors that pay you back and chart


Teacher Stuff

Subject Resources

Teacher Resources


Video Lectures

Advice from Leaders

Education History Timeline

Author's Experiences



1. Local Community Prioritize Goals

2. Individualized Curriculums

3. Technology-Based Education

4. Educating the Class of 2038 5/3/1920

From the editor

1. FEDs Provide Some Money and Sets the Rules

2. Federal Laws Have Unintended Consequences 

3. FED Rules and Money Did Not Increase Testing Results

4. Testing Headlines Misinform_

Epilogue: Education should center on
Howard Gardner's
equally valued normally distributed
Multiple Intelligences,
concentrating on a student's Special Intelligence
not harming  self actualization.

Image of a line graph with three horizontal lines showing average scores for age 9, age 13, and age 17 students. The X axis is labeled year and shows various years from 1971 through 2012. The Y axis is labeled scale score and shows a range of scores from 0 to 500. Each horizontal line consists of two assessment variations: original assessment format and revised assessment format.


Student Loan Default
Rate Isn't Good News

Majors That Pay You Back

Walter Antoniotti  9/22/20




1740-2018 Timeline


Federal Laws Have Unintended Consequences 

1962 President John F. Kennedy Executive Order 10988
led to state laws permitting
the unionization of public employees

1969 The Supreme Court,
Tinker v. Des Moines
Independent Community School District
ruled that the Constitution forbids local schools from
suspending students who bring political protest inside the schools.

In dissent Justice Black wrote:

In 1975 Goss v. Lopez, the Court ruled
 in the case of a suspended student,
 a hearing was required.

FEDs Must Give Up Control of Funds


Think of applying the
Brandeis Laboratories of democracy
 approach to education.

Inspired by Storm Before the Calm.


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