Beginnings of a Constitutional Monarchy |
Part 1 Economic Overview Uneven 1525-1600 Population Growth 1) food shortages caused by bad harvests (1540s, 1550s, 1590s, 1620s, and 1650s) caused high prices led to a few famines) and 2) plague epidemics (sweating sickness or influenza, smallpox, cholera, typhus, typhoid fever, and whooping cough. Population still grew from 2.4 million to over 5.5 million.The early-modern English economy created winners and losers. Landowners did well because of 1) food shortages, 2) oversupply of tenants causing higher rents and 3) cheap over supplied land caused by monastery dissolution. Some prosperous yeomen rose in rank See The Three Estates
Economic Structure 2) Gentry included knights, esquires, and plain gentlemen) was expanding in size and wealth, as well as in importance. Monastic land sales swelled their ranks from about 6,500 in 1540 to perhaps 20,000 in 1640, or about 2 percent of the population. Earnings ranged from thousands of pounds a year. The lesser parish gentry, with but one estate, might struggle to make £100. The House of Commons, dominated by the gentry, was becoming the more important of the two Houses of Parliament. 3) Yeomen were substantial farmers of about 90,000 families in 1600. During this period two groups developed. Greater yeomen profited from inflated value of large estates. They surpassed parish gentry wealth of. Lesser yeomen, who had no tenants and made £40 - £200 a year lost ground as prices rose.4) Husbandmen held up to 30 acres of land made £15 - £30 a year.5) Cottagers , who renting their home, made a few pounds a year, suffered the most from these economic conditions. Many took on extra work, their wives helped by spinning or weaving wool cloth. Many went into debt to purchase crops or fell behind on their rents. Many during the 1590s, 1620s, and 1650s were unable to pay and were thrown off their land. They then joined the ranks of the poor.6) Tenants and Landless laborers did poorly. The glut of tenants made replacement of delinquent land renters tenants easier. Many move to cities and towns for more plentiful work, but population growth and a decline of the wool trade increased their plight. After 1607 some migrated to colonies in America. Others failed to find jobs, became vagrants, and thus outlaws.7. Very poor were of husbandmen and cottagers who had lost their land or job and they often became migrants.During this period, the rich were getting richer and the poor, poorer. An increasing cultural gap, according to some, made nonsense of the old traditions of paternalism and deference.The rich were getting richer and the poor, poorer. Some historians have argued that this economic gap was mirrored by an increasing cultural distance between aristocratic landlords and their tenants. This made nonsense of the old traditions of paternalism and deference. Houses were more comfortable than 1485.Yeoman might have a multi-roomed timber-frame or brick house with a hall containing a hearth plus a storage room and parlor. Upstairs had bedrooms with feather beds Husbandmen and cottagers lived in houses of two or more rooms. Ordinary people had more possessions. Diet had not changed in centuries. Yeomen live on meat and fish for the well off, wheaten bread, dairy products, wine and beer. Husbandmen and cottagers had rye bread, milk and cheese, and beer. Worrisome Crimes Violent crime 5% (including murder, assault, rape, and infanticide) Theft 75% Theft of about one shilling (about a day’s working man's wage) was punishable by death.Moral crimes included blasphemy and breaking the Sabbath, keeping an unlicensed alehouse, scolding, fornication, adultery, and witchcraft all really bothered the poor. Think U.S. Blue Laws and Temperance movement. Riots against some unpopular ethnic or religious group, calendar riots (around a particular holiday), food or enclosure riots and political demonstrations were generally not punished severely. The ruling oligarchs allowed people to let off steam. See South Sea Bubble 1 of 5 videos First Opium War: Trade Deficits and the Macartney Embassy 1 of 4 vidos |
Part 2 English Family Life During Economically Troubled 16th Century Marriage Courtship revolved around community and material circumstances still mattered. Young people often met while in service, at church,
during the harvest .. on by the church, but promises were not taken lightly and to trick the other person into a sexual relationship was rare. Illegitimacy rate in early modern England was only 2 to 3 percent. Migration from job loss caused Smaller Later in Life Families With Fewer siblings See English Poor Law of of_1601 M arried couples usually had a child within the first two years of marriage.Relying on local midwives, and without painkillers or antibiotics made childbirth difficult but only 4% of the mothers died. Early menopause and primitive contraception reduced childbearing. Infant mortality at all ranks was high. One in eight children died within the first year. Mothers nursing may have facilitated bonding with children and lengthen intervals between pregnancies. One-quarter of all children died before age 10 which my have decreased parental bonding. Husbands ruled over and loved submissive wives as dictated by of Saint Paul, Physical correction was a last resort and physical abuse was not tolerated. Remarriage was expected quickly, especially for a property owing widows. Widows were assumed to have sexual experience that had to be channeled. Heavily physical work from sunup to
sundown and Life at home was marginally more comfortable than it had been in 1485. Houses and Positions had grown more elaborate. Yeoman might live in a multi-roomed timber-frame or brick
house with a hall with hearth in the middle Husbandmen and cottagers lived in houses of two or more
rooms. D iet had not changed in centuries.Yeomen had meat and maybe fish,, wheaten bread, dairy products, and wine and beer. Husbandmen and cottagers had rye bread, milk and cheese, and beer.
Healthy and a long life, even in
good times, were enjoyed by few people Simple infections could prove fatal, accidents were common, no one knew how to swim and the few doctors helped little. Life of education and service for children. Merchants and yeomen children went to grammar schools
until adolescence. Husbandmen and cottagers children went to petty schools until
needed on the farm. By 1600, some 25 percent of males and 8 percent of females could
write their names. Outside the family service was experienced by most boys and
half the girls. Girls were “farmed out” to other families in the village. Part 4 Significant Political Questions S overeignty of the king in relation to the law and the proper roles of king and Parliament when deciding policy. 132Government finance concerned the primitive right for the king, should government pay for itself, and the role of finance in national economy. War, foreign policy and England's role in European relations? State Religion determination, should other traditions be tolerated, policy origination (king, Parliament, bishops, local communities, or a combination of all four) for England, Scotland and Ireland. Authority of local communities Scotland and Ireland.
1. Difference
between Catholics and Protestants from Catholics: found religious truth in Scripture, Tradition, and
Papal and Conciliari decree Protestants found religious truth in scriptures Catholics: found religious truth in Scripture, Tradition,
and Papal and Conciliari decree Protestants found religious truth in scriptur esSalivation required faith 2. The Pilgrimage of Grace, the worst uprising of Henry VIII’s reign (1501-1547) was a direct result of the dissolution of the monasteries which confused and angered most Englishmen. Beginning in 1536, it was ignited by royal commission was the spark by local clergy.
![]() Successes Their partial successes are less known: The government postponed the collection of the October subsidy, a major grievance amongst the Lincolnshire organisations.
The Statute of Uses
was partially negated by a new law, the Statute
of Wills. Four of the seven
sacraments that were omitted from the Ten Articles were restored
in the Bishop's
Book of 1537, The Rest of the Story Poor Law of 1601 was needed to replace Roman Catholic assistance and it was part of the Tutor expansion of state power. English State began to take responsibility for citizen wellbeing.
The Lincolnshire Rising and the Pilgrimage of Grace have traditionally
been seen as failures for the following reasons: England was not reconciled to the Roman
Catholic Church, except during the brief reign of Mary
I (1553–1558).
The dissolution of the monasteries
continued unabated, with the largest monasteries being dissolved (sold
for profit to pay for war) by
1540. Great tracts of land were seized
from the Church and divided among the Crown and its supporters. The steps towards official Protestantism achieved by Cromwell continued, except during the reign of Mary I.
Oligarchic Control the Great Chain of Being 111 was believed by many and controlled Relegion, poverty, crime and political questions.. Most 1610 Church of England clergymen, including bishops, embraced Puritan theology. People were conforming members of the Church of England. Puritans demanded more reform and an aggressive Protestant foreign policy. Catholics struggled for survival and toleration. In Scotland, the majority was Presbyterian, with Catholics in the Highlands In Ireland, the majority was Catholics, but increasingly, the ruling class was “New English” — Protestants who were either Presbyterians or members of an Anglican-style Church of Ireland. Some Catholics failed to get full-blown toleration a group of Catholic gentry tried to blow up the king and both Houses of Parliament failed and anti Catholic laws were tightened. A. Religious and social tensions
caused strain.
B. Attitudes changed
Tutor Poor Law beginning in 1536 divided the poor into the deserving( women, children, the aged, the lame, the sick, and the halt) and undeserving or sturdy beggars who were able-bodied unemployed men. Disserving poor were helped when local communities got taxing authority to provide poor relief. In 1563 and 1572 these taxes were made compulsory. Collected by churchwardens, they were administered the by the local JP. Laws in 1572, 1598, and 1601 authorized public housing, plus workhouses, child schooling and apprenticeships to make the poor more useful. Undeserving poor were punished by Tudor legislation beginning in 1495 when beggars were placed in the stocks for three days, whipped, and sent back to their home villages. In 1547 Parliament decreed they be branded with a “V” for vagrant, enslaved for two years, and put to death on a third offense. This unenforceable law was repealed. A 1572 law made denial of poor relief easier by requiring help be from their parish of their birth. Poor Laws Success depended JP generosity. Some historians feel private charity, especially in the endowment of schools and hospitals did more good. Others point out that the poor rates got many people through hard winters, especially the working poor. They were the first large-scale government relief attempt since Roman times and may have helped England weathered the famines of the 1590s and 1620s without major peasant revolts, as in France. Many felt that crime went up when religion, paternalism, neighborliness, the Poor Law, and even order itself broke down entirely. But, criminal court records indicate felonies were on fell sharply through the 1660's.
Individualism Slowly Replaced Kinship/Lineage
Based Patriarchal Tribalism
Centered Took many Centuries to End the Chain of Being
Source Christian Institutional Interests caused the banning of popular
marriage customs. Individual Property Rights developed and undermined the linage property rights required for a patriarchal tribal order. Early Feudalism enhanced social ties once provided by tribalism/kinship and provided greater physical protection. A Moneyed family relationship |
eventually replaced the Patriarchal family kinship required of tribalism. Social Mores and family rules were governed by the church. Political change followed. Individualism preceded the
development of the state, Marx was wrong.
16th century There was no clan based tribal competition for power but there
was a feudal based blood nobility to consider. |
renegotiation of kinship law was less prevalent under Medieval Centralized Courts. The rise of state power required an educated centralized legally trained bureaucracy. It developed a sustained system of precedents known as stare decisis. Religion was essential to this process of law development. The King was not above Catholic Church law. He was not
above common law. Equal fair application of |
See Quick Notes on
War of the Spanish Succession England's Hegemony begins
The Tudor Revolution in Government
The Growth of Religious Toleration
Freedom of Religion_Began_in_1636
Modern Western Civilization Economic History
t |
Although king and Parliament, Anglican and Puritan, landowner and merchant did seek unity, not conflict or advantage, there were five longterm areas of tension left over from the Tudors over which they could not agree. The problem of sovereignty: Is the king above the law or subordinateto it? What should be the respective, proper roles of king and Parliament? When push comes to shove, who decides on policy? The problem of government fi nance: Does the king have apreemptive right to the property of his subjects? How should the government pay for itself? What role should it play in the national economy? The problem of war and foreign policy: What is England’ properrole in Europe? Should the English taxpayer support a more active role? The problem of religion: What should the state religion of Englandbe? Should other faith traditions be tolerated? Who makes religious policy: king, Parliament, the bishops, local communities, or a combination of all four? What should be the answers to these questions for Scotland and Ireland? The problem of local control: What is the proper relationshipbetween the central government in London and the English localities? What should be the relationship between that government and those of Scotland and Ireland?
186 On the question of sovereignty, clearly, Parliament was sovereign. When William and Mary and Anne and George proved unable to have living children, Parliament would once again draw the succession to its liking in the Act of Settlement of 1701. The English king remained powerful, with most of his executive powers intact. But his fi nancial and diplomatic situation would dictate that he could no longer rule without Parliament. That meant, inment could work. Thus, in 1688, England was well on its way to constitutional monarchy. On the issue of foreign policy, William’s accession would bring the British kingdoms into the fi ght against France. In fact, the ensuing Nine Years’ War would be the fi rst of seven colossal confl icts pitting Britain against France between 1688 and 1815. Britain would win or draw six of those wars and emerge the most powerful military state, with the greatest overseas empire, and therefore, the richest country, on earth. On the issue of fi nance, these wars would force Crown and Parliament to fi nally solve the former’s money problems by tapping the growing wealth of the English economy. On the issue of religion, clearly, England would not be Catholic. However, Parliament recognized that Dissenters had stayed loyal to Protestantism even when James offered them toleration. As a reward, they were granted the Act of Toleration, which enabled them to worship openly, in peace. (They were still subject to the Test Act.) In the end, with the pressure off for a Counter Reformation, de facto tolerance would gradually be extended to Catholics, as well. On the issue of local versus central control, it should be obvious that the landed aristocracy was as powerful as ever. In the end, the Glorious Revolution marks England’s fi rst successful break from the Great Chain of Being. English men and women, not God, had chosen a king. They were masters of their own property. They could choose their religion (as long as it was Protestant). They could take on the might of France. They could run their localities as they saw fi t. Having broken their chains, they would now begin to fl ex their muscles
The Restoration Settlement—1660–70 Lecture 35 The English people—having killed their king, and having tried a republic and then a monarchy in all but name under Oliver Cromwell—decided to try to turn back the clock and restore the very Stuart line that they tossed out of the country a little more than a decade before. How do you do that? How do you restore a system that had been haphazardly dismantled over the course of a decade? Did Restoration mean that the Civil Wars had settled nothing? What, if anything, had been settled? The British Civil Wars settled none of the long-term tensions that produced them, but the English ruling elite did learn three lessons from the wars: England needed both a king and a Parliament. This did not, however, settle which should be sovereign. Old Royalists favored the king as the bulwark of order. Old Roundheads favored Parliament as the guardian of liberty. Puritans were political and religious radicals, to be watched as closely as Catholics. Finally, the common people were a dangerous ally. Never again would the English ruling elite enlist them to effect political or religious change. The Restoration settlement of the state was a compromise. Charles II resumed many of the powers wielded by his father. He could make peace and war. He could call, prorogue, and dissolve Parliament. He could name government offi cials. He alone could call out the militia. He could dispense with the law in individual cases and suspend it in times of emergency. He received a fi nancial settlement intended to yield £1,200,000 a year to run his government. However, the Convention Parliament contained many Presbyterians who had fought against Charles I and had no wish to make his son absolute. Thus, each of these powers was qualifi ed. The king had no standing army; Parliament would not vote him the funds for one. (The New Model Army was paid off.) The Triennial Act still required the king to call Parliament at least once every three years. Parliament could still impeach the king’s offi cials and many of the prerogative courts by which he imposed his will (the Star Chamber, High Commission, and others were never restored). Local nobles and gentry still raised the militia for the king—or not, as they |
were tried and executed for his father’s execution, though Cromwell’s body was exhumed and mutilated. Living Roundheads were often reappointed to the offi ces they had held under the Commonwealth and Protectorate. But old Royalists accused the king of forgetting his friends. Charles II was often disloyal, unreliable, and self-serving. He was also lazy and indecisive. Above all, he was a cynic who trusted no one. Who could blame him, given his own history and that of his family? This goes far to explain the king’s obsession with diversion and the extravagance and amorality of his court. The Restoration court was the greatest center of cultural patronage of its day. It gave rise to many new fashions: the comedy of intrigue; the fi rst stage actresses; the three-piece suit for men; and in England, champagne, tea, and ice cream. It promoted the careers of, among others: Dryden, Etherege, Rochester, and Wycherley in poetry and drama; Purcell and Blow in music; Lely and Kneller in painting; Gibbons in carving; and Wren in architecture. The court was a great center of political intrigue, in which politicians, courtiers, and royal mistresses vied for power. Among the latter were Barbara Palmer, Countess of Castlemaine; Louisse de Kerouaille, Duchess of Portsmouth; the actress Nell Gwyn; and many others, who produced 14 acknowledged royal bastards. The time and money spent by the king on diversion drained the royal Treasury, and wounded the dignity of the Crown, but made the court tremendously attractive for anyone on the make. Unfortunately, the king’s own wife, a Portuguese princess named Catherine of Braganza, was incapable of having children. Her infertility and Catholicism made her unpopular. They also increased the importance, as heir apparent, of the king’s younger brother, James, Duke of York. Thus, to England’s other problems can be added a succession crisis. Clearly, Charles II was ill-fi tted to solve the problems that had led to the Civil Wars. On sovereignty, he was an absolutist at heart. He admired his cousin, Louis XIV, who ruled France absolutely. On fi nance, Charles could not rule without Parliament, or raise an army to intimidate it, such as Louis had at his disposal, because he spent money on other things. On religion, the king’s Anglican subjects worried about his apparent tolerance for Catholics and Dissenters. In fact, although Charles II was impressed by Catholicism’s emphasis on hierarchy and obedience, he was careful to remain a public Anglican. But by the early 1670s, just as it became obvious that the king and his Catholic queen would have no legitimate heir, the Duke of York, next in line for the throne, began to worship openly as a Catholic. On foreign policy, early in the reign, England’s principal enemy was the Dutch Republic. The Dutch were aggressive traders seeking to break the Navigation Acts and, thus, into England’s overseas empire. The result was the Second Anglo-Dutch War of 1664–1668. The war began well with the capture of New Amsterdam, renamed New York, in 1664. It ended disastrously when Charles II laid up the fl eet to save money, allowing the Dutch to sail up the Medway, burning English shipping. The war brought down Lord Chancellor Clarendon and disgraced the new Restoration regime. Beginning around 1670, Charles II and his new ministry would try to solve his constitutional, fi scal, religious, and foreign policy problems with a series of bold strokes.
page 186 At the end of the Glotous Revolution the ruling elite moved quickly to maintain order. In 1688, 300 former MPs and civic leaders concurred. This group agreed to elections for another Convention Parliament, which met on 22 January 1689. 1689, William and Mary were offered the Crown by Parliament, they were presented with a Declaration of Rights, which stated that no king of England could tax without parliamentary permission, use the suspending power or abuse the dispensing power, manipulate the judiciary, or continue a standing army without parliamentary permission. The Revolution of 1688–1689 was thought of as “glorious” by the Protestant ruling elite, at least. No blood was shed. Unlike the period 1642–1660, the ruling elite was able to engineer a political revolution without a social one. This time, the lower orders did what they were told. This might cause us, from the viewpoint of the 21st century, to ask what was so glorious about a revolution that did nothing for the great mass of the people and was perpetrated to preserve religious The Glorious Revolution marks England’s first successful breakfrom The Great Chain of Being. English men and women, not God, had chosen a king. They were masters of their own property. They could choose their religion (as long as it was Protestant). They could take on the might of France. They could run their localities as they saw fi t. Having broken their chains, they would now begin to fl ex their muscles |
The Revolution of 1688–1689 can still be regarded as glorious because it offered progressive answers to most of the questions that had beset the Stuarts for nearly a century. On the question of sovereignty, clearly, Parliament was sovereign. When William and Mary and Anne and George proved unable to have living children, Parliament would once again draw the succession to its liking in the Act of Settlement of 1701. The English king remained powerful, with most of his executive powers intact. But his fi nancial and diplomatic situation would dictate that he could no longer rule without Parliament. That meant, in turn, that he had to choose ministers |
King William’s War—1692–1702 Lecture 41
Despite William’s victory in Ireland, the overall situation in 1690–1692 remained grim. Louis XIV’s armies were victorious on the Continent. In June 1690, Louis’s navy beat an Anglo-Dutch fl eet at Beachy Head, thus opening England to invasion. Parliament launched a series of divisive inquiries into the course of the war and how the money allotted for it was being spent. These inquiries and the conduct of the war pointed out a fundamental shift in the respective roles of the parties after the Revolution. But the most important member of the Junto was Charles Montagu, First Lord of the Treasury from 1692, Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1694, and Lord Halifax from 1697. He launched the “Financial Revolution” that enabled England to win the war. The Nine Years’ War was the most expensive in English history to date, trebling total government expenditure to about £5 million a year. Louis raised funds easily, because he had no Parliament with which to deal. Rather, he simply taxed the French peasantry at will. William did have to deal with
a Parliament, which only reluctantly voted him a land tax of four shillings in the pound in 1693. This source was estimated to yield £2 million a year, at most. Because it was assessed and collected by the landowners themselves, it never actually reached the estimated yield. Montagu’s idea was to tap England’s growing commercial wealth. He established a fund out of the land tax to service loans made to the government, thus initiating England’s funded national debt. He offered government annuities at 14 percent interest in return for loans of quick cash. (The principal would be paid back only in peacetime.) He established government-sponsored lotteries. He established the Bank of England, which acted as an investment opportunity for subscribers, a source of loans for the government, and a sort of federal reserve to regulate the money supply. The resultant Financial Revolution had far-reaching effects. To secure Parliamentary approval for these initiatives, William had to make concessions: In 1691, he agreed to a parliamentary Commission of Accounts to examine his expenditure. In 1694, he agreed to another, stricter Triennial Act. In 1701, he agreed to limitations on royal power in the Act of Settlement (see below). Thus, the Financial Revolution helped advance the work of the Glorious Revolution in making England a constitutional monarchy. The Financial Revolution enriched its investors, creating a new class of “moneyed men” who made money from credit. They embraced the Whigs and their very profi table war. Tories saw them as parasites, not least because the security for their speculative endeavors was the land tax. Thus, the Financial Revolution was yet one more force in English society destroying the Great Chain of Being. William’s government raised fabulous sums of money. This enabled him to fi eld and supply Continental armies and far-fl ung fl eets. In the long run, this wealth would make the English Crown (as opposed to the English monarch himself) fabulously wealthy and make England the greatest military power on earth. The British army grew to 76,000 men. The central administration increased from about 4,000 offi ces to over 12,000 between 1688 and 1725. Faced with fi ghting global wars (in Europe, in North America, and on the high seas), this administration grew more effi cient and professional.
English monarchs would allow the Protestant-dominated Irish Parliament to pass a series of harsh laws called the Penal Code. The Catholic Irish were forbidden from voting, holding offi ce, sitting in Parliament, attending university, practicing law, purchasing land, bearing arms or wearing swords (a mark of gentility), and owning a horse worth over £5. They were forced to divide bequests among all their heirs, thus leading to the gradual elimination of large land holdings. As a result, by 1727, the Catholic Irish amounted to four-fi fths of the population but owned one-seventh of the land. No wonder that William’s victory at the Boyne continues to rankle Catholic Irish even as it is celebrated by their Protestant countrymen. Despite William’s victory in Ireland, the overall situation in 1690– Unfortunately, the Junto lacked a general, and William was more brave than brilliant at strategy. But his unrelenting determination, combined with British superiority in men and materiel, fi nally ground Louis down. In 1697, he agreed to the Treaty of Ryswick. Louis recognized William III, not James II, as the King of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Louis restored nearly all the European territory he had conquered since 1678. Louis agreed to work out with William a partition of the Spanish Empire to take effect when Carlos II died. After the peace, the Whig government broke up because of internal jealousies and a reaction in the country toward peace, low taxes, and the Tories. A Country-Tory ministry and Parliament led by Robert Harley repudiated the policies of the Junto. They demobilized William’s army and sent home his Dutch Guards. They confi scated lands William had given to Dutch and English favorites. They impeached Whig ministers. But their most notable achievement was the passage of the Act of Settlement in 1701 The Whigs gave William a formidable war ministry, in particular one that was able to tap England’s growing commercial wealth. The result would be a successful conclusion to the war with the Treaty of Ryswick of 1697. That put a stop—temporarily—to Louis XIV’s territorial ambitions. Ironically, the country
The fi nal signifi cance of Marlborough’s victories was that, in convincing
the queen and British voters that the Whigs were right about the war, they
boosted Whig fortunes in government and Parliament. The queen began to
employ more Whigs in offi ce, and they began to win elections. The Tories,
in their frustration, grew desperate in pursuit of their agenda. In 1704,
they offended the queen and nation by attempting to “tack” a bill banning
occasional conformity onto the land tax bill. This attempt to hold funding
for the war hostage to religious intolerance failed miserably. In 1705, they
insulted the queen by moving in Parliament that the Church was in danger
under her administration and that a member of the Hanoverian family
ought to be invited to Britain in case she should grow senile. These moves
convinced Anne that the Tories were irresponsible party ideologues, leading
her to appoint even more Whigs under the ostensibly moderate Marlborough
and Godolphin.
The country followed the queen’s lead, returning Whig majorities in the
elections of 1705 and 1708. Led by Marlborough and Godolphin, who
began to work closely with the Junto, these Whig Parliaments achieved
some notable legislation. They avidly funded the war, thus making possible
Marlborough’s victories. In response to the Tory suggestion of a Hanoverian
visit, the Whigs passed the Regency Act of 1706. This act decreed that
Anne was served by able ministers, for which she deserves some credit. John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, Anne’s captain-general, was the greatest military commander of the age. Sidney, Lord (from 1706, Earl) Godolphin, her lord treasurer, was a fi nancial genius equal to Montagu. Robert Harley, from 1704, a secretary of state, was the period’s greatest pure politician and a born leader of the House of Commons. Anne needed these men to act as managers—on the battlefi eld and in Parliament—with a view to keeping her from having to give herself over entirely to the Whigs or the Tories. She wanted to preserve her freedom of action by employing the most moderate men of both parties, whose loyalty was, ultimately, to her. But the Whigs and Tories were bent on forcing the queen to employ only members of their respectiveparties in government. In Parliament, each party sought The key to securing majorities in the House of Commons (which might lead to offi ce and creations in the House of Lords) was to win elections. Thanks to the Triennial Act of 1694, there were 12 general elections between 1689 and 1715. This increased party tensions, focused party organization, and brought more people into the political process. Some 330,000 males—5.8 percent of the population—had the vote by 1722, by far the largest electorate in Europe. Many of these people could be bribed or intimidated by their landlords or employers, because there was no secret ballot. But the electorate was too large to be controlled completely. Therefore, both parties had to spend heavy sums on propaganda. Both political parties were very sophisticated organizations by 1702. Nearly every member of the ruling elite aligned with one party or the other, and party solidarity in Parliament was almost total. The Whig/Tory split permeated almost every aspect of elite culture. There were Whig and Tory writers, newspapers, and periodicals; Whig and Tory clubs and coffee houses; and even different ways in which female party sympathizers wore their makeup! In the country at large, Whig and Tory peers competed to be lords lieutenants, which gave them control of the militia. Whig and Tory gentlemen competed to be JPs, which gave them control of justice, the price of grain, and other concerns. In towns, Whig and Tory professionals and merchants competed for places on the corporation, the court of aldermen, and so on. This gave them control of local government and poor relief. The great issues that divided Whig from Tory during the reign of Queen Anne were the succession (which had deep implications for sovereignty), religion, and the war (which, of course, embraced both foreign policy and fi nance). The Act of Settlement had decreed in 1701 that Anne would be succeeded at her death by the Hanoverian family of Germany. Whigs were happy with Parliament making this choice and with a Lutheran monarch. Tories, on the other hand, were divided between Hanoverians and Jacobites, who secretly hoped and worked for the succession of “James III”—sometimes in cahoots with Louis XIV. Anne was offi cially a Hanoverian, but like Elizabeth before her, she disliked the subject of her own demise. This silence led many Jacobites to assume that she was secretly one of them. In the end, the succession would be determined by the outcome of the war: If the British and Dutch won, the “winner” would probably be the Hanoverians. If the French won, the monarch would be James, whom Whigs dubbed the “Pretender.” The religious question, too, would be partly determined by the war. There remained a small minority of Catholics who wanted to be left in peace. But a British defeat in the War of the Spanish Succession would mean the succession of a Catholic king and, probably, some sort of Catholic restoration. Given that the war went well, the religious debate centered mostly on the fate of the Dissenters. Queen Anne, the Tories, and the Anglican majority wanted
Dissenters to remain second-class citizens. Some wanted to roll back the toleration or pass a bill against occasional conformity. This would hurt the Whigs, because so many of them were Dissenters. Whigs wanted to extend the toleration by repealing the Test Act. The war would be determined by what strategy the allies pursued and how much money England, in particular, could throw at it. Whigs were all out for the war. They saw Louis XIV’s France as the chief danger to the peace of Europe, the Protestant faith tradition, and the English way of life. They feared that a Bourbon on the throne of Spain would lead to the subjugation of Europe. They feared that a Catholic Stuart on the throne of England would undo the Reformation and the Revolution Settlement. Whig fi nanciers and merchants also benefi ted from fat war contracts. Thus, Whig ministers and politicians favored taking the confl ict to Louis by fi ghting an aggressive—and expensive— land war on the Continent and supported the high taxation and fi nancial expedients necessary to fi ght the war. Tory politicians and landowners supported the war reluctantly. They had less fear of Louis XIV and believed that Dissenters, not Catholics, were the chief danger to the Protestant tradition. Their Jacobite wing wanted “James III” restored to the British thrones. Tory landowners were sick of the land tax and suspicious of a costly military that seemed to achieve so little. Tory ministers and politicians preferred, therefore, a “blue-water” naval strategy, which involved attacking French colonial possessions, to an expensive land war. Because Anne’s fi rst Parliament and government were dominated by Tories, the war would start slowly for England. Eventually, the queen would face the same choice as her predecessor: Temper
The fi nal signifi cance of Marlborough’s victories was that, in convincing the queen and British voters that the Whigs were right about the war, they boosted Whig fortunes in government and Parliament. The queen began to employ more Whigs in offi ce, and they began to win elections. The Tories, in their frustration, grew desperate in pursuit of their agenda. In 1704, they offended the queen and nation by attempting to “tack” a bill banning occasional conformity onto the land tax bill. This attempt to hold funding for the war hostage to religious intolerance failed miserably. In 1705, they insulted the queen by moving in Parliament that the Church was in danger under her administration and that a member of the Hanoverian family ought to be invited to Britain in case she should grow senile. These moves convinced Anne that the Tories were irresponsible party ideologues, leading her to appoint even more Whigs under the ostensibly moderate Marlborough and Godolphin. The country followed the queen’s lead, returning Whig majorities in the elections of 1705 and 1708. Led by Marlborough and Godolphin, who began to work closely with the Junto, these Whig Parliaments achieved some notable legislation. They avidly funded the war, thus making possible Marlborough’s victories. In response to the Tory suggestion of a Hanoverian visit, the Whigs passed the Regency Act of 1706. This act decreed that Parliament would remain in session after the death of the queen, and a Regency Council, composed of Hanoverian supporters from both parties, and the Revolution. Godolphin and the Whigs believed that a show trial was necessary to defend themselves and the Revolution. The Tories and most ordinary people could see only that the Whigs were attacking an Anglican priest. When his indictment was announced in March 1710, many ordinary Londoners rioted, attacking Dissenting meeting houses. Anne was further offended by the Junto’s tendency to ignore her wishes and attempt to foist a completely Whig ministry on her. By 1708–1709, even such moderate Tories as Robert Harley had left the ministry. Anne’s friendship with the Churchills fell apart as they insisted on the Whig point of view. Following the death of Prince George in the fall of 1708, Queen Anne felt alone. In the spring and summer of 1710, Anne, following the advice of Robert Harley, engineered a ministerial coup. She began to work behind the scenes against her own ministry, urging members of Parliament to vote against Whig measures and to be lenient with Sacheverell. In April 1710, she began to remove Whigs one by one. Had Godolphin and the Whigs resigned en masse, the government would have been paralyzed and Annewould have had to capitulate. Instead, individual Whigs sought to cling to power, enabling Anne and Harley to pick them off one by one. In August 1710, Anne removed Lord Treasurer Godolphin in favor of a commission to run the Treasury, dominated by Robert Harley. Anne may have been a constitutional monarch, but her
would govern the nation until the arrival of the Elector. It also repealed much of the anti-monarchical legislation of the Act of Settlement: The Whigs expected to be in power under a Hanoverian and they did not want to weaken the executive. To ensure a Hanoverian succession in both kingdoms, they secured an Act of Union with Scotland in 1707. The Scots, angry at their second-class treatment from London, in particular, their exclusion from the trading system established by the Navigation Acts, threatened in 1703 to name the Pretender as their next sovereign. When union was proposed, they were reluctant to give up their national sovereignty, but trading privileges and bribes made the deal palatable. The result was a new state: Great Britain. The Act of Union was the high water mark of Whig fortunes under Queen Anne. As the decade drew to a close, the overconfi dent Whig ministry began to offend both the queen and the electorate. First, Anne and her subjects began to wonder why Marlborough’s recurring victories did not lead to a peace. The harvests of 1708–1709 were so bad that the French peasantry could no longer pay taxes and, in March 1709, Louis sued for peace. He was willing to concede nearly all the allied demands: Spain, Italy, the West Indies, fortress towns on the Dutch border, and the Hanoverian succession. But when the Whig diplomats demanded further that Louis use his own troops to dislodge “Felipe V” from Spain, he decided that he would rather continue fi ghting the British. The queen and her people began to believe Tory charges that the Whigs were prolonging the war to enrich the Duke of Marlborough and government contractors and maintain a standing army. The Whigs further offended the country when, in 1709–1710, they prosecuted an Anglican clergyman, Rev. Henry Sacheverell, on a charge of seditious libel for an intemperate sermon attacking the Dissenters, the existing government, the Mediterranean; Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Hudson’s Bay in Canada; St. Kitts in the Caribbean; the asiento, that is, the exclusive right to sell slaves to the Spanish New World; and recognition of the Hanoverian succession by Louis XIV. The Whigs believed that these paltry acquisitions after the expenditure of so much blood and treasure would impeach Oxford in the next reign. But, in fact, the Treaty of Utrecht was a masterstroke of diplomacy, ensuring British superiority in Europe and beyond for a generation. It did not matter that a Bourbon sat on the throne of Spain, because both Spain and France were exhausted, fi nancially and militarily, after so many years of warfare. Louis XIV would never again challenge for European supremacy or pose a threat to the Hanoverian succession. Britain’s territorial acquisitions sealed her status as the wealthiest trading nation on earth: Gibraltar ensured strategic control of the Mediterranean and its trade. The Canadian territories provided furs and Grand Banks fi sh to clothe and feed Europe. Britain’s Caribbean possessions and dominance of the slave trade ensured control of the notorious “triangular trade” in slaves, tobacco, and sugar from the New World. As a result, the British would be the wealthiest and most powerful nation in Europe: British trade produced money, which produced military superiority, which produced victory, which produced colonies, which produced more trade. In other words, the Commercial Revolution begat the Financial Revolution, which begat Blenheim, which begat the Treaty of Utrecht, which begat an empire, which begat more commerce. Eventually, the profi ts from this process would be invested in the fi rst Industrial Revolution, thus further extending the British lead. The French never fi gured this out, which explains why they lost or drew six of seven wars against Britain between 1688 and 1815. It should never be forgotten that these policies also begat the misery of the Irish people and the atrocity of the slave trade This made it diffi cult to prevent that party, led by Henry St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke, from simply hijacking the ministry on these issues. Thus, while the Tories pressured Oxford to appoint them and follow their party line on these issues, Oxford had to please the queen by trying to hang onto Whigs. In the area of religion, the Tories sought to roll back the toleration, drive Dissenters (including many Whigs) out of public life, and restore the monopoly of the Church of England. Both Anne and Oxford saw this as needlessly divisive. In 1711, Anne and Oxford agreed to bills to build 50 London churches and to ban occasional conformity. Far more seriously, in 1714, they agreed to the Schism Act, forbidding Dissenters from teaching or keeping schools. Not surprisingly, nearly every Whig had resigned offi ce by 1714. Oxford was failing the queen in his attempt to maintain a moderate ministry. But it was the succession that brought Oxford down. That issue began to grow more pressing after 1710 as the queen’s health began to fail. The Whigs supported the Hanoverian accession unequivocally. They were in close contact with the Electress Sophia and, after her death in May 1714, with her son and successor, the Elector Georg Ludwig. The Tories remained split between a Hanoverian and a Jacobite wing. The latter still hoped that, on her deathbed, Anne would restore her half-brother, James. Because the Tories were by far the largest group in the Commons, Oxford tried to convince both Hanoverians and Jacobites that he was one of them. He wrote to both James and Georg Ludwig, promising his support. He made confl icting promises to supporters of both men. Finally, in the summer of 1714, the queen discovered
BBC. A History of Britain.http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/programmes/hob/ index_series1.shtml. British Broadcasting Corporation Web site; history to 1603. ———. British History to 1776. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/programmes/ hob/index.shtml. Source for early modern England. http://www.quelle.org/emes/emes.html.
Queen Elizabeth left her success James many problems. He would clashed with his first 1604 Parliament made more independent by Elixabeth over who had the right to determine the legality of elections to the House of Commons. These were exacerbated by his financial problems.made worse by a reign bracketed by two periods of famine (the 1590s and 1620s) and subject to rapid inflation. He inherited a corrupt and inefficient administration and revenue system. Unlike Elizabeth, James had a wife and children who would need their own courts. James inherited an expectant and rapacious court, anxious for a more generous royal patron. James inherited a debt of £365,000, or one year’s expenditure.